WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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Taken with my Samsung Focus. Pure simplicity.


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Walking on ice

Last day of below zero temperatures after 13 days in Belgium, Europe. Summertime is beautiful little beach, the winter results in having a enormous snow and ice landscape. Taken with my Samsung Omnia 7 + Photostudio app to shoot the panorama.
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Taken with a Nokia Lumia 800....my iPhone4s which seems so dated and such old technology compared to the vibrance and beauty of WP7. Would love to win the Lumia 710
We're giving away a T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 710! All you need to do is snap a photo with your Windows Phone, post it here and we'll select the best photo out of the bunch to take home the Lumia 710.

Sounds easy right?

Here's the fine print. Only one entry per reader and the photo must be taken by a Windows Phone camera (we'll stretch it to any smartphone camera). The photo theme - Black and White. You can submit a photo of people, places or things but it needs to be presented in black and white (grayscale to some).

You can use apps such as Thumba or Fhotoroom to convert the picture to black and white or use desktop software (e.g. Photoshop) to take care of things. Image size? Keep it around 5x7 at 72 dpi.

You have until February 24, 2012 until 5:00pm CST to submit your photos. Give us a few days to judge everything and one lucky contestant will win the Lumia 710 and one runner up will walk away with a $75 gift certificate to the WPCentral Store.

Good luck everyone!
Took this picture with my LG Optimus 7
My 1974 Gibson B-25... Just ThumbaCam and a Samsung Focus with the default camera settings set to high contrast . Oh and a nice reason to leave the forum lurking behind and finally join. I'm addicted to the WPCentral app anyways:)
My (very dirty) dog George after a run in the park. Taken with my Lg eXpo WM6.5 (<-- I NEED to win)

"Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my blind eyes see what others cannot. And sometimes the hand of fate must be forced! Now go forth... unleash the tides of Doom... Upon all those... Who would oppose us."


HTC Titan


requested size

*Behind the scenes :P
Took this when the UKs annual snow happened, the pipes on the side of my house were dripping water overnight and formed a layer of blobby ice over all of the dirt. I went to take a picture of it and it just so happened that a ladybird had been frozen on one of the ice blobs.
taken with a HTC Titan :]
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My beloved Vega playing in the water last Saturday, just two days later she passed on. RIP.

-Taken with Samsung Focus
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