WPCentral Nokia Lumia 710 Giveaway!

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Here is my entry taken with my iPhone (yes I need a WP to save me from Apple). Its a weird dirt road out in the middle of nowhere that is lit by street lights?

There are some great photos in this thread. I had some really nice landscapes, but since we could only enter one photo I decided on this one instead. I figured it had a Windows Phone theme to it and it just seemed more "interesting" to me. I feel like there are little stories going on in there.


This was shot with an HTC Titan.

Used Photoshop to make it B&W and change the dimensions to 5x7 at 72 dpi.
Creepy Lodge from The Shining

I was visiting timberline lodge last weekend and snapped this picture of the lodge that was used as the exterior shots in The Shining. it's still pretty creepy and the little "stay away" sign is kinda fun too. this was taken with my Nokia Lumia 800 free developer phone and the pucture was auto-uploaded to skydrive.
I love windows phones like a kid loves cupcakes!

Truly committed: I will leave Sprint (that's 10yrs with them and counting) to T-Mobile if I win this phone!

btw, despite the measly '1' posting count appearing there on the left, I'm a long time member and poster of treocentral and precentral forums.
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Here's my entry! It was taken using an LG ENV3, edited with my friend's Windows phone (fhotoroom).
Definitely hoping to upgrade my phone and switch over to t-mobile. :)
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This is a pic i took at a Jean LeLoup show in Montreal Canada.

hes the Jim morrison of Canada! lol


man he was SOO high while he was playing.. good god... specially when he came back from the break!
My black and white entry. Taken with my HTC Tilt 2

Colorado Ski Trip - Grabbed this picture with my camera phone before I skied down.

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Took this with my Dell Venue Pro, converted to B&W on my computer. Lots of great photos here! Hope I can win cause my friend's iPhone just died and he's been dying to get a Lumia.
Need an upgrade!!! iPhone 4 with HDR

I took this photo of a dog with my iPhone 4 :( Imagine what I could do with a Nokia 710 Windows phone ;)
Chocolate Death Star.

I took a picture of some Lindt chocolate as I thought it looked like the Death Star from Star Wars lol.

Have been looking into getting the Lumia 710 for a while, and would be awesome to win it. :D
Lumia 710 giveaway

Not sure if i'm eligible. Took this with my Samsung Omnia7.

Simple Minds - Birmingham 02 Academy, UK
Photo of Space Needle taken with a waterlogged HTC Titan. Edited with with Thumba to convert to black and white.
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