WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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HTC Radar

This was taken in my front yard, about a week ago I think. Thanks for the opportunity! Giving it to my Android stricken wife if I win haha. :P
This was taken with my HTC HD7 at the Adelaide Oval during the Foo Fighters Concert!

That concert was amazing, the sound was so much that even seismologists detected had recordings similar to an earthquake!
Every now and then I dog sit for Trixie, but I just call her my Little Princess. She's a nervous little dog that really wants to let loose and have fun, but is so cautious that she doesn't get to express herself. I've been doing a lot of work with her confidence and feeling safe around men. She's shown remarkable improvement in how comfortable and outgoing she's becoming.

Taken with my Sexy Cyan Lumia 800.

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Hourglass =)

Took this with my Samsung Focus! The same image is attached if this doesn't show for some reason. I really hope I win! :happy:

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Some really good photos on here!
Thought I might aswell enter anyway.

This is a pic of some mushrooms I found while out on the golf course one sunday morning.
Taken from my HTC Trophy, tbh I want to upgrade to the lumia 900 or HTC titan, but this will go to my girlfriend if I win, who has a Nokia 6600s so olllldd!! She needs to see the wonders of WP7 for herself. Please don't let her suffer anymore.

Great photos here.
But I'm gonna be that one person here who's gonna post a photo that's meaningful (clich? I know). Necklace given to me by ex when we were still together. It's the "Oathkeeper Keyblade" from Kingdom Hearts when Kairi gave Sora her lucky charm and this became the Oathkeeper Keyblade (KH gamers know this scene).

Device: HTC 7 Trophy (Effects: Grayscale; Scenes: Macro)
Cropped with Adobe Photoshop CS5 to 5x7" 72dp.

Here's my entry; I hope you guys like cats! I caught this moment of pure bliss on a very warm and sunny afternoon last summer using my Samsung Omnia 7. For those interested in the backstory, my partner and I had adopted Tilly about three or four days before this photo was taken. She had been found abandoned in a shed at six or seven weeks old suffering from feline muscular dystrophy in her hind legs. At that point, she could hardly even stand up and had to drag herself about using her front paws. As if that wasn't enough, she was also very poorly and the vet recommended putting her to sleep if her state of health didn't improve significantly. However, I'm pleased to say that things did improve and, aside from occasionally tripping over her own legs, she is now a very happy and (relatively) healthy cat!
Over The Bridge

This picture I shot with my Omnia 7 on a bridge in Trier (RLP, Germany). It's cropped (there were parts of cars on the picture) and convertet to b&w in adobe lightroom. There are nice pictures posted here. Hope you also enjoy mine. ;)

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Taken with my Samsung Focus underwater

I took this photo of my daughter underwater at a water park. I used a waterproof phone bag.
I took this picture after Seattle's last snow storm. This is burning snow, after we ignited a frozen fireplace. Taken from my soon to be ex-iphone, thanks in advance for the 710! :)
Taken with HTC HD7 at a store that sells everything from electronics to hardware, to doll parts (for some reason)!
Summer Love

I was able to quickly pull out my Samsung Focus and capture this moment this summer when at my friend's cottage. Considering it was just Valentines day and knowing these two got engaged the day after taking this photo makes it a keeper.
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