A friend was extremely excited about the Surface tablet and was prepared to preorder one. The only thing holding him back was he had seen no information regarding cellular connectivity. He e-mailed MS and here was the response:
From: Microsoft Store Support [mailto:XXXXXXXX]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: SRX1185945955ID - Microsoft Store
Thank you for taking the time to email us at the Microsoft Store. I understand the importance of understanding our new products. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.
At this time we have no plans to release a version with 3G/4G capabilities.
I am pleased that you have contacted us for assistance. You can also reach us by phone at 1-877-MY-MS-STORE (696-7786) Monday-Friday, 8am-1am EST; 12pm-8pm EST on weekends.
Kyle P.
Microsoft Store Email Support
Many may yawn and say, "no big deal!", but to completely eschew a cellular option for a tablet offering is not a smart move. I imagine there are many people for whom lack of 3G/4G connection will be a dealbreaker. Laptop users are used to the lack of cellular options...tablet users not so much.
I am really rooting for MS and the Surface devices to be strong and have coattails that will bring Windows 8 Phone to the fore, but I think this is a crucial mistake.
Any thoughts?