Now App Gap Is Starting To Be an Issue...

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Jan 13, 2015
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Here's a quick rant-ish of sorts:

I have been a Windows fan for a long time. Had a Windows 7 Phone, still use original Surface RT, have a Band, etc, etc.

I have been using a replacement Win HD phone since my 930 cracked and stopped working. I have been a big proponent or defender of the OS. And to this day, I have never had a big issue with the App gap. In fact, I saw Windows 10 as the difference maker - Universal Apps means more Apps!

But now there have been several apps released that I use or need to use for work - Periscope, Instagram (with video), Snapchat plus many many more. I mean I feel the gap is getting worse, not better. While many platforms have supported Windows 10, how long will it take?

Will Windows 10 Mobile launch with all these apps already at least in a beta stage? For the first time since my Windows 7 Phone, I'm actually considering altneratives. I work in MKT, I need Snapchat, I need Periscope, I need a functioning Instagram. Plus other brand apps. "Hey, test my app." or wait, I can't, because almost no brand ever designs anything for Windows 10.

I'm going to even extend the purpose of this particular post and say that even with Windows 10 out now for a while and in many million PCs, the Apps really are not flooding the Microsoft Store.. but this is about Windows 10 Mobile mainly, so I'll keep it at that.



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Jan 14, 2012
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You need streaming and pictures of food and penises for work?

Have you tried 6tag for Instagram?

The only ones who can answer your questions are the companies behind the apps you need.


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Mar 17, 2014
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Saying, "wait and be patient", has become the unofficial slogan for Windows 10 mobile. The only way I feel the app gap is when a family member tells me to check out a new app from the iPhone. The app gap won't fix itself, or overnight but it's going to change and probably for the better.

Eddie Mendoza

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Nov 8, 2012
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Yeah 6tag works just as good as instagram so dont know what the problem with that is - although I agree snapchat would be nice for social reasons - im being patient too and lets hope with the 950 series of phones we get some sort of light ! I remember when IG first came... lets see


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Jan 13, 2015
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All due respect, some of the answers here are smart and others are plain ignorant.

I work in Marketing, advertising and social media, so if a brand asks me to post something on snapchat for them, I can't use my phone. That's a big deal in my world. Snapchat is used for a whole lot more than just "food and penises". If I need to stream an event for a brand on Periscope, then I need to be able to. C'mon people...

Anyway, I'll take a look a 6tag. I'll see if I switch or stick with the 950XL. I really like Windows10, but it's an issue for me, and the "the app gap isn't that bad" is starting to be an untrue statement for me and I'm sure is a decision factor for many other people.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Sadly, the companies who make these key apps know that apathy is a far cheaper approach than working (even give the fact that Microsoft has produced really simple development tools). They know that if you really want to use their app, you'll give up complaining at some point and go out and buy an iPhone or Nexus (or whatever) and then use it.

They count on the fact that their apps are more important to their customers than the hardware they're using.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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I work in media and yes, we use those apps to connect to our audiences. Every media outlet worth its salt is on every social media platform. We go where the people are.
I know what you're saying. I heard an ad for iheartradio that mentioned their Snapchat feed. I'm not interested, since I'm not a big fan of commercial radio, but there would have to be employees of iheartradio doing those Snaps.


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Sep 30, 2015
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This reminds me of when we said WebOS was going to be on every HP PC and it would force developers to develop for WebOS.....different OS,different companies, different time,same problem.....The ONLY way to get over this is to PAY the top 50 or 100 Developers currently NOT on WIndows Phone to develop and maintain their WM10 Apps as Universal Apps. This would probably be A LOT CHEAPER for MS than spending a ton of money on Marketing an OS with a huge APP problem.

$100k per Developer is only $10 Million .......MUCH BETTER INVESTMENT


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May 10, 2012
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The ONLY way to get over this is to PAY the top 50 or 100 Developers currently NOT on WIndows Phone to develop and maintain their WM10 Apps as Universal Apps. This would probably be A LOT CHEAPER for MS than spending a ton of money on Marketing an OS with a huge APP problem.
Didn't they try this with WP8 and all they got were half hearted apps that were promptly abandoned after the devs got the money?


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Aug 1, 2015
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Didn't they try this with WP8 and all they got were half hearted apps that were promptly abandoned after the devs got the money?


In terms of SnapChat, the CEO hates Microsoft with a passion and as a company they go out of their way to ban people using Astoria built SnapChat on a MS device...


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Oct 13, 2013
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In terms of SnapChat, the CEO hates Microsoft with a passion and as a company they go out of their way to ban people using Astoria built SnapChat on a MS device...
All the snapchat CEO said was that he didn't even know there are users. I don't know who that translates into hate. Also people on project Astoria can use snapchat with the google play services hack/patch. It was the third party apps like 6snap that got users banned.


