8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE !!!

Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

my 2MB update is complete and i am now running OS version : 8.0.10532.166

unless im wrong that should start with OS Version: 8.1*****

UPDATE - that apparently was an update to accept the update and now a much larger file is downloading

i have to use my phone for a work call for next 45 minutes or so and will have to wait to install and upload pics etc..
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Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

i call BS!!!

my 2MB update is complete and i am now running OS version : 8.0.10532.166

unless im wrong that should start with OS Version: 8.1*****

Yeah you should have 8.1.14XXX

Check if tthere's a second one. That's how it was for the oG 8.1. One small update and then one massive one
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

I have the Developer's Preview, and still nothing. I've been clicking "Check for updates" for the last 5 hours, and it keeps telling me that my phone is up to date. OS Version: 8.10.14203.306, firmware version: 2218.14.03.2. I hope that getting the preview does not make me wait even longer for the official update! I need the bugs to end!
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

I have the Developer's Preview, and still nothing. I've been clicking "Check for updates" for the last 5 hours, and it keeps telling me that my phone is up to date. OS Version: 8.10.14203.306, firmware version: 2218.14.03.2. I hope that getting the preview does not make me wait even longer for the official update! I need the bugs to end!

Try disabling PfD.
Re: Update 8.1 thread

@ Dusan; yes the Ativ Camera is here!!! It looks like the camera app as on the Samsung Galaxy devices.
And finally a background photo on my phone lol. Everything seems to work perfect and fast. Like it's a different phone! I will play all evening with my Ativ SE lol

Great for you guys, enjoy your new phone!

Just to be clear, that's the app from this link?

Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Can anyone confirm this is working yet?
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Can anyone confirm this is working yet?

i had to pause my install while i had a work call and its installing now at 50% and will update OP when its done but all is good so far. i took screen shots of all the info all the way through and will post them
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Thanks, It doesn't show me a update :( I was on the Preview so I'm wondering if this will be a issue.
Re: Update 8.1 thread

i have had a thread on this going on HERE that i am updating OP with screen shots etc..

just letting you know
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Try disabling PfD.
You mean by following the procedures in this post "How To Flash Windows Phone 8.0 GDR3 with Windows (Get Rid of Preview for Developers)", or were you talking about another way to disable it? I don't want to lose any of my data or apps, so I'm a little leery of following the removal procedures, unless it won't mess with any of that.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

You mean by following the procedures in this post "How To Flash Windows Phone 8.0 GDR3 with Windows (Get Rid of Preview for Developers)", or were you talking about another way to disable it? I don't want to lose any of my data or apps, so I'm a little leery of following the removal procedures, unless it won't mess with any of that.
Just turn it off. PfD uses different servers from regular updates, see if that's it
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

You mean by following the procedures in this post "How To Flash Windows Phone 8.0 GDR3 with Windows (Get Rid of Preview for Developers)", or were you talking about another way to disable it? I don't want to lose any of my data or apps, so I'm a little leery of following the removal procedures, unless it won't mess with any of that.

I haven't checked yet (and I am unable to), but you most likely can disable PFD and take the update OTA. My tutorial is probably not necessary. If you're having issues and you grow impatient that tutorial may help you, however, keep in mind you will lose your data. If you back up from PFD 8.1 and then flash, and then update OTA to 8.1, you SHOULD be able to restore your updates. Just don't log in with your Microsoft account until you've arrived at 8.1.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

I uninstalled Preview for Dev and it still doesn't show any updates for me. Might have to flash it back. I'll just wait a bit longer to see.
Re: Update 8.1 thread

If anyone on the Preview for Developers gets the update, let us know.

I am unable to check, but you most likely can disable PFD and take the update OTA (after waiting for a bit). I have a tutorial to go back to Stock, but my tutorial is probably not necessary. If you're having issues and you grow impatient that tutorial may help you, however, keep in mind you will lose your data. If you back up from PFD 8.1 and then flash, and then update OTA to 8.1, you SHOULD be able to restore your updates. Just don't log in with your Microsoft account until you've arrived at 8.1.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

From what I see the "The latest firmware build is now 2218.14.12.1 :" Mine is 2218.14.03.2 still.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

OP updated with screen shots

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