8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE !!!

Re: Update 8.1 thread

Yes, not in all countries, but lots of us have official 8.1.1 from November or October.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

From what I see the "The latest firmware build is now 2218.14.12.1 :" Mine is 2218.14.03.2 still.

I definitely have 2218.14.12.1, coming from stock. Try checking for another update.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

We now have a section called "USB" in settings. This phone finally has IPoverUSB and VidStream!
Re: Update 8.1 thread

As of 5:30 pm, I too have successfully updated from 8.0 to 8.1. Cortana is now available!
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

so know i am curious to we have 8.1, 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 and my guess is we have just the first 8.1
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

so know i am curious to we have 8.1, 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 and my guess is we have just the first 8.1

your screenshot shows "Windows Phone 8.1 Update" so that means that. AKA Update 1, GDR1, 8.1.1...
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

I just got it and it's awesome!!! I was desperate for a calendar sharing now that I switched jobs (no longer able to keep it all on Exchange server) and now I can keep calendar and contacts in iCloud. The text swiping is super cool - both of these made me very happy!! Yay!
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

on 8.0 didnt holding down the home button use to activate something? mine does nothing with a hold or double tap and seems like it should be useful to associate a function?
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

on 8.0 didnt holding down the home button use to activate something? mine does nothing with a hold or double tap and seems like it should be useful to associate a function?

I think you're remembering the app switching which was/is accomplished by holding down the back button.
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

on 8.0 didnt holding down the home button use to activate something? mine does nothing with a hold or double tap and seems like it should be useful to associate a function?

On 8.0, holding down the home button would activate TellMe (the ability to give your phone voice commands). On 8.1, TellMe has been replaced with Cortana, and you hold down the search key instead of the home key to launch Cortana straight into listening mode. :)
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

On 8.0, holding down the home button would activate TellMe (the ability to give your phone voice commands). On 8.1, TellMe has been replaced with Cortana, and you hold down the search key instead of the home key to launch Cortana straight into listening mode. :)

yes it would be GREAT to allow us the option to utilize that shortcut for something of our choice like an app
I had to roll back to 8.0 to get the update. Make a fresh backup before you do and you can restore after the official update. Thank you Verizon.
If you wait you may eventually get it but I don't know. I had two of these devices and one had the PFD. The 8.0 device got the update immediately.
Best Wishes
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

yes it would be GREAT to allow us the option to utilize that shortcut for something of our choice like an app

I agree, I would prefer to have Cortana accessed by holding the home button and search being the same from 8.0. Rather miss the Bing search screen...

I followed the instructions carefully. Don't forget to reboot after installing the drivers. I did not have to disable signed drivers as instructed.
I went to backup settings before the procedure and chose backup now. The procedure worked as advertised. After successful rollback take the new update. After the update reset the phone and add your Microsoft account. It will find your new backup. If your backup setting include all options everything will be restored.

Best of luck
My issue seems like when I plug the phone in it doesn't see it. I have tried on 3 computers and all do the same thing :(
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Installing the 8.1 update right now...all I can say....I'm happy that Verizon/Microsoft/Samsung FINALLY pushed out this update. I used to have it as dev preview on my old Nokia over a year ago and liked it. Then I bought the Samsung a year ago...and was back to Win8...waiting, and waiting and waiting. The only good thing for me is that I don't need to hurry to get a new phone ...I had already started shopping for Android phones...but nevertheless...The WP platform lost me after the show of lack of support and communication (apart of lack of apps)....I'm done and will "upgrade" to Android in a few months ....Thanks Microsoft...I really was a fan....but no more...
Re: Update 8.1 thread

Can any of you report your region, or anything else relevant, so we can possible figure out the release details.

I'm not seeing an update here in Georgia.

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