Nokia Lumia sales are disastrous

I have never been able to make up my mind between "DailyFail" or "DailyLOL".
First of all, Apple is on pace to sell 30.3 million iPhones this quarter. Obviously the 4S not being a major revision has had no impact on the public's thirst for iPhones.

Second, I do believe WP has a chance because Android is stumbling due to fragmentation and malware. We'll see if Microsoft/Nokia can take advantage.

Apple will sell a lot of phones, no doubt about that. However, we can't definitively say the failure to produce a larger screen has had no impact. If Apple would have produced a 4.5 inch screen they may have sold 60 million phones this quarter. We will never know.

What we do know is the population of people looking for small screens is not as large as the population of people looking for larger screens nor is the population of small screen people growing. Furthermore, I believe many of the current sales of the 4S are going to existing iPhone owners. Not all but a lot. They are already heavily invested into the ecosystem and that's cool.

Microsoft should not undertake a strategy of plying heavily invested iPhone users away from Apple. They also should not try to do that for Android owners either. Not going to happen for most. What they should do is focus on winning over the hundreds of millions that have yet to buy a smartphone. Then once a large user base has been established, others from competing ecosystems will become more naturally curious as they see people with WP7 devices out and about.

Best Regards
Microsoft is known for one thing: Persistance. The company will keep going after this segment until they reach the goal they are satisified with. Happened before and will probably happen again. They have everything they need at their disposal (technology, people, money, partners) to make it happen. The last ingredient is "time". 2012 should be great.

^^+1 on this.......
Microsoft should not undertake a strategy of plying heavily invested iPhone users away from Apple. They also should not try to do that for Android owners either. Not going to happen for most. What they should do is focus on winning over the hundreds of millions that have yet to buy a smartphone. Then once a large user base has been established, others from competing ecosystems will become more naturally curious as they see people with WP7 devices out and about.

Best Regards

I agree that this strategy would work well in Microsoft's and WP favor. Where I work we have mostly android and iphone users with a few people still using non smartphones. I know I have tried to convince some coworkers already owning a android or iphone to just "TRY" the WP phones and 99% of them thought it was slightly intriguing but are resolved to the notion that WP = Windows Mobile = FAIL & FRUSTRATION.

However, a few of my never-used-a-smartphone coworkers seemed sincerely interested in WP and would definitely consider trying it over Android at least (but still enticed by the flashy, blingy apple effect). A few of them really liked the deep interegration of social communications, etc.. since they are constantly on Facebook.

WP will only get better with time, just like a lot of things in life, like a good vino :)
wow... so a Troll started this Thread and in one of his replies he says:

"There's a big difference between the gaming vs mobile world when Microsoft took both on. In 2001, the gaming world didn't have one dominating world beater that looked impossible to take down"

LOL at this idiot. im sorry but thats the only word i can find.

do you seriously say that?? do you know how many playstation 2 sold? like 150 million. while GameCube 21.74 million. dreamcast 10.6 million. xbox 1 like 25 million.
and 5th generation console = playstation 1 like 100 million. while N64 32.93 million

so HOW wasnt that a company/console dominating?? obviously it was and numbers show how SONY was dominating with their cool playstation.
But now what?? Xbox360 is beating PS3. because xbox360 has shown its a really nice console. even with xbox live gold, still it has sold more than ps3.
why? because people likes it, and people will buy what they like.

so it may happen to Windows Phone because people like it, and see and amazing OS specially after Mango update.

i saw this today k?lbi | Samsung Wembley

yeah a country like costa rica will get it. i read it on a newspaper and most comments were about people excited about it or people who actually have it or have seen it. the people talking bad about it were just anti-microsoft people who still think its like WM 2003.

and of course when the ecosystem grows and gets better and more integrated with windows and you think people wont want to switch? alot of people may do it only because they will have xbox360 and windows computers.
also... some people are on contract so they cant just switch to windows phone right now even if they wanted to.

so go away, get an android or your beloved iPhone the one super dominating.
seriously, only idiots can believe stupid articles with "amazing" 5000 sales statistics :D, and then say they should shut down the division based on that.
I don't think it is fair to compare Microsoft to bad actors like RIM and HP/Palm. RIM and HP/Palm make horrible decisions, such as releasing an *enterprise tablet* with no email app, or building up **** tons of hype only to release the *exact same phone* as last year.

Microsoft does have the stigma of Windows Mobile to overcome, becuase they waited WAY to long to see where the market was going after iPhone and Android came out, but they finally figured it out, and are making all the right decisions along the way. The only thing working against them right now is *time*. Which is a helluva lot better than working with an insane or idiotic CEO (Apotheker or those two nuts that run RIM).
While I totally disagree with the OP's statement and opinion, I also see that the adoption of the platform by the typical consumer will be a difficult uphill battle. I work for a retail business that is testing a new marketing strategy to entice customers to our stores which involves smartphones. 50% of the customers that I get signed up have an iPhone, 35% android, and the remaining 15% with a Blackberry. These are estimates. I have never worked with a single customer who has a WP. And when I talk about my great experience with WP, they scoff at the idea of a windows phone. A majority of these smartphone users don't seem to know how to use their phones completely. I also tell them that my wife loves the fact that her WP is so easy and so connected with facebook. That will be the key to this battle, who has mindshare and how easy can it be made to appear.
Not everybody wants a smartphone. For those that do, they will pickup what they know or have seen others use as they "upgrade". If the carriers don't fully support anything but iPhone or Android, and Microsoft doesn't give them an incentive to support anything else, then we will not see the growth in WP phone sales. There have been posts about Amazon. How many of those were to existing WP users who wanted something beyond their first gen handsets? If we say that about the iPhone, we must be critical about our OS environment.
I didn't want this post to be negative about WP and it's future. These are just observations from my everday interactions. I can't wait to see what happens in 2012 with our OS and the phones that support it.
I'm glad to see this thread got the angry responses it deserved. Was busy the first time I saw it, which is probably just as well.

I'll just add that O2 in the UK sold out of Lumias online (though still in stock in store) which hardly indicates poor sales. Furthermore, as others have said, WP7 runs smoothly on even the 1st gen and low-end devices, this is where it is going to excel, especially over Android.

Unless there is some miraculous recovery in the world economy people are going to be wanting cheaper phones for the foreseeable future. What would you choose? A cheap Android that doesn't have and wont get any further OS updates and chugs along like a wounded animal; or a cheap Windows Phone that runs smooth as butter? Bring on 2012!
"Apple will never be taken down in our lifetimes." LOL. First of all, Samsung took away from them the title of top smartphone vendor. Second of all, the same was said about the Playstation. Hmm.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm leaning towards the HTC Radar 4G on T-Mobile for my very first ever smartphone. But then I start reading reviews and the one thing people keep mentioning over and over is a tinny speaker when in speakerphone mode. To me that's a deal-breaker if true.

You're such a poser it's funny. Go Troll somwhere else LOSER!:lol:
What I have read lately indicates tha the 900 and an HTC device will be coming out in February with LTE and running Tango Apollo coming in June an Win* tablets running it in that time also.
What I have read lately indicates tha the 900 and an HTC device will be coming out in February with LTE and running Tango. Apollo coming in June an Win8 tablets running it in that time also.

Things I have read further in the past and things I have read recently both agree on everything you have said.

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