Nokia Lumia sales are disastrous

Isn't the focus S a recycled Galaxy S phone? So, if they are, doesn't that make it a good phone? Super AMOLED+ is pretty good, pretty darn good. Very rich colors, definitely better than the HTC screens.

Oh yeah, I'm right beyond the shadow of a doubt because my awesomeness is beyond tremendous so DON'T QUESTION MY AUTHORITAY!!
I would like to think phone sales must be picking up because my app sales have seen a noticeable uptick since early November after what was a very long dry spell. And it seems like some other apps that track this stuff have noticed a similar trend.
Bert, you're killing me.
You're definitely on a roll


Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
You have to admit KC says drops some funky literary diatribes, but the dude's got stones so you have fist bump him for that.

Keep it up son, you keep the boards spicy!
KingCrimson, stop spewing bull**** and pretending you are even slightly interested in Windows Phone. Go do something with your life other than trolling a fan site.

It's selling well on one obscure e-commerce site in England. Yet the Daily Mail shows it has only sold 0.17% of phones in this last month when you look at ALL retailers. I fail to see how cherry picking one tiny success story means anything in the big picture. I don't even know anyone who would want a Windows Phone.
So, a disreputable publication reports on a survey of a mere 5000 people done by "Mobiles Please"? What a ****ing joke.
A top 10 of smartphones that you can buy with plan through Amazon. Notice no Galaxy Nexus or iPhone. I bet if you could buy the iPhone with plan through Amazon Wireless, the top 5 spots alone would be 4 iPhones and the Galaxy Nexus.

Face facts, my local Apple Store is sold out of iPhones but stocks of Windows Phones are full everywhere.
iPhones will be out of stock for a while its all about WP VS Android right now. Once WP beats Android then it will go for iOS
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.

Have you ever seen a phone of any kind with a speaker that isn't tinny? One of the things I learned working in a recording studio is that lower frequency sounds require a certain size speaker to be accurately reproduced. For example, 20hz, which is a low B, the lowest note on an 88 key piano, needs at least a 15" speaker, due to the massive size of the sound wave. When you talk to somebody with a low voice on the phone, or listen to bass-rich music through earphones, your brain actually tricks your ears into "hearing" the missing frequencies. To put it simply, don't let it keep you from the Radar. There might be better phone speakers out there but, to be accurate, they're ALL tinny.
KingCrimson, stop spewing bull**** and pretending you are even slightly interested in Windows Phone. Go do something with your life other than trolling a fan site.

So, a disreputable publication reports on a survey of a mere 5000 people done by "Mobiles Please"? What a ****ing joke.

Yea ... Troll is the most accurate word ...

10 years ago, everyone laughed at this insane and crazy idea that Microsoft is entering the game console business. Talk about late! Going up against Sony & Nintendo! holy crap! Are they nuts? How in the world do they ever think they can compete against them?

1st year? flop. 2nd year? flop. 3rd, 4th, 5th? meh... not bad but still not a competitor really. Xbox 360 comes out and now look at Xbox.

It's extremely short sighted to think that ONE year after a brand new product is released in a highly competitive market to call it a failure. If Android was the one that came up today and iPhone & WP7 were the top two, Android would be in the exact same spot as WP7 (if not worse).

Microsoft is known for one thing: Persistance. The company will keep going after this segment until they reach the goal they are satisified with. Happened before and will probably happen again. They have everything they need at their disposal (technology, people, money, partners) to make it happen. The last ingredient is "time". 2012 should be great.
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10 years ago, everyone laughed at this insane and crazy idea that Microsoft is entering the game console business. Talk about late! Going up against Sony & Nintendo! holy crap! Are they nuts? How in the world do they ever think they can compete against them?

1st year? flop. 2nd year? flop. 3rd, 4th, 5th? meh... not bad but still not a competitor really. Xbox 360 comes out and now look at Xbox.

It's extremely short sighted to think that ONE year after a brand new product is released in a highly competitive market to call it a failure. If Android was the one that came up today and iPhone & WP7 were the top two, Android would be in the exact same spot as WP7 (if not worse).

Microsoft is known for one thing: Persistance. The company will keep going after this segment until they reach the goal they are satisified with. Happened before and will probably happen again. They have everything they need at their disposal (technology, people, money, partners) to make it happen. The last ingredient is "time". 2012 should be great.

There's a big difference between the gaming vs mobile world when Microsoft took both on. In 2001, the gaming world didn't have one dominating world beater that looked impossible to take down. Whereas in 2011, Apple is so ultra-dominant that they will never be taken down in our lifetimes. Microsoft took advantage of substandard gaming to create the gold standard by 2011, kudos to them on that. Even Steve Jobs would give a pat on the back for that.
^ Also people can own a PS3 and XBOX etc people wont own 2 phones that can pretty much do the same thing.

But his point is Microsoft researched the gaming market very carefully and found things to improve apon. I am sure they are doing the same thing with the Mobile market look at what they already started which is deep integration with social networking. MS is going to bank that its 3 screens and a cloud will help sell MS mobile and desktop platforms
So basically by KingCrimson's definition of life, one should always give up because the big bully in town is "too hard to beat". And rofl @ "they will never be taken down in our lifetime"
The person who created this thread clearly wanted to get a rise out of the members. I don't begrudge them at all. Keeps the board interesting.

