Your faith in WP8

Currently waiting for the Galaxy S4, if by the time that its released WP8 hasn't fixed some of these issues "other storage" etc then I will be switching to android and see what they have to offer.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
There are problems with WP8 that are not present on other platforms, and a lot of them are on the shoulders of Microsoft. That's as simple as I can put it.

I like the concept behind Windows Phone, I'm very interested in developing for the platform... but at the end of the day, I will get things in my daily life completed faster with a Nexus 4 than with a Lumia 920. From notifications to multitasking to automation through Google Now, Android makes for a much smarter device than Windows Phone. It's a sad but true reality, and for me it's a compromise either way.
There are problems with WP8 that are not present on other platforms, and a lot of them are on the shoulders of Microsoft. That's as simple as I can put it.

I like the concept behind Windows Phone, I'm very interested in developing for the platform... but at the end of the day, I will get things in my daily life completed faster with a Nexus 4 than with a Lumia 920. From notifications to multitasking to automation through Google Now, Android makes for a much smarter device than Windows Phone. It's a sad but true reality, and for me it's a compromise either way.
But I think you are a minority. Overall, most people don't need true multitasking file system access, flash, and those horrid widgets. They just want a phone that works, and works well. Right now WP is missing alot, but I am trusting Microsoft to get in the game with WP, because they're screwed if they don't. (mobile is the future). Anyway, for those who want a phone with great integration and stability like an iPhone, but choice like an android, we can get Windows phone without paying an arm and a leg to apple or selling our data and life to google and the android mess. I think it will be a slower process than most users want, but WP will catch on.
There are problems with WP8 that are not present on other platforms, and a lot of them are on the shoulders of Microsoft. That's as simple as I can put it.

I like the concept behind Windows Phone, I'm very interested in developing for the platform... but at the end of the day, I will get things in my daily life completed faster with a Nexus 4 than with a Lumia 920. From notifications to multitasking to automation through Google Now, Android makes for a much smarter device than Windows Phone. It's a sad but true reality, and for me it's a compromise either way.

My experience with WP8 has been nothing but positive. I've had one total random reboot with my phone since I've got it, and it has been fluid, smooth and reliable all the way through. It has an exceptionally solid foundation - but there is a lot of work to be done. There's nothing to be done in terms of getting developers on board, aside from bribing or threatening them, so Microsoft needs to keep stepping on the gas to improve the o/s to bring users to the table. Once that happens, the development cycle will take on a life of its own.

As for Windows 8 - I use it on my touchless laptop; and while it excels at touch interfaces, I haven't had a single problem,
I love WP8 for the most part and think it will be a big player in the future but I did think it would have made some more progress by now. Microsoft haven't pushed it nearly as much as I thought they would; I thought WP8 was going to be far more hyped up than it has been. I would have thought we'd have some newer features by now too, or atleast some news as to what we can expect. It doesn't seem that Microsoft care about this platform as much as I thought they would. I guess Microsoft have so much money that they don't care if they take things slow.
To me, there are two problems:

1. Microsoft is stuck in the 90's and think it's still "their world", and hence they drag their feet with EVERYTHING Windows Phone and flat out ignore the most common complaints (Xbox Music, VPN, volume controls, etc). It's like they refuse to believe Windows Phone is failing, both from a developer standpoint and a consumer standpoint, and they treat as a pet project where "if it succeeds, it succeeds, and if it doesn't, oh well...."

2. People just hate Microsoft. Developers just refuse to support the company and I don't ever see this improving. I do have faith that, regardless of the lack of the big name apps (Instagram is the biggest one that comes to mind), there can still be a shift where consumers start catching on to Windows Phone IF IT WERE PROPERLY ADVERTISED; again, a Microsoft problem...

I really do want the platform to succeed and I really want to come back; in fact, I have people offering to trade my 4s for a 920 plus enough cash to make up for the fact that Windows Phones don't sell well. Now that the games are coming from Gameloft, and there are natural language voice assistants, I plan on giving the platform another try until I can't stand it again (and try to buy an iPod Touch alongside my phone). This is my favorite OS, and I want it to be my ONLY device, but Microsoft it just taking WAY too long to truly live up to their boasting of "this being the year for Windows Phone"; they've said that EVERY YEAR, and nothing ever comes out of it. NOW, it's looking like 2014 is supposed to be the year they "get it right" because of the first "Mango-ish" type of update for WP8 coming at the end of the year; that alone lets me know that things will be JUST LIKE Windows Phone 7 all over again because they are, again, taking FOREVER to push real updates that address things. The recent article on Microsoft being silent about Windows Phone's failure also isn't reassuring.

