WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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George Ponder

Dec 28, 2001
We're giving away a T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 710! All you need to do is snap a photo with your Windows Phone, post it here and we'll select the best photo out of the bunch to take home the Lumia 710.

Sounds easy right?

Here's the fine print. Only one entry per reader and the photo must be taken by a Windows Phone camera (we'll stretch it to any smartphone camera). The photo theme - Black and White. You can submit a photo of people, places or things but it needs to be presented in black and white (grayscale to some).

You can use apps such as Thumba or Fhotoroom to convert the picture to black and white or use desktop software (e.g. Photoshop) to take care of things. Image size? Keep it around 5x7 at 72 dpi.

You have until February 24, 2012 until 5:00pm CST to submit your photos. Give us a few days to judge everything and one lucky contestant will win the Lumia 710 and one runner up will walk away with a $75 gift certificate to the WPCentral Store.

Good luck everyone!
Cool giveaway!
Okay here goes nothing! I attached a photo I shot with my HTC HD7 (which I wouldn't mind replacing with a Lumia 710 by the way ;-))). It's shot in our hotel in Sharm el Sheikh', Egypt during our last holiday in January. While it was freezing at home, it was hot there! Good I had my Windows Phone handy to make these great shots :-)
ok here goes
I was playing around with this cool app called "Phototastic" using the front facing camera of my htc radar then used pictures lab for the black and white effect :)
Taken on my Samsung Focus...

shot over my neighbor's yard, liked the contrast of the moon vs. the artificial light
HTC Trophy. Picture taken at the beautiful Glueharbour Beach in southern Sweden where the ice between Sweden and Denmark is cracking up. It was foggy as h*ll that day, otherwise you would see Copenhagen from the bridge.
Taken in NYC with my Focus. Hopefully not a bad try.

Edit: Attaching re sized image to meet the requirement.
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"tonight we dine in h.e.l.l.", Leonidas

this is a drawing of king leonidas that i was working on yesterday, i took a snapshot of it to share it with my friends. since this is a snapshot with my phone at doing what i love, i thought i should join :)

hope you like it.

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Bike Taxi Time Square

This was Taken w/ my HTC Surround Riding a Bike Taxi Through Time Square when my friend was in town to visit from Canada]
Heres one taken from my HD7 overlooking the runoff to Locust Lake State Park in PA,US. Gotta love 50s in Feb.
Here is My photo taken with HTC Titan from a hotel in San Francisco.
Morning of January 28 2012
HTC Arrive Photo

That's my boy!

My thinking is, if I am going to win this contest, a photo contest, I will enter in with a picture of the most wonderful and beautiful thing on the face of MY world. And he loves playing with my Windows Phone!

Taken with a HTC Arrive.

Thank you for checkin' this out! :)
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