Your faith in WP8


New member
Jan 30, 2013
I love hearing from other WP8 users as to me it seems like we're a group that has been forced into the underground, hiding from the android and iphone users and communicate with each other via a hidden radio frequency lol. But anyway I love my lumia 920 and hope to see it grow and become a valid platform and are wondering from fellow WP8 users if you have faith in the platform growing and become a true third choice in the smartphone market. I'd love to know what everyone thinks. Thanks.
Well MS has taken some steps in the right direction but there's a lotta work to be done. If a bit more market share is gained, I think more devs will come onboard.
Well MS has taken some steps in the right direction but there's a lotta work to be done. If a bit more market share is gained, I think more devs will come onboard.

while MS has taken some steps in the right direction, it has also taken many steps in the wrong way. Look at recent articles. They are slow, dragging at their feet.
while MS has taken some steps in the right direction, it has also taken many steps in the wrong way. Look at recent articles. They are slow, dragging at their feet.
Like I said, there's lots of work to be done. I hate to be nothing but critical regarding a platform. I pretty much currently have them all. I have an iPad, BB PlayBook and Nexus 7. They all their strengths and weaknesses.
i do believe it will take third place in smartphone market share but it need more time most importantly windowsphone users need to be more patient
Like many people around here, I love WP8, but MS has been painfully slow in patching some obvious holes. Despite this,I do think that they may just be starting to sway public perception.

Just a week after the 920 launch, I met with a number of my coworkers at a sales meeting. They all made jokes about my "Windoze" Phone and how heavy it was. We recently got together again and everyone was really curious about how I liked my phone. The Android users said that they were tired of the bugginess of their phones, but weren't willing to go to the small screen size of the iPhone 5, so as long as the 920 was more stable than their current devices they were willing to give it a try.

The one iPhone user thought that the tiles looked really cool and he was ready for something different after three generations of iPhones.

I know that this is just my experience, but the turnaround in people's openness to Windows Phone in just the last three months is remarkable. If this is happening on a more wide scale, then WP will have no problem achieving 3rd place!
I used to have faith, but it's quickly waning. The mess that is the WP8 syncing app and Xbox Music has pretty much ruined the WP8 experience from me. I couldn't have been happier with WP7 and Zune (that's not entirely true, there was stuff missing of course) and was an advocate for the platform. I just can't recommend either Windows8 or Windows Phone 8 to anyone, MS has failed in the execution completely. I think the idea is right, but MS is fumbling the ball in about every single corner.
I do have to agree with one thing, that MS is being just a little slower then I would like them to be but these things take time I'm sure.
I've had my 920 since release. I moved from an iPhone 4S. It was new and exciting. Now the little features that you take for granted, stuff that you said you could compromise for at the beginning, now annoy you. Annoy you. Annoy you even more until you ask yourself how you could be so stupid as to let all the bling blind you into something that doesn't work well. (Some more than others since we all use our phones differently)

I won't go into everything as I will sound like a broken record but Microsoft is being painfully slow. If you want proof then look at all that Nokia does for the platform then compare what Microsoft is doing. I'm not talking about apps. I'm talking about core functionality.

It is beyond frustrating.
I'm pretty sure that WP8 market share will explode when people start to use Windows 8 in mass. This will be the turning point that makes people recognize Windows phones even more and make them say:" Oh ok, its Windows 8 on your phone, I get it, I could use that"
I guess you could call me a blind MSheep, or a fan boy, or just an idiot, but coming from a rooted Thunderbolt that I could never get to work right, even after the first day I bought it, I have to say I have absolute faith in WP8. Yes, its not perfect, but its been perfect for me!
Sent from my wicked sexy HTC 8X windows phone using Board Express
I'm pretty sure that WP8 market share will explode when people start to use Windows 8 in mass. This will be the turning point that makes people recognize Windows phones even more and make them say:" Oh ok, its Windows 8 on your phone, I get it, I could use that"

If that happens I might agree, it's a long ways from it now though. If I can go seamlessly from Phone to PC to Xbox using the same apps (only bought once) and the experience is consistent it'd be a hit. MS just cant come close to figuring that out and in the meantime basic functionality is being lost and broken. Of course Win8 is perhaps even more buggy and clumsy than WP8 right now so I don't see people more than tolerating it. Few use the start screen I'm sure.
If that happens I might agree, it's a long ways from it now though. If I can go seamlessly from Phone to PC to Xbox using the same apps (only bought once) and the experience is consistent it'd be a hit. MS just cant come close to figuring that out and in the meantime basic functionality is being lost and broken. Of course Win8 is perhaps even more buggy and clumsy than WP8 right now so I don't see people more than tolerating it. Few use the start screen I'm sure.

I'm running Windows 8 Pro x64 on 4 year old laptop. It runs faster and uses fewer resources than Windows 7 Professional x64.

I'll be getting a new ultrabook with touchscreen to take full advantage of Windows 8. However, I have no complaints about Windows 8.
I've had no issues with Win8 at all...

As for WP8? I won't trust my life with it, but that goes equally for Apple and Google.
If that happens I might agree, it's a long ways from it now though. If I can go seamlessly from Phone to PC to Xbox using the same apps (only bought once) and the experience is consistent it'd be a hit. MS just cant come close to figuring that out and in the meantime basic functionality is being lost and broken. Of course Win8 is perhaps even more buggy and clumsy than WP8 right now so I don't see people more than tolerating it. Few use the start screen I'm sure.

I don't agree with you on W8. In fact, I find that the situation is opposite of what you said. I have been using Windows 8 since RTM and I have never had a single issue with it. I can't say the same for WP8 though. Numerous random reboots, numerous freezes and crashes. I'm beginning to feel tired rooting for WP8. If Microsoft doesn't do something about it, then I will be leaving this ship. I believe many feel the same too.
Id love to see them step it up! Competition drives innovation especially in the phone market, lets see something really cool!
I went from Windows to Android for three reasons. Lack of phone variety, to few apps and those tiles. Android is on so many different kinds of phones and has hundreds of thousands of apps available. I do see Windows Phones becoming big again, but always at the number 3 spot. BlackBerry will never overtake Windows. Microsoft has to much muscle. Please don't take this as trolling. I mean this with all respect.
Just a week after the 920 launch, I met with a number of my coworkers at a sales meeting. They all made jokes about my "Windoze" Phone and how heavy it was. We recently got together again and everyone was really curious about how I liked my phone.
Same story here. I'm starting to see more WPs than ever at work and people are beginning to accept WP as a serious alternative to iPhone/Android.
I don't agree with you on W8. In fact, I find that the situation is opposite of what you said. I have been using Windows 8 since RTM and I have never had a single issue with it. I can't say the same for WP8 though. Numerous random reboots, numerous freezes and crashes. I'm beginning to feel tired rooting for WP8. If Microsoft doesn't do something about it, then I will be leaving this ship. I believe many feel the same too.
You should get a replacement phone if you have random reboots, freezes, and crashes. More likely hardware issues. I have couple friends with WP8 and they don't that issues you're talking about. In fact, I just ordered another Lumia 920 yesterday.

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