At the end of the day, I don't like to be pessimistic, but you have to use common sense and be a realist. All these promises and "soon to comes" NEVER COME, and nothing but strings of false hope to give them just ONE MORE CHANCE to get it right "this time". Until Microsoft takes the platform more seriously, I can't help but keep my eye open for other platforms and carry two devices. IMHO, I think Microsoft is actually OK with not having a lot of marketshare right now (hence, why they said they're in it for the LONG HAUL in the smartphone wars), and are actually targeting US when they do things. Think about it....why would they NOT advertise the platform harder, or get bigger name apps, or deliver broken promises...? I think it's because they KNOW they have a small cult following (the WPCentral forum people lol), and they're simply trying to string US along and keep US on board so they can keep SOME marketshare until the "year for Windows Phone" truly comes around....
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Give it 2 years. If MS do the same again and release WP9 and find some excuse as to why WP8 devices can't be upgraded WP will die a death or never be big. After all ios can do it so you get access to updated apps. If they follow apples lead so 1. Consumers don't get left in with a marketplace that will likely see few updates and 2. Devs who's apps were ready just before or just after announcement don't get left with an only reducing marketplace with customers who are less likely to invest money.

Forget what's best to use.... If you know when you buy into IOS and buy an app you'll be able to use on next phone and likely next phone after that you will pay for an app and revs will develop because they know the marketplace and customers will be there in numbers for a long time. WP well first wave dumped?? Now I'd bet a lot of companies wondering about making an app and supporting it and the costs are sitting there wondering if it will happen again. Now with a 40-50% market share these companies can see a profit in a year. With WP they won't see a profit for the investment and with thoughts of app being dumped again you can see why some apps are not here. I bet some of those apps were in development when wp8 and no wp7 upgrade was announced (and change in dev tools). So wp7 app dev stops and they then question will MS do same to them again...

MS needs to get some trust back. MS needs to come out and say we'll support these devices into an WP9 upgrade (except features that need new hardware). If they make that commitment I think the devs, companies and missing apps will come a lot quicker than they are and I think the customers will come quicker too. I'd love a WP8 device but by time I can afford one maybe in a year secondhand I'll then be wondering will I get 8-9months out of this and get dumped again. If I get phone I'd be unlikely to pay for an app anymore through that same worry.

on the back of wp7 being dumped a lot of us were upset and they said we'll give you 7.8 and vote for features and apps you'd like in it.... well goodie they really came through for us with just a new look start screen that's broken hahaha. Not really what they promised (but reduced the noise from wp7 owners and dragged it over a period so less of a public outcry now)...

MS Give us the trust back, give us a commitment cos you really did leave devs and people who just bought phones high and dry (and there be very little app updates from here on in)....

It's not that hard to see why it's an issue and what you can do to fix it! So unless your not that interested and don't care if it goes way of WM then do something about it.

john ;)
I think part of the reason Android is so successful is because it can be adapted to run on a range of relatively low-end hardware; boosting low-cost droids in markets like India and China for instance.

Nokia seems to be taking steps in the right direction with this so hopefully WP8 adoption will go up soon. And with that comes other goodies like more developer interest and so on.
Overall I'm happy I have a Nokia WP device (as opposed to just any WP device) because they seem more committed to WP8 than Microsoft seems to be.
Currently waiting for the Galaxy S4, if by the time that its released WP8 hasn't fixed some of these issues "other storage" etc then I will be switching to android and see what they have to offer.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Geez with that small timeframe you're giving MS you might as well count on getting a Galaxy S4.

