AMA with Dan Rubino: Everything Lumia 950

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Hey Dan,
Thanks for doing this AMA. I had 3 questions: NFC and Miracast, QR code , default camera

Beyond using the display dock , have you tested the Microsoft HD-10, NFC Miracast adapter with the phone? how does it do?

I liked having bing-vision and some of those others Lenses readily available in the camera app! Curious if you seen any changes via Lenses or any other part of OS, where a QR scanner is built-in?

Thought the default app looks really good in terms of design and other features, curious if you've tried or considered Proshot? or similar apps.

Thanks for considering my questions, Cheers!
Hi Dan,

I want to know whether these apps are working?
- LockMix (lock screen app)
- Sygic (Navi app)


- LockMix: Yes (also thanks for reminding me of how awesome that app is, using it again)
- Sygic: They released a universal Windows app recently, so yeah, it def works
Can you open few apps and use them for a while, switch between the apps without the Resuming... screen appearing in between ?

How fast does the camera launch from a cold start ? One thing I like about iPhones is that the camera is super fast to launch.

A video demo of multi tasking would be awesome but I'm not counting on it :)

Yes, I believe it is 7-8 apps will stay open.

Launches in 1 second

Multitasking is just holding down the back button and going back to the last few apps you are using (7-8). No resuming.
My apologies if this has already been asked: But how do third-party Universal apps respond to Continuum? All official Microsoft demos have only shown us first-party apps using Continuum, no third party.

Do apps like myTube, Readit and Wolfram Alpha (A few of the first examples I could think of) automatically display their larger versions when used with Continuum?

On that same note: What happens if you try to open a non-universal app on your external display? That is to say: Phone-only apps? Do they appear with a lot of blank/black space around them, or do they just refuse to open at all?

Finally, Edge on tablet/desktop has Flash support. We already know Edge for Windows 10 Mobile doesn't, but does the option appear when running it externally in desktop mode via Continuum? Does the option appear, or nah? I personally have Flash disabled on my Surface because I loathe it, but I'm curious about its presence(Or lack thereof) on Mobile all the same.

1. I'll have to try those apps out but in the review I mentioned Tweetium, Pandora, our forthcoming app, Baconit, Trakter, and more all work just fine in Continuum. If the app is built for WP and uses UWP then it works

2. Go back and watch our hands-on video from last night; the greyed out apps in the Start menu are non-UWP apps. If you try to run them you get a warning message saying they cannot run in this mode.

3. No Flash and I doubt there is a way to enable it
Have you seen the 950 with the Mozo replaceable back covers? The renderings on the website are quite handsome and I'm interested in the 950 with one of these covers. Currently have an Icon.

I did in NYC during the October event. I have 4 on order (2 for 950, 2 for XL) and they are schedule to ship on Wed (XL cases are slowing things down). When they come in, I'll review them. My hopes are high for them.
Hey Dan,
Thanks for doing this AMA. I had 3 questions: NFC and Miracast, QR code , default camera

Beyond using the display dock , have you tested the Microsoft HD-10, NFC Miracast adapter with the phone? how does it do?

Thanks for considering my questions, Cheers!
It works pretty well :) tried it myself.
If it does, I can't find it.

Some users have it, some don't, and it seems mostly related to a restore (from what I can tell) there is a topic to trick the built in app into running buy making a shortcut, but that seems about it. 3rd party tuning apps do work.
I wouldn't jump on the first intel processor until they prove they deliver the battery performance expected from ARM. In time Intel will out-process ARM but I want to see real world performance before getting an Intel solution.
Hey Dan,
Thanks for doing this AMA. I had 3 questions: NFC and Miracast, QR code , default camera

Beyond using the display dock , have you tested the Microsoft HD-10, NFC Miracast adapter with the phone? how does it do?

I liked having bing-vision and some of those others Lenses readily available in the camera app! Curious if you seen any changes via Lenses or any other part of OS, where a QR scanner is built-in?

Thought the default app looks really good in terms of design and other features, curious if you've tried or considered Proshot? or similar apps.

Thanks for considering my questions, Cheers!

re: Microsoft HD-10, NFC Miracast adapter with the phone I have not, will see about trying this weekend

Lenses are the same, no Bing stuff there, just from whatever apps you install e.g. 6tag, Twitter

Proshot seems to work just fine, nothing looking odd, snaps photos. I often prefer the native camera, but sure, it's fun to play around with third party ones.
Hey Dan, sorry if this first question has been asked before but It's literally the only thing between me and purchasing the phone

1) what are the chances of the XL coming to at&t too in the near future? (shelling out full price for the unlocked device is not an option now)

2) many people thought the back ring on the 950 looks pretty ugly in pictures, did it look better to you once you got it in your hand?

3) the difference between the 808 and 810 processors is not only speed, but the 810 also has a better GPU. Do you think it will make a difference in the long term with games and Continuum?

4) If the 950 has GG3 and 950xl GG4. How is the latter better than the former?

Some users have it, some don't, and it seems mostly related to a restore (from what I can tell) there is a topic to trick the built in app into running buy making a shortcut, but that seems about it. 3rd party tuning apps do work.

Interesting. Yeah, no FM Radio app, but if I install a third party FM Radio app it totally works. So it's capable, for sure.
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