Battery draining rapidly after 8.1 dev preview install


New member
May 23, 2013
Is anyone also experiencing a serious battery drain on their device after the install? I have my L1020 and my battery is not lasting at all, I had almost full battery once I stepped into my office and then by like 3:30PM EST my battery was dead, I optimized the battery to the way I had it prior to installing the dev preview, any thoughts?
Is anyone also experiencing a serious battery drain on their device after the install? I have my L1020 and my battery is not lasting at all, I had almost full battery once I stepped into my office and then by like 3:30PM EST my battery was dead, I optimized the battery to the way I had it prior to installing the dev preview, any thoughts?
Personally...I'd chalk it up to a One Day oddity. Assuming you've charged it up again already, I'd just see if you wake up and it is dead before doing anything drastic.
Yeah, I noticed battery drain on my 1520 as well. Ironically, the first app showing the battery drain is the battery saver app itself!
Happened to me too on my Lumia 521. I chalk it up to a bunch of background tasks needed to be done after installation. It subsided after a few hours.
On checking the battery sense app, I see that its Cortana which is drinking so much battery juice. She is one hungry baby!
let the battery drain till its dead, then plug it in and charge it up without distrubing it. after that use the phone normally til its dead again, charge it up and see how it goes then. I know it sounds wierd but my battery life is good after these steps.
i'm also having a huge battery drain problem with my Lumia 925 after install the 8.1 dev preview.

the back of the phone above the camera lens is constantly hot and i lose about 1-2% of battery ever couple of minutes.

i've turned off Cortana, turned off wifi & bluetooth and disabled some background tasks but nothing helped.

I don't know what to do. The phone was working fine before the 8.1 dev preview. :(
I am having this also. Since all the apps download again after the update, I needed to go in and block a lot of them from background tasks. I had to do the same thing after the last update. The battery life leveled out after a couple of days.
Cortana is my second biggest battery drainer. Having to use the Facebook app more often is killing my battery.
so in the space of less than 6 hours, my phone has gone from a full charge to 9% battery.

since i'm at work, i plugged in my phone to the micro usb connected to my PC to charge the battery.

after about half an hour or so, I noticed that the battery is still at 9% which leads me to conclude that the phone is consuming as much power as I am charging it with!

Immediately, I turned it onto Airplane Mode and it has started to increase its charge to about 11% now. This leads me to assume that one or more of Wifi, cellular, FM radio, Bluetooth and/or NFC sharing is affecting the battery drain as those are the things that airplane mode turns off.

Will tinker with settings a bit more and report back if I get any improvements
Play around with battery sense and turn off the multiple apps that are running in the background :)
After the update my Lumia 925 is using 22% per hour. Before I would average 8%. And that 8% was using my Bluetooth headset for music streaming all day. I've been home all day using my phone minimally all day and its lasting a little over four hours on a full charge. I don't know what I'm going to do during work tomorrow if this keeps up.
I am having this also. Since all the apps download again after the update, I needed to go in and block a lot of them from background tasks. I had to do the same thing after the last update. The battery life leveled out after a couple of days.

Background task is still in settings?
And then there's this tidbit I found from a local Freecycler

"Lifeproof case for an iPhone 4S needs a new home. Gently used with plenty of life to go. Keeps phone working in freezing conditions, rain, sand, etc.

My iPhone 4S is no longer working...and it is not possible to order a replacement (no matter how much I begged). :-( It seems the problem is not with the physical function of the phone, so much that it is not able to handle the newer iOs 7 software. Wah!"

I'm not making this up, copied and pasted from my email.

Count our blessings, the wonkiness of the batteries after updates tend to work themselves out.
BAttery Performance after update

Hi huys, has there been any decrease/increase in battery performance after updating to wp8.1?? does cortana drain a lot of battery?? it would really suck if it did, coz I own a lumia 720, and the battery life is one of the most boastfull feature I have!! :P

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