That said, WP7 will prevail as a viable alternative in the mobile OS market. Microsoft has the capital, desire and ability to make that happen. Let's not forget the overwhelming majority of people who will own a smartphone in the future have not purchased one yet. We are still early in this game. That means Microsoft has many opportunities to pick up new users. Clearly, they must do something about biased sales people because most of the new people picking up smartphones in the future will not research boards like this extensively. They will either go with what friends/family have or follow the suggestion of a salesperson.

It is not as if cracks are not appearing in the competing ecosystems.

- Could not come out with a fresh device
- Refuses to produce a screen size that people want
- Is motivated to be the highest earning player and not necessarily the largest in scale.

- Can fix fragmentation.
- Just suffered a major blow by Samsung saying 10 million Galaxy phones will not receive Ice Cream Sandwich.
- Is easy pickings for hackers, which guarantees it will never be the choice of most Corporate IT departments.

Both iOS and Andriod will continue to sell in the millions. It would be completely disingenuous for me to deny that. However, to say the above does not create opportunity for Microsoft is shortsighted. Microsoft may have an uphill battle to fight but there are hundreds of millions of people that think fondly of the company and its products. I am one of them. And once the convergence of the user experience across platforms is completed, there will be demand for the WP7 mobile experience.

This is my opinion.
It is not as if cracks are not appearing in the competing ecosystems.

- Could not come out with a fresh device
- Refuses to produce a screen size that people want
- Is motivated to be the highest earning player and not necessarily the largest in scale.

- Can fix fragmentation.
- Just suffered a major blow by Samsung saying 10 million Galaxy phones will not receive Ice Cream Sandwich.
- Is easy pickings for hackers, which guarantees it will never be the choice of most Corporate IT departments.

First of all, Apple is on pace to sell 30.3 million iPhones this quarter. Obviously the 4S not being a major revision has had no impact on the public's thirst for iPhones.

Second, I do believe WP has a chance because Android is stumbling due to fragmentation and malware. We'll see if Microsoft/Nokia can take advantage.
First of all, Apple is on pace to sell 30.3 million iPhones this quarter. Obviously the 4S not being a major revision has had no impact on the public's thirst for iPhones.

Second, I do believe WP has a chance because Android is stumbling due to fragmentation and malware. We'll see if Microsoft/Nokia can take advantage.

Thats great 30.3 million iPhones but heres another thing about the iphone which is preimum price I bet a majority of iPhone users when it comes to their next upgrade might reconsider their next phone based on price.

Heres the thing Microsoft is actually doing itself a favor by releasing Xbox Live, Kinectimals, Office etc on iOS and marketing alot of apps as available on iOS and WP7 banking on the chance that ppl will try the apps and love them. Now when it comes to upgrading the consumers have a choice I can either pay 199$ for a preimum iPhone X or pay 0.99$ for a WP7 which can run all the MS applications and 3rd party apps.

This is something that can be used towards WP favor later on but of course WP needs to build a strong portofilio without 3rd party support they aren't going to do great but it looks like Nokia + Microsoft are really working hard at solving this.
There's a big difference between the gaming vs mobile world when Microsoft took both on. In 2001, the gaming world didn't have one dominating world beater that looked impossible to take down. Whereas in 2011, Apple is so ultra-dominant that they will never be taken down in our lifetimes. Microsoft took advantage of substandard gaming to create the gold standard by 2011, kudos to them on that. Even Steve Jobs would give a pat on the back for that.
Actually, if you are not rewriting history, there was one dominating "world beater" in the gaming world: The PC. The Playstation was considered the "niche device" for those that wanted gaming only, and the PC was the absoulute KING of gaming. There wasn't one game that didn't come out for the PC. It was the top gun. Now, is that the same as the iPhone? Nah. It was a different beast. But the point is Microsoft saw WHY the PC was top dawg: It had the ability to allow players to compete online with each other. That was the niche they took: Online gaming. They built the entire system around that and great graphics. They built their brand.

Smartphone adoption is actually growing faster than the gaming world did. Every year, more and more consumers drop feature phones and move to Smartphones. The last statistic I heard was that next year might be the first year global Smartphone sales may outpace Basic phone sales. That is close to a near certainty in developed countries. Translation? Less than 50% of the cell phone owners right now are smart phone owners. Millions of people will move. Are they ALL iPhone users in your world? Is every person truly happy with Android? How about if Apple just keeps recycling the same design and features over and over? You do not think a "Blackberry-ish" backlash might happen?

Windows ecosystem is growing. It has ever evolving document and buisness support. It is a part of the largest software in circulation. It is a part of the XBOX family, offers access to cloud storage, has grown to over 40,000 apps in over a year, added hundreds of features, dozens of manufacturers, dozens of new markets, and you think it is done? I got a nice, shiney dollar coin that says you are slightly mistaken.

Boy, I rambled. Sorry.....but I feel a lot better.

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