WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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Taken with an HD7.
My dog Kuku


It was taken with a HTC Mazaa. Used Paint .NET to resize it and convert it to black and white.

I do like contests.
The squirrels in SF are not fearful of humans at all. In fact, they come right up to you.
Taken with the GSII 4G (T-Mobile) before I got my Radar 4G.

Arguably, the Radar's camera sensor and aperture are superior, but the software compression of the image really ruins the quality of the image output, something Samsung seems to have done better with on the software side.


Photo is attached, but here's a preview too:

Hahahaha :) Edited with thumba photo editor, not really sure about changing of size though :( Hope it doesnt affect the chance of winning? :)
Taken with my HTC Arrive. A postcard on my fridge that I picked up at the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, WV,
Please save my wife from Android!

I took this picture with my Radar this morning as we had 30+Mph winds that knocked a tree into our pool. Something is ALWAYS being thrown into our pool by the wind. I hope this picture is good enough to win so I can finally save my wife from Android (the poor battery life and constant force closes!) Windows Phone rocks!
My entry :D

This is my entry :) I really need a new phone cause I love Wp7 but my Lg Optimus 7 is continuously rebooting by itself :\

We're giving away a T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 710! All you need to do is snap a photo with your Windows Phone, post it here and we'll select the best photo out of the bunch to take home the Lumia 710.

Sounds easy right?

Here's the fine print. Only one entry per reader and the photo must be taken by a Windows Phone camera (we'll stretch it to any smartphone camera). The photo theme - Black and White. You can submit a photo of people, places or things but it needs to be presented in black and white (grayscale to some).

You can use apps such as Thumba or Fhotoroom to convert the picture to black and white or use desktop software (e.g. Photoshop) to take care of things. Image size? Keep it around 5x7 at 72 dpi.

You have until February 24, 2012 until 5:00pm CST to submit your photos. Give us a few days to judge everything and one lucky contestant will win the Lumia 710 and one runner up will walk away with a $75 gift certificate to the WPCentral Store.

Good luck everyone!
This pic was taken with a Samsung Focus on Royal Street on Mardi Gras day in New Orleans. I used Thumba Cam to make it black and white.
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