Battery Sense doubts


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Nov 7, 2014
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Hello everyone. I have a Lumia 930. I wanted to know how to read the battery usage.

It is now nearing 5PM and I have 52% left. I was wondering why I only had 52% left when I had barely touched it all day. So what I did was go into the battery sense and I looked at all the applications that were using my battery life. I can read an Android battery life, but I have a doubt about Windows Phone battery life readings.

So, should everything there with their %s add up to 100%? Because they don't in my case.

So I have a couple of big things, like Line Messenger with 15.3%, Whatsapp 12.6%, Instagram with 3.8%, and OneDrive with 2%. Everything else is 1% or less. So I added EVERYTHING and I got 45... Not 100, and not 48....

Is it that Windows Phone services (like bluetooth, carrier signal, internal processes, etc) are taking up 55% and MY APPS are taking up 45? Or is it that

100% - 52 (what I have left) = 48. 48 - 45 (my apps) = 3% internal processes?

It's quite confusing... Any clarification would be a great help! Thank you in advance :)


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Jan 10, 2013
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The 3% difference is probably very low level things that are not easily measured and are part of the basic OS overhead (Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular voice/data, task scheduling, etc.). Also, I'm sure there is some rounding involved so I wouldn't expect things to add up perfectly.

Rather than focus on the missing 3%, I would focus on the things that it's telling you are using most of your battery. In your case, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp have used about 2/3rds of your battery. The next thing to pay attention to is whether those apps used most of the battery while "in use" or in the background. If most of it was while in use then there isn't much you can do other than use your phone less. If the app is using a lot of battery while running in the background then you may want to consider disabling the apps ability to run in the background unless it is very important to you.

Out of curiosity, how long was your phone off the charger when it had used 48%?


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Nov 7, 2014
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The 3% difference is probably very low level things that are not easily measured and are part of the basic OS overhead (Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular voice/data, task scheduling, etc.). Also, I'm sure there is some rounding involved so I wouldn't expect things to add up perfectly.

Rather than focus on the missing 3%, I would focus on the things that it's telling you are using most of your battery. In your case, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp have used about 2/3rds of your battery. The next thing to pay attention to is whether those apps used most of the battery while "in use" or in the background. If most of it was while in use then there isn't much you can do other than use your phone less. If the app is using a lot of battery while running in the background then you may want to consider disabling the apps ability to run in the background unless it is very important to you.

Out of curiosity, how long was your phone off the charger when it had used 48%?

I would say it was around 8 hours. From 8:30 AM until 4:45. I am now leaving Bluetooth on to connect to my DT-903, so I'm noticing a bigger battery drain. usually I would get 20% drain.


I'm attaching a few screenshots for when I submitted the OP.

So what you're saying is my battery is 100%, and for the moment, 55% is unused, and of the 100% 15% of it was LINE messenger.

In all honesty, I find this battery reading very confusing. I much prefer Android's in this case.

If I used 70% of the battery on my Android device, and I look at the battery meter, I can see everything that was using the battery. So if LINE were to appear, it would show "20%" which means, 20% of the 70% used is by LINE. But that can't make sense here... If EVERYTHING I used was less than 50% , then what was the other 50!? It's so confusing :(


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Jan 10, 2013
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Two thoughts...

The battery usage percentages are based on the previous 24 hours (see the link in your screenshots). It doesn't really relate to the current battery status or the last time the phone was charged so there is no point in trying to subtract app usage from the current phone state. It's just telling you trends over the past 24 hours. Any other percent that is not attributed to an app is being used by the OS itself. The app usage numbers will be the same regardless of the current battery level.

I notice that the triangle symbol is appearing in the status area. I think this means your phone is roaming. One thing that will kill battery very quickly is low signal. Perhaps your phone is increasing the cellular radio power in an attempt to connect to a non-roaming tower? It's just a theory and it may not make sense, but off the top of my head it seems possible. My phone used to eat battery when I was at work and had poor signal.


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Nov 7, 2014
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It's not roaming. It's a German phone and I live in Spain. So the bands are the same. Just that its not expecting to connect to a Spanish carrier.

Thank you for your clarification. You're right. It's 24 hours. Not based on since when I unplugged.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 930

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