Nokia Lumia sales are disastrous


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Aug 1, 2011
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I think it's way too early to write WP7 off. We need to check back in 12 months and see where it stands.

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Jul 11, 2011
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Windows Phone has more then a year in the marketplace and has totally failed. Even Android phones had gained significant market-share after 12 months.


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Jul 11, 2011
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It's selling well on one obscure e-commerce site in England. Yet the Daily Mail shows it has only sold 0.17% of phones in this last month when you look at ALL retailers. I fail to see how cherry picking one tiny success story means anything in the big picture. I don't even know anyone who would want a Windows Phone.


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Aug 1, 2011
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Why so gloomy? Until mango windows phone wasn't a competitive os and now nice second generation phones are being released. I would agree that first year sales have been lackluster, but with new phones being released and a hopefully bigger advertising push 2012 could be a a totally different year for WP.

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Jul 11, 2011
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Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Remember this Lumia is a brand new product running an operating system and a UI that general consumers have never seen before. Even if its 0.17 its still growth you cant overlook that or even expect 2 - 3 percent marketshare increase within the first 2 weeks.

Also this is for UK numbers what about other markets France, Netherlands, Asia etc. As long as Microsoft and Nokia put good software and hardware together it is going to sell.

Fact is Microsoft isn't going to give up they are using the money earned from Android patents to power this platform and Windows phone have been recieving amazing customer satisfaction scores which could take them a long way. All I have to say is snowball affect.

Hers an example I read that WP market share was 1% and jumped to 1.2% after 2 weeks of Lumia sales numbers that means its growing 0.1 percent every week which is not to bad but the more people know about this phone and the product the sales will eventually grow.

Also more things to note
- your comparing Lumia to all Android handsets
- your comparing Lumia to iPhone 4s 4 3gs
- not all Lumia colors came out yet
- Lumia 710 hasn't been released

I dont expect the Windows brand to really take off until 2013 and 2014 by that time people will realize the power of Windows and the fragmentation of Android. WP cant compete with iOS until Android is out of the way.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.

Really from what I understand WP marketshare > Android marketshare during its first year.


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Jun 22, 2011
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The problem here is that this is the Daily Mail, one of the most shockingly awful "newspapers" here in the UK. Just recently for example, their efforts have included publishing a story complete with entirely made-up quotes in advance of the Amanda Knox trial verdict - with the wrong result. Absolutely everything they write is negative, doom-laden drivel that mostly comes from twiiter feeds or websites with no follow-up investigation or fact checking. And on top of that it's a newspaper aimed at middle-aged to elderly conservative types - so any new technology is more or less considered the work of the devil. Facebook causes cancer? Yep, they wrote a story that claimed that.

I wouldn't trust what they claim as far as I could throw a fridge freezer.


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Dec 23, 2011
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It's selling well on one obscure e-commerce site in England. Yet the Daily Mail shows it has only sold 0.17% of phones in this last month when you look at ALL retailers. I fail to see how cherry picking one tiny success story means anything in the big picture. I don't even know anyone who would want a Windows Phone.

Learn to read? This is a small sample size of 5000 units sold thru a bargain finder or bargain retailer. IE, people will go to that site looking for bargains and get refered. They probably only sold/refered 5000 units. And the Daily Mail will buy any report... even useless ones.

The T-Mobile G1 or Google Dream was launched in November 08, by April 09 it had sold 1 million copies on T-Mobile. Analysts expect Lumia to have sold between 1 million and 2 million copies by the end of this year, 2 months compared to 5-6 months it took for the first Android device. Sure its not Apple vs Oranges but it doesn't paint a picture of Lumia failing either.

And there are many success stories for the Lumia. Phonehouse has many times said that is selling well. It was listed as their best selling on their french website. Expansys has had good placements in their charts in several countries. Nokia itselt came out and said that is their best selling recent launch.

But you are just a troll. Soon enough we will have concrete sales figures. And people will then take WP7 seriously. Not because the numbers will be out of this world, but it will show strong sales.


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Sep 8, 2011
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Crimson, you don't even understand what you're saying. First and foremost, MS will NEVER give up on WP, they can't. The mobile world is a huge factor in technology, and for MS to stay relevant they MUST have a mobile OS. Second, you're suggesting that MS should shut down because of ONE phone that, as ONE article reports, isn't selling well. Third, I happen to know that it was the the number one selling phone in all of France there for a while. Fourth, you haven't a clue what MS's Metro Ecosystem means for WP. Xbox and Windows will always have amazing market share, and with their adoption of the Metro UI that will just make WP look more and more attractive to more and more people.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.


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Feb 2, 2011
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Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.
This is hilarious - MS should shut down the entire division because one of the lowest-end phones has a tinny speaker. Got it.


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Apr 5, 2011
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what the **** are you talking about???
Windows Phone has only been on the market for slightly more than a year, a market which was already saturated with Android and iOS, as well as Blackberry. Microsoft is trying to resolve it's brand perception issues and despite what this ridiculous study says, all evidence points to the Lumia 800 selling well. Even if the Lumia 800 hadn't been selling well, it is the first Windows phone from Nokia and there is much more to come. You also have to realize that there would be no reason for Microsoft to abandon a Platform that has potential and in which they have invested so much. We need to wait longer to start seeing results, but the Lumia brand is already bringing a lot to the table. (Had you studied basic statistics (I'm talking high-school level here, not even university level) you would understand why this study cannot be considered accurate. It's as if you decided to conduct a study on teenagers around the world and then decided to choose 10 students from a London private school, it simply wouldn't represent reality)


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Nov 1, 2011
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Most reports state that Lumia sales are strong in virtually every market. Has Nokia released any official numbers? In any case, this race is far from over. ****, it's hardly begun.


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Oct 19, 2011
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Let's see this... You are saying that you don't think WP7 is getting enough credit on the market? Well let me put it like this with couple of sites:

Top 10 smartphones of 2011 (Holiday Gift Guide) | ZDNet

Top 10 Cell Phones | PCWorld

Best AT&T phones - CNET Reviews

Even on Washington Post:

Top 10 smartphones for 2011 - The Washington Post

Not convinced? Then you don't have sliest idea about WP7 phones. First of all, statistics are done on small percentage of people (in this case 5000) that is not accurate and after one year on the market it's logical that small percentage of people will have WP7. Let me remind you that WP7 is best selling phone in France, Spain and other EU countries and have great response from USA with Lumia 800 that is pending. So, your argument is invalid! :)


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Oct 12, 2011
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Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.

All I can say is that I own a Lumia and its the best phone I have ever used from hardware to software. Unfortunately all its missing is a FFC but I plan to upgrade when Apollo phones are released.

Lumias design is different from its competitors and the satisfaction rating and good reveiws will only create a snowball effect.

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