Simple Solution Background procedures Close ALL.


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Oct 6, 2016
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Unless I am missing something why do we have to close background procedures 1 by 1?
why cant we close them all in 1 long key press or swipe up/down, (swiping down closes a background procedure on that app or procedure/Menu)
Rather annoying to have to swipe them all down 1 by 1...
This is 2016 this feature should be standard.
I think this would save time, battery, and leave the phone in a better state for say sleep, Removing a cluttered list sitting using up resources when they don't need to be,
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Oct 6, 2016
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I really do think there is potential for improvements in this area of the phone, the long BACK press brings up this menu/option, its very basic and could be a lot better, I think they could reduce the size of the pictures for each background app, say 6 to 8 background apps on the screen, drag to remove still as option but remove ALL too. I realise this is for multi tasking but it needs to be improved.
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Oct 6, 2016
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It is actually advisable to leave the built in Microsoft Apps in the task switcher for better performance.
I just force close 3rd party apps.

More details here
Yes for multitasking I agree totally, but there needs to be an option to close all
are you trying to suggest leaving all these things sitting in the background is advantageous for anything other than multitasking, last thing I do at night is close them all down 1 by 1
BTW, your Lochness Monster Pic, I was born and bread in ~Inverness :)
EDIT>> Performance HIT, this I have noticed 100% Fact, the performance of the device slows down when that list of apps or procedures are FULL. I have often wondered why my device was getting slow and when I cleared that list the device speed was increased, there are a few app RAM optimizers on the store, I used 2 today and when I pressed optimise they cleared several hundred MB of RAM, having those items sitting on standby avoiding splash screens or whatever must come at a cost?
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Jun 11, 2013
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In fact there are advantages in leaving the built in Microsoft Apps sitting in the background.

I read in an article before supplied by Microsoft which was intended for developers (sorry can't find the article anymore)

That the apps in the "task switcher" get into a "suspended" state.

In this "suspended" state, the app does not use any CPU cycles and does not negatively impact battery because it simply resumes instead of going through the launching process again (which uses more battery)

If you notice, apps in the task switcher resume quicker because it somehow wakes from this suspended state.

My take is just leave the built in Microsoft apps in the apps switcher and force close any 3rd party ones.

I had the habit before of force closing apps but taught myself to leave the 1st party apps open. My experience is better now.

Personally, I leave open Messaging, Calendar, Photos, Settings, Calculator, Alarms & Clock, Groove.
The rest I close.


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Jun 11, 2013
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upvote on feedback app, if public response is good we might see the feature present in redstone 3 or in future updates.

like landscape orientation for start? oh we've been asking and voting that thing up even before "insiders" was a thing, a big guy from ms told the community to upvote it if they wanted it, they did, and that was months ago, still nothing

even the damn iphone plus has had it for ages now, but this is the productivity company right? jeezz

abhishek singh21

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Apr 27, 2014
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a big guy from ms told the community to upvote it if they wanted it, they did, and that was months ago, still nothing

we did our part , work in progress maybe. ^_^

if you remember, early windows 10 mobile builds ( TH1~TH2) has missing windows logo on multitasking screen when on start menu. It was reported and upvoted but the fix came with anniversary update. so yes MS is slow on patching things up but they are working on it as we speak.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Yes for multitasking I agree totally, but there needs to be an option to close all
are you trying to suggest leaving all these things sitting in the background is advantageous for anything other than multitasking, last thing I do at night is close them all down 1 by 1
BTW, your Lochness Monster Pic, I was born and bread in ~Inverness :)
EDIT>> Performance HIT, this I have noticed 100% Fact, the performance of the device slows down when that list of apps or procedures are FULL. I have often wondered why my device was getting slow and when I cleared that list the device speed was increased, there are a few app RAM optimizers on the store, I used 2 today and when I pressed optimise they cleared several hundred MB of RAM, having those items sitting on standby avoiding splash screens or whatever must come at a cost?

in my experience RAM optimisers are not even needed for windows mobile, just as an antivirus is not needed


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Jun 11, 2013
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^you just end up wasting more resources, constantly closing apps just to reopen them from scratch later, its not like we got true multitasking where backgrounded apps actually use cpu


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Oct 6, 2016
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I hear what you are saying but this does use up RAM surely it must use up RAM, and yes they are suspended, I have noticed with the L950 that if you have camera and gallery sitting in that list there seems to be an impact, I have noticed the phone slow down, it seems most noticeable when using EDGE for some reason? Perhaps Edge uses a lot of RAM too?
Microsoft has noticed that, when the carousel is at the '14' entries tier (for 2GB devices like the Lumia 930/1520/Icon, and now the 950 range with 3GB RAM), the time taken to bring up the UI and swipe right to the furthermost entries is usually longer than if the application HAD been accessed by other means, or even restarted from scratch.
I have also come across an interesting observation, I have read reports that MS reduced the carousel of background apps from 14 to 7 but I have over 15 running (in background) on my L950.Not including the Start screen.
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New member
Mar 26, 2015
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Unless I am missing something why do we have to close background procedures 1 by 1?
why cant we close them all in 1 long key press or swipe up/down, (swiping down closes a background procedure on that app or procedure/Menu)
Rather annoying to have to swipe them all down 1 by 1...
This is 2016 this feature should be standard.
View attachment 132306
I think this would save time, battery, and leave the phone in a better state for say sleep, Removing a cluttered list sitting using up resources when they don't need to be,

I also suggested that too...
But few of users were replied :)
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