Xbox preview invites

Sent a message. Thanks for doing this! I bet this can get old quick!

To be honest, I don't usually mention it in article comments. I tend to let people find the forum post. If you do it from a comment, there may be 5 or 6 that leave their gamer tag, which is not too bad. But, I am not a fan of typing gamertags in, people tend not to have normal names. They combine letters and numbers, makes it a nightmare.

Yesterday though, I noted that there were some real compelling extras for preview members. I directed a couple to the forums in the comments. I think I may gave left 2 comments, and only in response to others.

To say I have been busy is an understatement. Last night I spent 4 hours doing them. Today, my phone struggle to charge, had so many requests that I had used 91% of my battery by my lunch. My phone sits unused in my drawer at work, and normally uses approximately 10% all day.

At lunch I stuck it on charge. 4 hours later it had not got beyond 50%. Even now I have to keep it plugged in. I'm at 10% again!

My battery is red hot. While typing this I have had more than 10 messages pop up. In triple figures in 24 hours. And I really do think that the last 24 hours have killed my 920. Luckily, the 940 will be out soon.

Thankyou to all those that the first post in this thread, and then followed the instructions. Makes it all much easier.

And yes, I'm still doing invites. So, come one, come all.
Hi peachy001, I sent you a friend request and a message. When you get a chance an invite to Djbuti Djinn would be appreciated.
Hopefully the gamer tag Hideous Ice (that is not the exact spelling) will try again. I deleted the message in error! If that is you, feel free to message me again.

With regard to the requests so far, be aware that it takes time to add so many. Just the "done..." messages I send have taken me over an hour so far tonight. For some, I will have done the invite an you or so ago, so be patient, all requests (apart from the one I deleted in error) have been done.

As always, please read the first post for full instructions.
Hi Peachy, I've added you and sent you a message on Live - username: lemonsteveo Hope to catch some games with you and the rest of this great community! Thanks for doing this, the WC community is the best!!
Hey Peachy, sent you a msg and added you as a friend on xbox live. CrimsonReLLiK
Thanks for all your time and effort!
Please be patient people. Also, try to avoid the urge to message me chasing for the invite. Some last night sent multiple Live messages, which slows me down a bit. A couple of gamers sent around 10 further messages. I generally do them within 24 hours, but from then it is up to MS. "bumping" your message actually puts you further back in the queue, due to Xbox live moving threads to the top of the list. I work from the oldest first when adding. If I haven't messaged you back in 48 hours, give me a nudge.

Also be aware that the invite process is easy, but can be a little time consuming when I gave hundreds to do. Last night it took me over 1 hour just to send the "done" messages.

So, in conclusion, yes everyone can have an invite. But, the instructions must be followed, or else I genuinely won't notice you appearing in my activity list.

Lastly, I get quite a lot of people asking if I want to game with them. I'm happy to game with anyone, but if I forget to reply, it is because I have had tons of messages. Also, if I send a "done" message, and you want to reply, could you give it an hour or so? Just to give me time to churn through the requests.

Cheers people.
Thanks for the info! TerRoKKinIT is my Gamertag, and I just sent ya an email. Feel free to add me as well (along with any of y'all who are on Xbox...I need some friends on Xbox!).
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]looks like peachy001 is getting overwhelmed with requests if anyone whats an invite add me on xbox with small message & I will send invite to Xbox Live Preview program gamertag - supadryz. [/FONT]
Please be patient people. ...

looks like peachy001 is getting overwhelmed with requests if anyone whats an invite add me on xbox with small message & I will send invite to Xbox Live Preview program gamertag - supadryz.

Thanks Peachy for setting me up. You are just getting inundated with requests and doing a phenomenal job of keeping up with demand. Now that a bunch of us have Preview Access, maybe you can create a new post with instructions and a list of volunteers to distribute the workload? Something along the lines of users posting a reply that names the volunteer they are sending the request to so that others won't just request from the first person on the list.
Quality posts! I sort of brought it upon myself!

I may tweak the first post, might be easier. I have had the same offer before from a couple of gamers. To be fair, it is not a long running thing, and should die down shortly.

At least if I tweak the 1st post, it keeps people following 1 set if instructions. I'll fire my laptop up in a bit.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]looks like peachy001 is getting overwhelmed with requests if anyone whats an invite add me on xbox with small message & I will send invite to Xbox Live Preview program gamertag - supadryz. [/FONT]

LOL, it was the ones that kept bumping every 10 minutes. I'm a placid guy, and but there were a couple that may have expected an instant response. I get that, so I can't moan too much. I am going to add you and a couple of others to the 1st post as other potential gamers that can do invites.


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