WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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Pylons in sunset :)


Can also be found here (and yes, that's my own photo). Taken with an LG E900
I've already taken more than 2000 pictures with my Optimus 7. It's hard to choose only one.

Taken with the Optimus 7. Modified in Windows Live Photo Gallery.

If anyone cares, here are the photos I considered submitting: skydrive gallery

Couldn't really decide between this one, the out-of-focus eiffel tower and the european parliament.

DAT Optimus 7 swag. I take at least 3 pictures daily with my Optimus, is just hard not to.
This was taken with an HTC MyTouch (hey, it said any smartphone camera).

It's my son laying on the bridge exactly where I would lay when I was his age 30 years ago and grew up 8700 miles from where we live now. It's one of my favorites and named it "This used to be my playground" after Madonna's song.

I'm an app developer and really want to develop Windows Phone apps. I would super much appreciate a Nokia Lumia 710.

Here is a photo taken today with my HD7 phone and I used Thumba app... It's a photo of my 4 day old son Eli!!

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Taken from my HD7

This was taken by my HD7 last weekend at South Ithaca Recreaction Way. I found snow scene natural to be presented blak and white.
Photo entry - summer Auckland beach

Thanks for the contest!

Here's a photo of a local beach, in summer - taken with an HTC Trophy, and edited with Thumba.
I downloaded the photo to my desktop computer from Shydrive. I set the saturation to -100 using Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
His name is TITAN and he's hungry for the new Nokia Lumia 710.
How can anyone deny him?


(taken with HTC Trophy)

I must post following info since many ppl have not followed the rules.
Hopefully this gives me the edge. LOOL

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This is all the phone my wife and I have had over the years.

Taken with my lumia 710 edited with Photoshop elements
Here is mine!

Taken using the original Samsung Focus while on vacation in Port Albert, Canada.

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Here my picture of Minneapolis and the Missisippi River from Fort Snelling. It was shot on a Lumia 710 which I have on trial, but I'd love to win one to keep.
So I took this with my Dell Venue Pro from my hotel room at the Westin Waterfront while at Pax East (in Boston) last year. And for those Dell Venue Pro owners you know that was way before they "fixed" the camera issues. Probably the best shot I've ever took on it.
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