NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 not Compatible with Windows 10?

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just talked to the folks at nvidia and they said there WILL NOT be a a windows 10 driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430......the only solution will be replacing it with one that does work with windows 10
I have a Dell Inspiron 531 PC i bought in 2007 or 2008, can't recall. I upgraded to windows 7 around 2011 and wanted to upgrade to Windows 10 but got the compatibility issue message from Microsoft that this Geforce 6150SE nforce 430 driver isn't compatible. I was hoping to upgrade instead of buying a new computer because when I upgrade from Vista to windows 7 it really improved my PC's performance. I haven't seen any news that says they are going to fix this compatibility issue, so I may have to bite the bullet and just buy a new PC soon. Should I wait a while to see if they are going to fix this?
Sign in to your Microsoft account. Click on Windows 10 (second from top) Down on the lower left is Download Tool for 32bit or 64bit. Check the one you want. And go from there. The process will take about 5 hours co complete
I'm gonna drop his link here. It's not an answer, but maybe it'll help a bit?

nVidia EoL cards.

Good. Huge performance drop from the 187.xx to the 331.xx drivers on 8/9 series cards. Only reason to upgrade was H/W accelerated video playback in Adobe Flash, however it seems as though we won't have to worry about that anymore haha

EDIT: Nvidia Geforce 6 series were dropped years before your link was posted XD
Running several of my work machines just fine (including the one I'm on now) with the 6150SE and Win10, at 1920x1080 resolution. You just have to install Win10 using the Media Creation Tool to bypass the compatibility check, then once you're in Win10 at the basic resolution with their generic driver, install the 309.08 Win8 driver for the 6150SE. When you check DXdiag after doing this, it basically puts it in a DX9 compatibility mode instead of DX12 (and WDDM 1.0 instead of 2.0), but it totally works fine if you're doing mostly business/apps stuff. If you're expecting to do any 3-D or gaming, well... just buy another video card (or a new system, at this point). But for all the business machines out there, this is a perfectly viable way of getting up and running and so far I haven't seen any problems from doing so. The machine I'm on now is definitely running better than it was under Win7.
I wanted to say thank you so much. After installing Windows 10 I installed the 309.08 driver and it worked first time with no additional tweaking. I would never have found this out for myself.... My old PC lives to fight another day.
i am not a tech person. i have an HP Pavilion a6700f PC - what card would i need to buy to upgrade to windows 10?

my card currently is listed as integrated. guess that means built-in? so if i add a new card, how would i disable the current one and enable the new one?
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ReverendSlim, 1st I want to say THANK YOU for this! I am doing this tonight. To make sure that I am following your directions correctly, if I am upgrading a 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium, is this the link to 309.08 driver? nvidia. com/download/driverResults.aspx/82758/en-us (I can't post a proper link apparently because my profile is too new. Just take out the space. Sorry)
Hello, I have installed this driver and restarted the computer but still cannot install windows 10, what can I do more ? Thank you so much.

I tried to use the media creation tool to install windows 10 on a machine that had a pirated windows 7 but it asked me a registration key.

I installed windows 10 by downloading it on other computers that had the same windows 7 and it didn't ask me any registration key.

Does windows 10 always asks for registration key when you install it from media creation tool ?

Thank you again.
Many thanks ReverendSlim. I too have now successfully upgraded my PC from W7 to W10 and then installed the NVIDIA driver you advised. All works and looks fine and overall it does seem a bit snappier.

I had a similar problem with my PC. It has an embeedded NVIDIA GeForce 7100 / nForce 630i card. I figured there had to be a fix.

I have two video cards, so I was able to get Win10 64 bit nstalled by disabling the on-board video and using only an addon card.
Then I downloaded the NVIDIA drivers for Windows 8 64 bit. I extracted the files and shut down the computer. I reneabled the onboard video in BIOS. Windows detected it as a basic driver, but it wouldnt work. I right-clicked the setup for the Windows 8 64 bit drivers, and set compatibility mode to Windows 8. Then I installed the driver. it asked to reboot, I clicked reboot later. In Device Manager, I noticed that it showed the correct driver, but it had the yellow exclamation. I disabled it. Again click reboot later. Then enabled it. and suddenly the monitor plugged into the onboard came to life.

Good luck. I hope this works for you.
I have 3 machines with this combo MB video on-board and have upgraded the OS on many more. It was a challenge at times to get them running on windows 7 and remain stable. However I use mine for testing Linux and the open source community has video drivers that work far better than the windows OS. This brings up the question is it hardware to blame or the OS provider? Windows 10 is touted as the most compatible windows to date and more backward compatible. Accounting for the fact it is essentially free right now and developer toolkits are readily available 10 about as close to open source as it can be. Maybe some developers will find a way tweak a driver that will work. That is why MS is freely distributing 10 is to let the users have input on how it works and find all the bugs and have input into what works and does not work. Instead of cramming an OS like Vista or 8 & 8.1) down out throat to deal with. If we could all afford to go out and buy new hardware there would be no problem!
Don't give up on this old graphics card yet! :orly:

Here is the solution explained in detail for GeForce 6 or 7 Series:

NVIDIA compatibility issue with Windows 10

I was able to upgrade to Windows 10 with my NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a. Your GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 is a GeForce 6 Series, so it should work too!
I had the same problem but today i visit the edge microsoft website and they ask me if i wanted to upgrade forwindows 10. Even if i tried many times before i clic yes and IT DID upgrade!!! Why i don't know but try too in case!
Hi all.
I gave up on trying to get Windows 10. due to the Graphic card compatabilty priblem. I went to do my tax online . I dloaded ETAX.
But it warned me that It might not be readable due to to fact my Web Pages are set at 125 %.
It suggested that I go back to the default size of 100% which I did, and at that Precise moment ,
the Windows 10 App popped up and said
So I went ahead and BINGO. I now have windows 10.
It would appear that the compatibility issue, WASNT the issue at all with the chipset and 430 Graphics card.
It could have been something as simple as the web page size !!!!!!!! It this possible ???
Amazing don'tt you think?
Garry (gableto):smile:
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