Xbox preview invites

Invite sent, and it is not a problem at all. All I ask is that people follow the instructions in the first post (as you have), so that it makes it was for me to help them. If someone just posts their gamer tag in here they won't get added. To type them all would drive me potty. I was overwhelmed when I first put the thread up. The requests were flying in and you can image what a pain it would have been to type each one. That's why I never invite from comments to articles, so many leave their tags that it would be a nightmare. I do sometimes drop a comment about getting invites in the forums, as I want them to get in. By directing them here they are able to see the first post. The first post answers 99% of the follow up questions too, so helps us all. Before I added to it I was receiving hundreds of "when will I get in?" questions. So the first post had multiple edits and additions.

I hope you get in, if not, just drop me a message on Live. And thanks for reading the first post.
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@peachy001 Thanks for sending T invite to me! It's been helpful to have early access to the Miracast receiver support for my friends and I to test during our design collaborations. It's nice that if we ever need to cast our work on a big screen we can on the Xbox One, and now I can take my WDA home.

Not to mention the quests, tinkering, and feedback for testing new stuff. Thanks!
My pleasure. Glad you got in, particularly as you are doing something useful with it. I hope everyone is providing feedback to them.
Please read the first post in the thread. I rarely check my activity feed, so the message on Live is essential. Found a gamer today that added me as a friend days ago. He would have been waiting a long time if I had not gone into my feed.

The message on Live just needs to say you are from WC. You are of course free to add anything else.

Happy gaming people.
Peachy if you need help sharing invites I can help out... Anyone that wants in follow the same protocol with me and friend me while sending me a message on live.... This is why I switched from Sony Playstation to Xbox the community is kinder and more open to helping eachother out!
Hey guys, I am long term developer across many platforms, but folks over gaming forums doesn't give a ˇˇˇˇˇ, I would really like to join Xbox One Preview Program, since I am pretty sure, I could provide feedback which could be useful. I am not here to stroke my ego, but I am done application for Windows and also WP and I feel, like I would like to be part of this. Could you please someone send me an invitation, it would be greatly appreciated.

My GT: M1chl

If anyone can do this to me, I would be really grateful. Thanks and have a nice day/evening or night. Since timezones and stuff.
Hi guys, thanks for the offer wiederman. Truth is, I don't mind. Thankfully the requests are much more manageable, and I have covered off man FAQs in my first post in the thread. At the start the requests came in very frequently, like several an hour. Now, I may get a few a week, but anyone reading this is free to either weiderman or myself. All we both require is that you follow the instructions in my first post.

I began this as a way to assist the community, and it seems that weiderman is also of a similar mindset. The offer extends to any Xbox One owner, regardless of any phone preference that you may have.

Cheers people, and thanks again weiderman. You may meet some really great gamers, I have. It also helped get people onto my gaming leaderboards, so that was good. My Trials Fusion times are still safe though!
Looking forward to an invite. I have a OTA tuner and antenna to connect and want to try the features but its only for preview members currently. Gamertag is the same as my name here. I sent a message :)
Same here, just sent you a message in live. Gamer tag BIG BAMBOO. Anxious to try out this OTA tuner functionality here in the US. Hope it's as nice and easy as using my xbox 360 as a windows media player extender.
sweet, such a benevolent thing to be doing, i was wondering how to possibly go about getting XB1 invite, then i saw your instructive post here, i added you as friend and sent message, (you are my first friend, lol) my gamertag is EyedCardShark87 btw ;) - thanks a lot if possible!
hello peachy001 I have sent you a friend request on LIVE and msg to let you know I am coming from WC.
Please invite me for preview builds, my gamertag is: nemanjadxb
thank you
I have it and it sucks big time, causes my xbox to drop out of live on a constant basis. I cant open or close an app or game without a crash. Not worth it. Thumbs down!!

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