WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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King Zulu 2012

Enjoy everyone!!! taken with a Samsung Focus Flash! Used Pictomaphone App for Grayscale conversion.
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Taken with LG Optimus 7

It's name is "My love"
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I was in New York City at the end of January to ring the closing bell of the New York Stock Exchange. While walking around Wall St. I saw this statue and had to get a pic.

What a fun contest. I hope the photo is resized properly.

Here is a photo of the original Boeing factory. Its a red barn, probably the size of a football field. They've come a long way since then.
Ya gone and done it now with a fun contest!

Nothing I like more than sharing pics %^^%!!

This one is called "everyone was having fun at work"

(sized to 5x7 at 72dpi as requested and black and white...oorah!)

Trip to Lake Pine Crest in CA

This is a picture of lake pine crest in california. I was at a friends cabin with my fiance and son. This is what the lake looks like during winter when they drain it. I hope you guys enjoy the picture. This was taken with my HTC Titan and resized with Thumba, bought the app just to resize this picture. Great App, thanks for the recommendation.

Private beach. Sanur, Bali - Indonesia

Since there is no US only rules on the post, i hope my girlfriend gonna send that 710 overseas :p

Picture taken by,
Lumia 800

Resized to,
5 x 7

Original size,
1998 x 3552 7MP Wide

Taken with my Omnia7
Bornholm Castle @ ?land, Sweden.

Here is a version from the app Apict, pretty nice app!
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Here's my Boo who I rescued from an apartment complex I used to live in. Poor thing was meowing at the laundry area door across from my door one night. Brought her in and talked to the landlady, but nobody was missing a kitten. She loves laying on my lap while at the computer.

Taken from a Dell Venue Pro running Windows Mango.
Well, attached here's my picture of my grandfather's old Rolleiflex SL66. He was a profesional photographer and he used this camera to shoot amazing picture. He died the 25th of February and I took this picture to honor his very good job.. Would love to have a phone like the Lumia 710 with Carl Zeiss optics such as the Rolleiflex.. Hope you appreciate this.
There's two images taken with my HD7: the original and the one with 72dpi..
Hope to win! :D

Grandfather miss you ♥
Lumia 710

This is what i achieved with my Quantum.
Badminton is an amazing Sport!


The Picture is just resized, not edited.
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I got my first Windows Phone couple of weeks ago. My DP got a Blackberry and now wishing that he got what I got instead. This phone would a very nice surprise for him!!!

Attached is the very first picture I took on my new phone! :D
In my country the phone didn't arrive yet, and the economy here is horrible, it's almost impossible for me to get the phone, so I would love to win the contest. Thanks for your time.
OK....here is my picture of my HTC Radar next to an HTC Radar cake. Can't think of a better way to honor a phone/OS than to make a cake that looks just like it.
Taken with my HTC Radar. No adjustments, cropping or any other effects were used except using Thumba photo editor and clicking on 'black and white.'

I am confused as how dpi translates into pixels, but the picture is in approximately 5x7 format and the picture is fairly small. Heck it's only 38 kilobytes.

Also, no I didn't just walk up to somebody's eye and take the picture :) It was kind of a hard shot to get the lighting right. The first shot I am submitting for the contest, the second shot is just for fun, since I didn't know which one to submit at first. The second image was cropped a little.
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