Xbox preview invites

I have now tweaked the 1st post. There are a couple of gamers that have also offered to throw their hat in to the mix and provide an invite facility. This may relieve the pressure at peak times, and also stop my Lumia 920 catching fire!

As ever, read the 1st post, follow the instructions, and we will do our best. In regards who you pick, I genuinely don't mind if it is myself or one of the others.

If anyone else wants to add their GT in to the mix, then drop me a message here. I will then copy and paste it in to the 1st post.

Cheers people, viva la community!
Hi, added you as a friend on xbox and sent you a message. Thank you in advance =)

Im Part of the Xbone Preview as well and I don't mind helping out with invites. The more the better IMO. Plus I get to hang out with more WC peeps.

GT: AluHS​
So get this I just added someone to the preview by streaming my Xbone to my PC. And the Xbone is like 5 feet away form me. I dunno if that's a new lazy for me or what.
If someone could hook me up with an invite that would be awesome.

Really looking forward to all the new stuff announced at e3.

My xbox live gamer tag is: danecando

Welcome to the invite thread!

Please have a read of the 1st post in the thread, for full instructions. There are several members, including myself that are happy to assist.
Thanks peachy, just got your message on Live. Just waiting for MS and that golden ticket, I mean email now! :D Cheers
Hi, just added peachy001 as a friend and sent the message. I really appreciate that we have people like this to help out the community. The main reason I want to get the preview is for the game streaming and backwards compatibility. I recently attended the Xbox fan fest 2015 event for e3 and they were demoing the game streaming stuff at the xbox party. It was really awesome and blew me away. Thank you guys for helping us get the preview invites and ill have my fingers crossed that I actually get to try it.
Sincerely, thanks for following the instructions! As long as people send the message, I'll add them. I've had way too many that don't, it is frightening. Trouble is, E3 changed my evenings, lol! When a 100 people message me, I can't cross reference that with the activity feed. If I notice some, I try to add them. But, I don't send the "done" message to them anymore. I think that is fair. The others in the first post might, but why risk it, just send the message, help us all.

Key to success is the first post in the thread....
Thanks for the invite AluHS. I'd be glad to be on the OP request list to help out after I get everything setup. Gamertag: GamesAreOk
Hi all,

Hopefully all who sent me message & added me on Xbox Live received an invite & was successful. I am surprised with the turn around by Microsoft as I have had quite a few replies saying they have already been accepted which is great news!!.

Also just a note please, please! send a small message when adding me stating you want a Preview invite other wise I will have no idea that this is reason for adding me as a friend & more than likely ignore you adding me.

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