But I think you are a minority. Overall, most people don't need true multitasking file system access, flash, and those horrid widgets. They just want a phone that works, and works well. Right now WP is missing alot, but I am trusting Microsoft to get in the game with WP, because they're screwed if they don't. (mobile is the future). Anyway, for those who want a phone with great integration and stability like an iPhone, but choice like an android, we can get Windows phone without paying an arm and a leg to apple or selling our data and life to google and the android mess. I think it will be a slower process than most users want, but WP will catch on.There are problems with WP8 that are not present on other platforms, and a lot of them are on the shoulders of Microsoft. That's as simple as I can put it.
I like the concept behind Windows Phone, I'm very interested in developing for the platform... but at the end of the day, I will get things in my daily life completed faster with a Nexus 4 than with a Lumia 920. From notifications to multitasking to automation through Google Now, Android makes for a much smarter device than Windows Phone. It's a sad but true reality, and for me it's a compromise either way.
There are problems with WP8 that are not present on other platforms, and a lot of them are on the shoulders of Microsoft. That's as simple as I can put it.
I like the concept behind Windows Phone, I'm very interested in developing for the platform... but at the end of the day, I will get things in my daily life completed faster with a Nexus 4 than with a Lumia 920. From notifications to multitasking to automation through Google Now, Android makes for a much smarter device than Windows Phone. It's a sad but true reality, and for me it's a compromise either way.
Geez with that small timeframe you're giving MS you might as well count on getting a Galaxy S4.Currently waiting for the Galaxy S4, if by the time that its released WP8 hasn't fixed some of these issues "other storage" etc then I will be switching to android and see what they have to offer.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
At the end of the day, I don't like to be pessimistic, but you have to use common sense and be a realist. All these promises and "soon to comes" NEVER COME, and nothing but strings of false hope to give them just ONE MORE CHANCE to get it right "this time". Until Microsoft takes the platform more seriously, I can't help but keep my eye open for other platforms and carry two devices. IMHO, I think Microsoft is actually OK with not having a lot of marketshare right now (hence, why they said they're in it for the LONG HAUL in the smartphone wars), and are actually targeting US when they do things. Think about it....why would they NOT advertise the platform harder, or get bigger name apps, or deliver broken promises...? I think it's because they KNOW they have a small cult following (the WPCentral forum people lol), and they're simply trying to string US along and keep US on board so they can keep SOME marketshare until the "year for Windows Phone" truly comes around....
I thought he meant US as "us WP fans" and not United States. At least that's how I read it...If I understand what your trying to get at I think youve got that wrong. The US has one of the smallest marketshares for WP8 its much bigger in the UK and Europe. UK is up around 7% and Italy is around 11%. WP will never be big in the US purely because its where apple and android are completely dominant. I very much doubt MS are ok with that but they have taken a realistic view on things. They arent going to dethrone either of the top two overnight its going to take years and lots of steady progression.
That should be the LEAST of your worries. The kernel shift from WP7 to WP8 was Microsoft's plan pretty much from the beginning and yes, they PO'd plenty of people but that's not going to happen with WP8.I worry that Windows Phone Blue won't be supported on my phone.
I thought he meant US as "us WP fans" and not United States. At least that's how I read it...
He probably meant that for emphasis but bold type (when possible) works just as good :wink:Ahh maybe. USE OF CAPSLOCK FOR NO APPARENT REASON must have thrown me off.
One of the biggest tech world mysteries of 2012. Everybody was led to believe Microsoft was hiding something BIG for that Oct 29 press conference. What a waste of time it was.Why hold the SDK until the very last minute...
Off topic but I find it interesting that you went with a pregnant wife in your example. If I were to guess, cheating husbands probably do the least amount of cheating during that time period. But...cheaters are cheaters so who really knows?It's like a cheating husband (Microsoft) who promises his pregnant wife (Windows Phone users on a string of hope) that "it was just this one time, and I swear I'll never cheat again...".
I'm with you here. I can tell you are/were a WP7 owner. I was too. It was painful. I almost got a 920 but then I saw the old Microsoft was back, releasing half-baked stuff. I jumped to iOS to avoid the pain (iOS is not without its share of pain, that's for sure) but remain hopeful to return to WP, when MS gets its act together.They screwed the little marketshare they DID have and expected those customers to just "understand how big of a change this was", only to deliver next to nothing in the new OS but some extra settings, new tile sizes (which 7.8 got anyway, which are broken....), and a bunch of smoke in terms of promised apps. Do I need the top 46/50 apps? No...what I need is a company that commits to what they say they're doing and DELIVER...instead of insuring the customers that took a chance with this stupid company (AGAIN) that they are working on delivering a finished product instead of this "by holiday season" bull.
The problem with people these days is egotism, and hyperconnectivity. People forget how large the corporate world really is, and they also make themselves believe their ****** opinions are the popular consensus. -A perfect example is when a city has a heatwave, they, and other asshats get into hysteria mode and cry about global warming, while forgetting that their crappy little town takes up less than 1% of the globe. Meanwhile, global temps have lowered since 1997, and the South Pole is growing at record levels. -Totally unrelated to mobile sales, but there's just some jack**ses that believe their little cellphone store in their stupid town is the center of the universe... and the tell-all of all global sales for an international corporation whose interests vary from country to country. To sum it up...most people are crybabies and spoiled little shi*ts.
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I'm with you here. I can tell you are/were a WP7 owner. I was too. It was painful. I almost got a 920 but then I saw the old Microsoft was back, releasing half-baked stuff. I jumped to iOS to avoid the pain (iOS is not without its share of pain, that's for sure) but remain hopeful to return to WP, when MS gets its act together.