On topic, my faith in WP8 is waning. I hope MS can solidify it.
I wonder if these people who complain about how Microsoft doesn't care or they are stuck in the past as the dominance read a recent article about how Joe said they are working on other storage issues and Skype integration to people hub. No Microsoft hired new team just for windows phone. No Microsoft do care but they just have not found the right rhythm. You guys forgot what windows phone is all about, get in get out and get back to your life. This is windows phones core foundation strength and no other OS does it better.
At the end of the day, I don't like to be pessimistic, but you have to use common sense and be a realist. All these promises and "soon to comes" NEVER COME, and nothing but strings of false hope to give them just ONE MORE CHANCE to get it right "this time". Until Microsoft takes the platform more seriously, I can't help but keep my eye open for other platforms and carry two devices. IMHO, I think Microsoft is actually OK with not having a lot of marketshare right now (hence, why they said they're in it for the LONG HAUL in the smartphone wars), and are actually targeting US when they do things. Think about it....why would they NOT advertise the platform harder, or get bigger name apps, or deliver broken promises...? I think it's because they KNOW they have a small cult following (the WPCentral forum people lol), and they're simply trying to string US along and keep US on board so they can keep SOME marketshare until the "year for Windows Phone" truly comes around....

If I understand what your trying to get at I think youve got that wrong. The US has one of the smallest marketshares for WP8 its much bigger in the UK and Europe. UK is up around 7% and Italy is around 11%. WP will never be big in the US purely because its where apple and android are completely dominant. I very much doubt MS are ok with that but they have taken a realistic view on things. They arent going to dethrone either of the top two overnight its going to take years and lots of steady progression.

In my opinion theyve done enough so far and im actually happy they are taking their time. The jump to win8, RT and WP8 was huge. Its going to take time for things to settle and for people to accept all the changes made to the OS. Upgrades to windows 8 will increase and with that so will the interest in WP8 which was probably the game plan since last June when it all got announced.
I'm very happy with Windows Phone 8. I think it doesn't get nearly enough appreciation and many of it's problems are overblown.

That's not to say there aren't problems. While I don't think some of them are huge, at least from my perspective, they paint a picture that concerns me. The issue with the Other category is a big one. Why wasn't this caught during development and testing? And coupled with this is the fact that there is no file browser for Windows Phone 8 so we don't even know what's going on there, much have a consistently effective way to deal with it.

The second concern I have is for the future. It's ironic that while Apple's desktop/laptop environment is bad with backwards compatibility, the reverse is true of their mobile devices. The two-year-old iPhone 4 will run iOS 6.1. A one-year-old Lumia 900 is out of luck. I appreciate that the jump to WP8 was substantial, it brought a whole new kernel with it, but I wouldn't want to see that happen again.

From that perspective I worry that Windows Phone Blue won't be supported on my phone. And if that were to happen, I don't think it would bode well for the future of the platform. Starting from scratch once again and generating a lot of bad will at the same time. But obviously it's way to soon to have any sense for what's going to happen with this.
If I understand what your trying to get at I think youve got that wrong. The US has one of the smallest marketshares for WP8 its much bigger in the UK and Europe. UK is up around 7% and Italy is around 11%. WP will never be big in the US purely because its where apple and android are completely dominant. I very much doubt MS are ok with that but they have taken a realistic view on things. They arent going to dethrone either of the top two overnight its going to take years and lots of steady progression.
I thought he meant US as "us WP fans" and not United States. At least that's how I read it...
The problem with people these days is egotism, and hyperconnectivity. People forget how large the corporate world really is, and they also make themselves believe their ****** opinions are the popular consensus. -A perfect example is when a city has a heatwave, they, and other asshats get into hysteria mode and cry about global warming, while forgetting that their crappy little town takes up less than 1% of the globe. Meanwhile, global temps have lowered since 1997, and the South Pole is growing at record levels. -Totally unrelated to mobile sales, but there's just some jack**ses that believe their little cellphone store in their stupid town is the center of the universe... and the tell-all of all global sales for an international corporation whose interests vary from country to country. To sum it up...most people are crybabies and spoiled little shi*ts.

I worry that Windows Phone Blue won't be supported on my phone.
That should be the LEAST of your worries. The kernel shift from WP7 to WP8 was Microsoft's plan pretty much from the beginning and yes, they PO'd plenty of people but that's not going to happen with WP8.
I did mean "Windows Phone forum nerds" lol, not the United States.....

I'm just saying, why would they NOT promote it, like AT ALL when they said they would....?

Why would announce all these things coming to Windows Phone (that, ironically, Windows Phone forum readers were asking for) during the product launch and then just NOT deliver them when they had plenty of time to have it ready...?