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Nov 11, 2014
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Get an iphone for your professional use, keep a windows phone for your personal use or get back to it if you feel the time is right. Another idea is to get an android tablet for your professional use and leave your phone strictly your own personal tool. The extra screen real estate and ability to connect a keyboard etc. . might make it a worthwhile investment and you can get a decent one for $200 and you won't have to charge it everyday. I'm a photographer and I too need social media for my own marketing and for some of my clients as well so I can understand your frustration about how it's absolutely crucial to your profession. 6tag is awesome and works even better than any official instagram client imo, we're still missing snapchat though.

I used various generations of iphone right on up until the lumia 920 was released which was a phone that really ushered in a new era of photo and video quality in mobile phones for me. I'm a photographer and wanted the best possible camera on my phone. I now have a lumia 1020 and still have it because nothing out there beats the camera but that gap is getting narrower as technology passes by despite how much smaller the sensors in other cameras are.

I've been thinking that perhaps my next phone will be an iphone again. The applications and also apple's new intuitive tweaks really speak to me seeing as I moved to windows phone for how intuitive it was in the first place(and had an iphone because of how intuitive that was during the time). Gone is the hub centric ethos of windows 7 and 8. I felt like that intuitive language and that goal to keep on going in that direction was derailed once WinMo 8.1 launched unfortunately. I don't understand android's appeal to a windows phone user though, iphone's with their tight hardware-software integration and rock solid stability, intuitive os (compared to android), seem to have more in common with winmo users. I've never owned an android device or met someone with an android device that didn't have lag, glitches and crashes after a few months of use - the dreaded reset back to factory option was something that was done much sooner than expected. For a tablet it's not so much of a big deal to me as it's a secondary device, for a phone these quirks would drive me crazy.


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Jul 31, 2015
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Sadly, the companies who make these key apps know that apathy is a far cheaper approach than working (even give the fact that Microsoft has produced really simple development tools). They know that if you really want to use their app, you'll give up complaining at some point and go out and buy an iPhone or Nexus (or whatever) and then use it.

They count on the fact that their apps are more important to their customers than the hardware they're using.

They (other software companies) do just like Microsoft does, they go for the volume of users. Look how much effort MS is putting into iOS/Android! Should MS blame anyone else when they do the same themselves?
Even readers on this forum find this new MS move brilliant as “Microsft can only make money where the users are”.


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Aug 22, 2012
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You need these apps for work and you use a windows phone?

man, go ask your employer for an android phone or an iPhone before you get fired. :S or go buy one NOW. :S i get the fanboysm but not to the point of not knowing how to make a proper investment.

But my gut feeling says that you already have a different phone, and would like it if it changed. well keep on dreaming.

Pierre Blackwell

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Nov 26, 2012
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It's easy to get frustrated when other platforms have been utilizing applications for a good while. The reality is the public is still getting acclimated with Windows 10 after the bad taste that Windows 8 put in their mouths. If you look at MSFT's stock, they are showing significant increases in consumer interest, which has translated to an increase in consumer purchases. MSFT's earnings increased despite the lacking interest in their mobile realm. They are working on a pay application like iOS and Android have now, and as more developers take notice of Windows 10, they will not be able to ignore Windows 10 mobile due to universal apps. Remember this new direction of MSFT is still in its infancy, so you're not going to see major shifts until probably the spring of '16. The question each one of us has to ask is can you function with using your Windows phone now. If you look at Kantar's numbers, it only seems to be an issue in the US and China with regards to Window phones primarily. That tells me it's definitely a dynamic of the mindset of those consumers in those geographical areas. Why is Windows phone more popular or as popular as iOS in many of the countries in Europe? Is there no "app gap" there? Skype is expected to take on more of a Snapchat purpose as well. For anyone who really feels the app gap is hindering their mobile experience... I would suggest to transition to another platform. that way you'll truly know if the app gap was a big of an issue as you thought it was or merely a worthy compromise.


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Feb 18, 2011
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Saying, "wait and be patient", has become the unofficial slogan for Windows 10 mobile. The only way I feel the app gap is when a family member tells me to check out a new app from the iPhone. The app gap won't fix itself, or overnight but it's going to change and probably for the better.

You must be new here. A lot of us here have been here from WP 7...and the "Comming soon" or "wait a little longer" has been going on for years now.....and here we are still waiting...

I dont see this changing for a LONG time, Windows 10 (PC) is installed on Millions of PCs but, it's still what ? 15-25% ? If I was a dev, and I wanted a program to go to more people, I would make it for 7 and 10.... so the store is not the best option right now... No matter how many people are using 10, there is a LOT MORE 7 users...

And that only helps if they use the "universal app" feature....Just because they make a 10 app, it does not mean it works on Windows Phone...

Windows Phone is great, The App gap, just gets worse (apps are going away)....and RIGHT NOW, if it's changing any bit it's getting much worse...
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