wow... so a Troll started this Thread and in one of his replies he says:
"There's a big difference between the gaming vs mobile world when Microsoft took both on. In 2001, the gaming world didn't have one dominating world beater that looked impossible to take down"
LOL at this idiot. im sorry but thats the only word i can find.
do you seriously say that?? do you know how many playstation 2 sold? like 150 million. while GameCube 21.74 million. dreamcast 10.6 million. xbox 1 like 25 million.
and 5th generation console = playstation 1 like 100 million. while N64 32.93 million
so HOW wasnt that a company/console dominating?? obviously it was and numbers show how SONY was dominating with their cool playstation.
But now what?? Xbox360 is beating PS3. because xbox360 has shown its a really nice console. even with xbox live gold, still it has sold more than ps3.
why? because people likes it, and people will buy what they like.
so it may happen to Windows Phone because people like it, and see and amazing OS specially after Mango update.
i saw this today
k?lbi | Samsung Wembley
yeah a country like costa rica will get it. i read it on a newspaper and most comments were about people excited about it or people who actually have it or have seen it. the people talking bad about it were just anti-microsoft people who still think its like WM 2003.
and of course when the ecosystem grows and gets better and more integrated with windows and you think people wont want to switch? alot of people may do it only because they will have xbox360 and windows computers.
also... some people are on contract so they cant just switch to windows phone right now even if they wanted to.
so go away, get an android or your beloved iPhone the one super dominating.
seriously, only idiots can believe stupid articles with "amazing" 5000 sales statistics

, and then say they should shut down the division based on that.