Fall Creators bugs, pls help

Mehrdad Aria

New member
Aug 8, 2015

At first i should say thanks to MS for this update, this update is just a big BUG.

after upgrading by iso file that is downloaded from Microsoft website i have this problems:
1. this update increased boot time.
2. when i login to my account after a few mins windows automatically will change
Brightness. (you can see this bug in video at 1:30")
3. driver icons in Tiles mode in File Explorer are small and ugly, why ?
4. why after login to any account every time i should see welcome screen ?

you can see all of this f*** bugs in this video
video on youtube
I have the brightness bug it's driving me nuts on my desktop. Everything looks so dark,how long do you think till MS release a fix??
even my boot time is increased and games running like when graphic driver is not installed, but i update driver after upgrade.
another bug: driver icons in Tiles mode in File Explorer is too small
before upgrade i create a backup from 1703 version, now i restore this backup and never install any major update. they should Fire satya nadella.
I love capitals as they're create. It also makes reading easier.

Upgrading now so hopefully I won't experience anything scary.

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