Why hold the SDK until the very last minute so that they can promise the top 46/50 apps that are STILL nowhere to be found....?

Because they KNOW who pays attention to them, and they know they have TRUE Windows Phone fans on a string of hope that Microsoft WILL get it right "this time around". It's like a cheating husband (Microsoft) who promises his pregnant wife (Windows Phone users on a string of hope) that "it was just this one time, and I swear I'll never cheat again...". They screwed the little marketshare they DID have and expected those customers to just "understand how big of a change this was", only to deliver next to nothing in the new OS but some extra settings, new tile sizes (which 7.8 got anyway, which are broken....), and a bunch of smoke in terms of promised apps. Do I need the top 46/50 apps? No...what I need is a company that commits to what they say they're doing and DELIVER, which Microsoft clearly believes they are doing because they tweet dumb stuff like "Know how easy it is to take a picture on your Windows Phone 8 device without turning on the phone and holding the camera button....?" instead of insuring the customers that took a chance with this stupid company (AGAIN) that they are working on delivering a finished product instead of this "by holiday season" bull.

Do we expect them to answer EVERY TWEET or EVERY QUESTION with answers we want to hear? No, but some feedback or SOMETHING would be nice. The article about Microsoft being silent about Windows Phone speaks volumes; they really DO BELIEVE they just have an awesome product that people will eventually just "catch onto" when they're ready to accept Windows Phone's matter how long that takes....
Ahh maybe. USE OF CAPSLOCK FOR NO APPARENT REASON must have thrown me off.
He probably meant that for emphasis but bold type (when possible) works just as good :wink:

Why hold the SDK until the very last minute...
One of the biggest tech world mysteries of 2012. Everybody was led to believe Microsoft was hiding something BIG for that Oct 29 press conference. What a waste of time it was.

It's like a cheating husband (Microsoft) who promises his pregnant wife (Windows Phone users on a string of hope) that "it was just this one time, and I swear I'll never cheat again...".
Off topic but I find it interesting that you went with a pregnant wife in your example. If I were to guess, cheating husbands probably do the least amount of cheating during that time period. But...cheaters are cheaters so who really knows?

They screwed the little marketshare they DID have and expected those customers to just "understand how big of a change this was", only to deliver next to nothing in the new OS but some extra settings, new tile sizes (which 7.8 got anyway, which are broken....), and a bunch of smoke in terms of promised apps. Do I need the top 46/50 apps? No...what I need is a company that commits to what they say they're doing and DELIVER...instead of insuring the customers that took a chance with this stupid company (AGAIN) that they are working on delivering a finished product instead of this "by holiday season" bull.
I'm with you here. I can tell you are/were a WP7 owner. I was too. It was painful. I almost got a 920 but then I saw the old Microsoft was back, releasing half-baked stuff. I jumped to iOS to avoid the pain (iOS is not without its share of pain, that's for sure) but remain hopeful to return to WP, when MS gets its act together.
The problem with people these days is egotism, and hyperconnectivity. People forget how large the corporate world really is, and they also make themselves believe their ****** opinions are the popular consensus. -A perfect example is when a city has a heatwave, they, and other asshats get into hysteria mode and cry about global warming, while forgetting that their crappy little town takes up less than 1% of the globe. Meanwhile, global temps have lowered since 1997, and the South Pole is growing at record levels. -Totally unrelated to mobile sales, but there's just some jack**ses that believe their little cellphone store in their stupid town is the center of the universe... and the tell-all of all global sales for an international corporation whose interests vary from country to country. To sum it up...most people are crybabies and spoiled little shi*ts.

View attachment 30028

Ok, WTF did I just read? Mind-boggling! And seriously, temperatures have dropped and the South Pole is growing? Didn't know that. Learn something new every day.

I'm with you here. I can tell you are/were a WP7 owner. I was too. It was painful. I almost got a 920 but then I saw the old Microsoft was back, releasing half-baked stuff. I jumped to iOS to avoid the pain (iOS is not without its share of pain, that's for sure) but remain hopeful to return to WP, when MS gets its act together.

Oh yes, Xbox Music is painful compared to Zune. Still sticking it out with MS though, pain or no pain, WP is still the best choice for me.

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