Nokia Lumia sales are disastrous

What's the big deal. Burning cd's isn't illegal nor is loaning said cd out to friends.
Is it just me, or are people becoming careless about revealing their methods of obtaining music? First, someone tells me Windows Phone should have a file manager so they can access the music they download in zip files. Now, you want to BT music to your friends?

If you want to go illegal, choose Android. Not saying Google condones it, but that's simply what's possible with the kind of OS Android is. Much like how Windows Mobile was.
The record labels only get their feathers ruffled when music is place on torrents. Sharing your music with friends is fine. Why the big tiff over sharing via BT. First it's ridiculously slow and a pain in the arse.
Woo you said arse 1jaxstate1 instead of as s, I'm impressed! ;) :D

Yes BT file transfer is tedioulsy slow, although for an odd photo it's fine.
What's the big deal. Burning cd's isn't illegal nor is loaning said cd out to friends.

The record labels only get their feathers ruffled when music is place on torrents. Sharing your music with friends is fine. Why the big tiff over sharing via BT. First it's ridiculously slow and a pain in the arse.

Actually sharing music in any way is piracy and is illegal, including lending a CD to anyone else. Burning CDs is a grey area (as are making mp3 versions for your portable music player) because it's legal if you can say it's a back up for yourself, but as soon as it is passed to someone else it is illegal. Same goes for DVDs.

The reason a much bigger deal is made over sharing music over BT is that it's a much wider network of distribution and can be tracked. One friend lending a CD to another is virtually impossible to police.
Lending a CD is in no way illegal. You can lend anyone your CD, DVD, video game, book, or whatever intellectual property you can think of. You can sell it, too. What you can't do is duplicate it and disseminate it. Those duplicates are counterfeits. Lending, selling, or trading an original licensed copy is just fine.
Not sure where you live but this is wrong in both in the US and the UK.

Apologies, you're right, I've double checked. It's not illegal to lend the original, but it is illegal to give (even for free) a copy of the original. It is also illegal to lend the original or a copy if the other person makes a copy.

Bluetooth is painfully slow. The last time I remember transferring a song via Bluetooth was about 7 or 8 yrs ago. I wanted to see how fast this "wireless" transfer was. I thought that the idea if not having to use a cable to connect to my PC was cool.

Then I tried it... and learned why you should never transfer music via Bluetooth.
Well this thread got way off topic to me it reads like we have file transfer and copyright issues resolved so lets get back to discussing Lumia sales and there impact on Windows Phone.

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