Anniversary update

So, possibly some good news regarding the battery life while on Connected Standby. My DV8P is now on 14393.187, and the consumption rate seems to have gone back to TH2 levels, and actually it looks to be even better. According to the batteryreport, the consumption rate during CS has gone down to 0.71-0.76% an hour. See, THAT's the way it should be, not a ridiculous 3-5% an hour. I didn't screw around in the registry or manually disable any background processes in the battery saver (left it all on "Managed by Windows"). I'm tentative to call it fixed since it's only been one night, but so far it's looking good. I'll report again in a week.

Screenshot (19) copy.jpg

Update: OK, so the AU still has some problems on the DV8P. The battery life is only really good (~0.7%/hr) during Connected Standby when there are no apps left open, so you have to remember to close all the apps before putting the tablet to sleep or else you'll lose 4-5%/hr. Unacceptable for a tablet, in my opinion. Also, for some reason, baked-in OneDrive stopped working on it. I can't even launch it to sign it.
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