Yahoo mail. Can receive but not sending

For no apparent reason, yahoo mail stop working again and constantly asking for password. Nobody else having this problem?
For no apparent reason, yahoo mail stop working again and constantly asking for password. Nobody else having this problem?
Same problem for the past year. It happens randomly and very infrequently so I haven't tried to do anything about it. Out of nowhere it will refuse to send Yahoo mail and gives me the pop-up to put my password in. I use an Ativ S, so i think it's a WP OS problem, not a Nokia problem.
Unfortunately, it can happen at the wrong time. If I am not on road traveling, I can always use the office computer but not if I happen to be on the road for a few day and it's precisely that few days that it stop working. And I am also using the ATIV S.

When Yahoo stop working, gmail will stop working as well except for hotmail.
I think the smpt client portion of the OS is buggy. It just craps out once in a while and you have to reboot. That's my experience anyway.
I think the smpt client portion of the OS is buggy. It just craps out once in a while and you have to reboot. That's my experience anyway.

I have reboot, took out the battery and even reset back to factory default and none of it will work. It will takes it's own sweet time for a couple of day and all of a sudden, start working again until the next episode.
Problem is back again :( I've created an address and I'm considering switching. But I like my address and find it easy to access wherever I am ( unless it's not playing ball with WP8), so I'm loathe to switch completely.
I have the same problem. Mainly with my ovi account but recently with my yahoo account too. It happens on my laptop using the Windows 8.1 mail client as well. Getting tired of having to keep entering my passwords. :(
I just got a Nokia Lumia 925 and almost instantly got the cyan update and yahoo mail will not work for outgoing mail. Incoming works fine. My old phone is a windows 7.8 and I checked all the smpt settings between the phones and they're all the same. Old phone still works both ways. 925 only receives will not send. I thought perhaps the windows 8.1 client is buggy so I d/l "emailbox" app and it has similar issues except it will send to another yahoo address and go thru. Sending to outside addresses don't go even though the app seems to think they have. Has anyone figured out what the deal is with this? I have tried checking to see if I have a phone update but it says I don't. I can't completely get rid of my old phone service until I get this figured out.

After posting this I discovered that my emailbox app DID send mail to my account. Live just sent it to junk mail for whatever reason. So, until I figure out the problem with the regular app I'm gonna use this client, even though it's less than stellar.

After posting the first edit I connected my phone to my wifi and was able to send an email just fine. I thought AHA! So I turned the wifi back off and used the cellular connection and it worked just fine again. Perhaps the problem was with the phone and connecting properly once via wifi sorted it out? I dunno but it seems to be working now.
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I think I have nailed the problem. Cut & Paste from else where.

"Also, the automatic time setting is as broken as it's ever been, so you'll have to set it manually (and again every time you run out of battery). Seeing as email syncing is linked with the internal clock, you'll stop receiving new messages if the time is set incorrectly."
Optiplex: I don't know what you're talking about with the time synch.

I am having the problem again and I have tried a few things to correct it all to no avail.
I have tried uninstalling the yahoo mail account from my phone and re-installing it.
I have tried using the alternative yahoo mail port that I found on yahoo's web site but it didn't work.
When I use the phone connected to wifi it works perfectly but when I try to connect through cellular data is when I have the problem.
Hotmail/outlook/live works perfectly every time.
I SUSPECT that there is some sort of mapping issue between the phone, the cell provider and yahoo.
I further suspect that there is a setting that is incorrect somewhere and if I could just find it everything would work out fine.

Anybody who has had this issue that fixed it I'd greatly appreciate a point in the right direction.

What's the secret?
Has anyone else figured this issue out.

I don't think I've ever been able to send emails with my Yahoo account thru Outlook on my 635. Don't remember, but believed it worked on 1520.

Remember reading something about Outlook having issues with "attachment" size even though I'm just sending regular emails.

Settings look like what was posted earlier in this thread.

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