AMA with Dan Rubino: Everything Lumia 950

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What is, in your opinion, the top one, two or more features that we can point to when (politely of course) telling "Fandroids" and "iSheep" to shut up with the jeering and criticisms?

Oh, and how can we get that new universal WC app?

UWP apps are really good. The camera will beat most phones out there (dynamic flash is great). There is also just the specs: microSD, Qi wireless charging and a QHD display are all impressive. Continuum is certainly cool as is the iris scanner (even if it's not better than fingerprint, it's a 'wow' technology for sure).

Our app will be going into public beta soon. Still adding forums and other features first.
Hey Dan, question about backups. I plan to upgrade to from a Lumia 1520. Do I need to do anything fancy to pull my upgrade from Microsoft Servers, or is it just like previous upgrades?

Just like previous backup/restores, it'll show up after you log in.
Yeah, audio recording for calls is super cool. I'll do an article on that soon. Regarding coming to existing hardware I am not too sure, but it sounds like it may either need firmware or it is a new hardware feature of these Lumias. I'll try to find out more.

Dan, could you combine your upcoming Audio Recording article with the phone speaker Sound Quality review? Perhaps playing some music and also testing the sound and incoming ringer while the phone is laid out flat on wood desk, leather (microfiber) couch, and other sound absorbent material.

It appears that the rear camera ring protrusion would help the sound propagation (escape) while the device is sitting face up on a flat smooth surface. Not sure of absorbent surfaces!
What in your opinion would be the top three things Microsoft needs to do in order for them to succeed in the mobile space ( outside of obvious app gap)?
Hi Dan.
I can see the camera is brilliant but how is loudspeaker for calls? Is it HD? And how is the loudspeaker for playing music?.
How is the call quality with its 2 antennas?
Many thanks

posted from blackberry Priv
I'm having issues with the new Heath App on the 950 and my Band 2. MS support says the band 2 is not yet compatible with Windows 10. Have you been able to sync your 950 phone with your Band 2?

No issues here and I use Band 2 + MS Health all the time with ease.
Is there any reason NOT to buy this particular phone if one is set on getting a Windows 10 Mobile phone? Any potential dealbreakers (apart from apps)?

No dealbreakers. If you are all in on Win10 then you probably want this phone and will happy with it. You may not love all of it, but it's the best to have right now.
Maybe you should share some screenshots of that universal WC app. Give us a sneak peek XD

Question: What's the sound quality using headphones on Lumia 950 compared to other Lumias? Is it any louder? Can it stand against iPhone or phones with Beats audio?

Good question! I haven't been to the gym all week because of this review, so I'll have to try it out. Sorry!
What do you think to the speaker on the phone? Is the quality any better than on the 930 and how does it compare to other mainstream devices in audio quality?

Do you think MS should have mounted the speaker on the bottom or even front-facing?
The specs seem to support the unlocked version of the 950 on T-Mobile's network in the US. Has anyone tested this with a T-Mobile SIM card?

Yes, it should be fine on T-Mo save for no Wi-Fi calling.
No issues here and I use Band 2 + MS Health all the time with ease.

Interesting, because I can only get "one-way" traffic with my Band 2 on my 640. (I get all the notifications, but I can't "hang-up" a call, reply to a text (keyboard/quick response/Cortana), use Cortana voice search, etc.)

So it is like my Band 2 can't send data to the phone. (But it does sync my activity stats.)
Is the zoom feature as good as on the 1020? How would you compare the two phones on this feature?

1020 has 41MP this has 20MP so no, the zoom is not as good. Having said that, I think for most people it is very good. Also, the IQ is just generally better than the 1020 IMO plus its faster.
Have you noticed the wireless charging not working well? Today I had my 950, on its way back home from ATT, in the CR-200. The 30 min it was in the cradle, the battery dropped 5%. Now I had no apps running, and my 830 charges just fine on the CR-200. I put it on the DT-10 at home and have not see any issues.

Also does the 950 also not feel like a 640 but faster? I have my 830 and am looking at it from the point of view that this device, compared to the 830, is not worth the $598.99 ATT will be charging me for this.

Working fine for me, but it does not charge nearly as fast as Type-C, obviously. I'll have to use my CR-200 more to find out.

It does feel like a 640, but obviously has better hardware.
Hey Dan, I know you have said before you don't think the US unlocked 950XL will be a dual-sim but do you have any new info? online store says no brick and mortar store manager says yes.

No more info, but I hear they are coming.
Do you honestly foresee a Verizon variant becoming available by at least spring of 2016? I currently have a 928 on an off-contract shared data Verizon plan with many other lines which saves me a lot of money. Switching to AT&T would be just myself which would increase my monthly bill significantly. I can hold out for a little while longer to stay with Verizon, but should I be seriously considering switching carriers if I want to get a new Lumia within a year?

No idea on Verizon. I do believe Microsoft is talking to them, but it'll be a few months before anything can happen.
How is the screen compared to the Galaxy S6 Edge? I read somewhere it's a bit *washed out*...sounds not so good for an (AM)OLED screen.

You can turn up the display contrast in settings, like most Lumias. I have it set on vibrant and it looks great. Still, Samsung likely has a better display as they source it themselves and give their phones the best tech.
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