You are going to see more of our games on more platforms": Xbox chief Phil Spencer says Microsoft will continue making first-party titles multiplat...


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Jun 24, 2023
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"Why buy an Xbox if you know that game you're interested in will come to PlayStation in a year or two?"

That's an easy answer: Because I get to play it first and not have to wait.
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Aug 8, 2013
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"Why buy an Xbox if you know that game you're interested in will come to PlayStation in a year or two?"

That's an easy answer: Because I get to play it first and not have to wait.
Same could be said about PC playing PS games. And I'm fine with that.

The difference really is that Game Pass serves first day exclusives to their users, while Sony doesn't do that to theirs. Big difference if you ask me.

K Shan

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Aug 3, 2015
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"Why buy an Xbox if you know that game you're interested in will come to PlayStation in a year or two?"

That's an easy answer: Because I get to play it first and not have to wait.

That was the argument for windows phone losing exclusives like Microsoft Office. Then when they started releasing at the same time it became "Best on MS". And once android became the lead platform it changed to a promise to keep supporting windows phone.

I really don't have a problem with multiplatform especially multi-player that benfits xbox owners by increasing the player base. I'm just so, so tired of investing in MS products only to have them slowly kill them.


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Feb 3, 2024
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making careful decisions about which games to bring to rival platforms and which ones to keep exclusive to its consoles and the PC market

and then you say:
Why buy an Xbox if you know that game you're interested in will come to PlayStation in a year or two?

The media think it's Phil Spencer who is unclear but in fact it's the journalists who are confused. Spencer always said it would be case by case, where's the change?

We already know roughly the typology of games, historically already multiplatform games like Doom and Call of Duty, service games in search of new customers, small games. In any case for the moment, no big IP seems planned.

You say it yourself in your first quote, only certain games can be multiplatform and others will be exclusive.

And then you say why buy an Xbox if a game you are interested in will be released on PlayStation 1 or 2 years later?

- Already, you have to know in advance
- Then, you really have to buy a console for just one game in this case. It's a shame with all the good games that Xbox offers and most of which will remain exclusive
- Afterwards, you always have the advantage of being able to play before everyone else
- You also have the advantage of gamepass which is only available on Xbox and PC
- You are sure to have all the Xbox exclusives for the long term.
- You are sure to have an optimized version and to play in optimal conditions on Xbox (even if Xbox undertakes to offer identical versions on paper)

Why have a second choice console if you can have an Xbox, especially since all PlayStation games also come out a few years later on PC and even some day one games on PC ?

When you see all the quality games offered by Xbox, the question is no longer whether it is better to have an Xbox or a PlayStation but whether it is better to have an Xbox or a PC ? (or both) There is the question !

And in any case, the gamepass has almost become essential!
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