What US Carrier are you with or Switching to for Wp8 Launch?


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Hi guys what Carrier are you for. the great Wp8 Launch? :D. I know the problems. Carriers have especially Sprint. we know that Sprint won't have a phone at launch. big pity
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Well, I hope to stay with T-mo. HOPEFULLY someone (Samsung, Nokia, HTC, etc.) will have a UMA (WiFi calling) enabled WP8 phone.

Then my prepaid $30 (100min/UL Text/UL Data) plan will be worth it. I didn't realize how small 100 minutes of talk really is.
I'm on Verizon and will never switch because of a phone. You should always pick the provider that offers the best cell coverage for you. Never pick a provider because they have a particular phone. If that provider has terrible cell coverage where you live/work, it won't matter how nice the phone is if you can't use it because you don't have service.
Interesting that when I originally considered a smartphone back in September 2010(iPhone 4), everyone said AT&T was the worst network. But with my L900, no issues.
I'm on Verizon and will never switch because of a phone. You should always pick the provider that offers the best cell coverage for you. Never pick a provider because they have a particular phone. If that provider has terrible cell coverage where you live/work, it won't matter how nice the phone is if you can't use it because you don't have service.

That reminds me of this USCC commercial that I saw. In this commercial this guy is trying to sell this guy this phone that supposedly can do everything and at the end the guy asked. "yea but can it get reception wherever I need it?"

That being said I'm currently with T-mobile and plan to stick with them for at least 3 years but of course by then all the carriers will be equal with technology and coverage so it'll just boil down to the price.
I'm currently on Verizon but I plan on switching to AT&T more than likely once new devices come out. When I upgrade I am going to lose my unlimited data anyways because I can't afford to buy a phone outright. Plus a friend of mine has an iPhone on AT&T and he gets much better signal than I do 90% of the time.
Probably stick with ATT. I can't believe how good the LTE coverage is in areas near me where HSPA+ coverage is subpar.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Well, I hope to stay with T-mo. HOPEFULLY someone (Samsung, Nokia, HTC, etc.) will have a UMA (WiFi calling) enabled WP8 phone.

Then my prepaid $30 (100min/UL Text/UL Data) plan will be worth it. I didn't realize how small 100 minutes of talk really is.

Apparently the dev behind the wonderful MetroTalk (google voice) app has plan to implement wifi calling within the app on WP8!!
Yes I switched to AT&T for a phone

But that wasn't the sole reason. Yes it is more expensive, but this is the most reliable network I've ever been on
AT&T is just the best carrier in my area. I had VZW in my pre-smartphone days, and finally gave them up when months of unreliable service at my house, and I could see the AT&T tower out my bedroom window.
AT&T is the best option for me in my rural area...

Ive said this before but I will say it again,
It's cheaper than Verizon.
Better coverage than T-Mobile,
Better data speeds & data coverage than Sprint.
I have Sprint but I really don't know what to do. I just moved and now my coverage is spotty at best why I don't know but it is. Plus they don't seem to give a hoot about WP8so who knows. I may skip WP altogether and try Hemroid if I can get the device I want but that would mean leaving Sprint and what's the point of having a smartphone without unlimited data? :straight:
I have Sprint but I really don't know what to do. I just moved and now my coverage is spotty at best why I don't know but it is. Plus they don't seem to give a hoot about WP8so who knows. I may skip WP altogether and try Hemroid if I can get the device I want but that would mean leaving Sprint and what's the point of having a smartphone without unlimited data? :straight:

Call Sprint and let them know that you have poor reception in your area. If you are in a contract you may be able to waive the ETF. As for unlimited, you can try pre-paid, if WP8 comes to any of them, or you can go to T-mobile, which will not charge you extra, but will throttle you after 5 gigs.
StraightTalk - this will save me about $1500 over two years and that will pay for me having to purchase my phone outright. Will get an ATT phone as StriaghtTalk uses ATT towers so I'll get the same coverage as ATT users.

Pure win.

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