AMA with Dan Rubino: Everything Lumia 950

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-Does the USB-C port support USB 3.1 speeds?
-How is headphone audio?
-Is the "Smart" mode that was in the Lumia Camera app on older devices still here?
-Some newer devices like the latest Nexus devices have been touted for having great low-light performance. How does the 950 compare directly to the latest Nexus cameras in low light?
-I've only ever had devices with LCDs so I don't know if this happens on AMOLED devices, but does the screen become black at certain angles while wearing polarized lenses?
So when you get the 950, either from the ATT or directly from MS, you'll get build 10586, which is part of the Insider program. Now do you get the Windows Insider app pre-installd too? If you do, or do not, are you becoming part of the Insider program as all the rest of us or there's some 'special treatment' until the RTM comes out?

10586 is the shipping versions; Insider will surpass it soon.

Windows Insider is not preinstalled, that'd be...weird.

There is not RTM. 10586 is just the shipping version to current phones. Now that my review is over I'll likely put this phone on Insider status.
So you can't use it with gloves?Yeah but i don't like to push it at the windscreen. But size and weight are fine in it? NiceYeah, showing multiple apps at the same time as you would do on a desktop. At least showing 2 apps at the same time would be nice. And what about background audio?But no setting?Ok, but it could still be improved or whatever.

But thanks for the answers :)
No gloves, not yet. May come in an update. My guess is they need the drivers for a QHD display to be finished.

Multip apps at once, no idea if that is their plan. Maybe.

Background audio I believe is app dependent. I think Edge can do it.

Qi has a new version out, but not sure if it's commercial yet. They're like BT with standards.
Re: Lumia 950 Reboots?

Have you had any reboot issues with your 950? Adding pictures to a text message while in the texting app caused a reboot on my device twice today. Thanks!

I have not had reboot issues.

Just sent an image in messaging, works fine. Make sure your apps are up to date?
-Does the USB-C port support USB 3.1 speeds?
-How is headphone audio?
-Is the "Smart" mode that was in the Lumia Camera app on older devices still here?
-Some newer devices like the latest Nexus devices have been touted for having great low-light performance. How does the 950 compare directly to the latest Nexus cameras in low light?
-I've only ever had devices with LCDs so I don't know if this happens on AMOLED devices, but does the screen become black at certain angles while wearing polarized lenses?
Yes, to 3.1.

Haven't had too much experience with headphones yet.

No smart mode, IIRC.

950 is better than most phones for low light, easily. I'd say it has to be the top 3. We'll be doing more comparisons in the coming days.

Polarizing is not nearly as bad as it is with LCD last I checked.
Gosh, when i started typing my queston it was like, page 14-15, three pages in few minutes, damn.

So, a lot of us got the update to Lumia camera, which basicly retires it and proceed us to the Windows camera. For me, that was on build 10166 or whatever the last slow ring was, now i've upgraded to 10586 and weird thing happend, i got my Lumia camera 5.x back. So is this related to the build number or was it some kind of glitch, and does the 950 comes with the Lumia camera pre-installed?
Hey Dan, I'm coming from a Lumia 1520. I has been my first and only phablet class device. I am wanting the 950xl but I'm on ATT and do not have deep enough pockets to buy it unlocked. Since you are also coming from the 1520, is the size difference to the 950 significant enough to matter, in your opinion? Have you started to miss the bigger screen?

It's a big difference, yes. I do miss it, until I want to put the phone in my front pocket.

Still, it's not a huge, huge thing. Everyone is different, however.
Thanks for answer! One more question. Can you capture video using Rich Recording (all 4 mics) on your Lumia 950? It seems that all phones capture mono sound on W10M Preview, and there is no option to turn this on within MS Camera settings.

If it's there on 950, do you think that 1520/930 users will get that via firmware/drivers/camera app update anytime soon?
Do you have any of the Mozo(?) covers to try? Does that mitigate some of your criticism regarding appearance? EDIT: damn, asked a few seconds too late!

Oh, and did you get a chance to check the audio properties on a video file to see if it records in stereo?

Cases for me ship on Wed, so probably at least 10 days out for my follow up on that and yes, I expect it to make a difference.

Haven't tried audio yet, sorry. Super busy here ;)
Thanks for answer! One more question. Can you capture video using Rich Recording (all 4 mics) on your Lumia 950? It seems that all phones capture mono sound on W10M Preview, and there is no option to turn this on within MS Camera settings.

If it's there, do you think that 1520/930 users will get that via firmware/drivers/camera app update?

I'll have to dig on that. I just know it has 4 mics but there are no Dolby settings for 5.1.
Just looked at the 950 review on TheVerge, they seem to have had nothing good to say about the 950. What are your thoughts on theverge's review of the 950?
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