Nokia Lumia sales are disastrous

Lol! What an epic fail of a thread! You're taking the Daily FAIL's report on face value? The Daily FAIL wrote that report totally based on ONE company which sold only 5000 phones on bargain. This absolutely does NOT reflect the overall market.

In the real world, Lumias are flying off the shelves. It's in the top 5 everywhere. In most areas Lumias have sold out and are out of stock.

As far as iPhone vs Windows Phone is concerned, it's not even close. crApple's iPhone 4S is a crappy, ****ty, fugly, ******** and completely unusable piece of junk compared to the beautiful, elegant, fluid, slick, buttery smooth and productive Windows Phone Mango.

Maybe crApple should give up on Mac OS X because they have less than 5% market share even after 30 years of lies, propaganda and brainwashing.

Microsoft ALWAYS wins when they are serious about gaining market share with a particular product. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. They will do the same with Windows Phone.
i saw this today k?lbi | Samsung Wembley

yeah a country like costa rica will get it. i read it on a newspaper and most comments were about people excited about it or people who actually have it or have seen it. the people talking bad about it were just anti-microsoft people who still think its like WM 2003.

Thanks for talking about my own little country :D
Just to elaborate a llitle bit. In Costa Rica, wich is a really small country, people are already on a waiting list for the few Windows Phone already ready to be sell. And here, no one knows or heard about windows phone, only if they work at MS office as Me. So yes, Microsoft its late maybe, but it's getting on it.
Next Year here, Kolbi (big Carrier with more than 95% or users) will start to push hard Samsung's WPs because mostly of the pain to have so much androids users wanting for a SW update they can't give, and then Nokia (the big player here) will arrive. The other 2 carriers (Movistar and Claro) states that in February they will start selling WPs, because of the same... So guys, as far as Costa Rica is concerned, soon we will Win even against iPhone (mostly because price, as iPhone cost more than $1k with plan)
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Ok folks, whether you think KingCrimson is troll or not, he's entitled to his opinion. He may not have all the facts, but it is HIS opinion. As for him being a troll, look at his history, I did. He's not necessarily a troll. He presents some food for thought. Last thing we need on these forums is for someone to feel like he/she can't voice their opinion.

I for one, want to hear the criticisms of WP. I want to learn from people who point out its shortfalls. It's good to have discussion. Let's just keep it civil and on target. Discuss the issues, not the people.
Maybe crApple should give up on Mac OS X because they have less than 5% market share even after 30 years of lies, propaganda and brainwashing.

Excellent point. Not the lies, propaganda, and brainwashing part; just the market share part. Apple never really took control of the PC market, yet they never gave up. MS may never have the largest marketshare in the mobile space, but that doesn't mean it should just pack it in.

Then again, once Windows 8 comes, it will be the only OS available on PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, not to mention XBox integration. There is a much larger endgame here than merely mobile ecosystem marketshare.
I did not take time to read all the posts here but even if I hate replying troll posts like this, will make a quick answer. Whenever market share is good or bad, and it may be bad right now, this really isn't a problem. First, WP is from far the most stable, innovative, connected, OS so far. The real first mobile system innovation since the first time we saw palm OS and Windows Mobile. Apple and Android NEVER invented anything apart from improving long existing tech.
Second, I really don't understand people flaming windows phone on market shares. You know what you have behind WP is Microsoft !!!!! And even if some of their previous experiments were failures, never a good product or software from MS ever failed ! Lets take XBOX360, start was not easy at first dealing with PS3 and WII. What can you say now ??

Nevermind, I really trust in WP because it is a real game changer and I am sure MS will never give up on WP because they know they have the future of both mobile, desktop and more in their hands.


Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
trolls need not apply

Crimson, you're the epitome of a nasty little troll. You don't like what there is to offer in Windows Phone? Then don't buy it.

We have something called a free market society where we have choices and we can choose what suits our needs.

I'm not a lemming. I don't buy something because it's the most popular thing. I don't buy things to be "#1".

I buy things that bring me enjoyment and that I find usefulness from.

It's pretty sad that the only enjoyment you get out of life is to go to boards for devices you don't own and never intend to own and hope to rile up people. It's okay that no one will talk to you on the boards for devices you do own. Just don't spread your misery to boards like this one.
I actually think there's more to this. . .

. . . Come on, King. Admit it... you were drinking, right? :P
Did anyone bother to look into MobilePlease about their numbers, and the methodology behind them?
I'm going to assume no...
Let's do some math, they state on the "report" that it is based on sample of 5,377 phones sold in the UK on THEIR sales network.
When asked, their marketing department will tell you that Mobile Please is a phone comparison site that deals with over 700,000 queries per month, on over 100 sites. And the sample for their figures is based on 5% of sales for the UK market.

Anyone see the problem?

based on their figures, less than 110,000 smart phones were sold in total in the UK in the month of November, and of those, about 200 were Lumia 800's.
With these figures one would think the economy of the UK is in the dumper really bad ... the UK has about 60,000,000 people right?

Looks like i'm not the only one that found the "Math" suspect... did the same math I did... here's a link:
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I want to point out that calling someone a troll is a forum of trolling and will not be allowed in these forums. If it continues I will start handing out warnings.
I think Nokia will do fairly well globally.

There are positive indications in Europe.

Middle East: I think Nokia WP devices will be a success in the Middle East, particularly the Gulf. Brand recognition exists, so does plenty of nostalgia and a substantial portion of the youth and young adult demographic use Xbox 360/Live, Skype, Facebook, Windows Live, etc, and would dig integration onto a mobile device.

South Asia: Both high and lower-end WP devices have potential there, brand recognition exists and there is still a big feature-phone market among middle/lower-middle class consumers. Like in the Middle East, higher end consumers use Microsoft's eco-system across multiple key areas (esp. Skype, Windows Live).

North America: Might sound surprising, and it depends on a lot of things - not least Nokia ensuring its presence among carriers. If it can get its own kiosks/sections with proper sales people at the carrier-retail level, I am 100% sure it'll do fairly well.
I don't see why people have to attack other members for their views? It's a forums for debate and debating is good. Stick to the subject and defend your points. Stop with the troll cat calls its very childish and reminds me another forum(crack berry) where people get banned for arguing against anything blackberry.
A top 10 of smartphones that you can buy with plan through Amazon. Notice no Galaxy Nexus or iPhone. I bet if you could buy the iPhone with plan through Amazon Wireless, the top 5 spots alone would be 4 iPhones and the Galaxy Nexus.

Actually Crimson,

Galaxy Nexus is number 6 on the Amazon list. BEHIND 3 WP models and just above a fourth.

Time to admit, it's over for Android and Google better just shut the division down.
I don't think people have a problem with anyone stating an opinion. But when that person states their opinion as being fact, that when things hit the fan. Especially since that person doesn't listen to counter argument and just dismisses anything anyone has to say.
Ok folks, whether you think KingCrimson is troll or not, he's entitled to his opinion. He may not have all the facts, but it is HIS opinion. As for him being a troll, look at his history, I did. He's not necessarily a troll. He presents some food for thought. Last thing we need on these forums is for someone to feel like he/she can't voice their opinion.

I for one, want to hear the criticisms of WP. I want to learn from people who point out its shortfalls. It's good to have discussion. Let's just keep it civil and on target. Discuss the issues, not the people.
P.S, all this coming from a person [OP], that has never owned a smartphone. I mean really?!
I agree. ^^

You've got to consider the reaction to your posts on a message board. I mean, isn't that the reason why we're all here. It's simple forum etiquette.

IMO, the OP tied his own noose and kicked the chair over by posting this thread.

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