Your favorite Xbox One games

For me it would have to be Wolfenstein : the new order. I like playing single player games and the fittest releases single player was underwhelming. After I bought wolfenstein day one it brought me back to the world of single player campaign and intense fight. What I played when growing up. It was so attracting. The gameplay, the guns. Anyways Doom looks like it would be like that, but I haven't bought doom yet. Maybe after doom I'll change my opinion.
It's really a hard decision to make but if I have to choose one then it's Forza Horizon 3
I'm a fan of both simulators and arcades. Always wanted the real driving experience in a huge map to explore but before the first Forza Horizon real driving experience was only for the sim racings and the huge maps was an arcade thing only. Horizon was like a dream came true but by the time it came out I was rocking my PC with a 580GTX and an i7 960 so Xbox 360 was not something I look into.
To cut the long story short FH2 was the reason I bought an Xbox One and FH3 was the STFU and take my money moment.
Think it's Final Fantasy XV for me right now. Still playing it regularly. I did enjoy Re:Core a lot too, and Mirror's Edge right now is the game I'm currently progressing in, but its very frustrating I think because of the load times.
Overall since launch of Xbox One: Tomb Raider Remastered and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Currently: dividing my time between Mass Effect Andromeda, Re:Core, Skyrim Enhanced, and Fallout 4.
One of the Halo Wars games or Rise of the Tomb Raider. Primarily a PC gamer, so a RTS with a good story is sure to grab my attention.
Fallout 4!

Looking forward to seeing it at 4K via project Scorpio ☺

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