I had been a Microsoft supporter since the Zune days when I was in high school. I had always hated Apple for their anti-consumer pricing (I always called Apple the "dark side"). The Zune software was miles ahead of iTunes in both design and function. I was so sad when they discontinued Zune, but at least I was able to use the Zune player on desktop until they bought Groove Music. After the Windows 8 debacle, seeing all the hype about Windows 10 had me all excited. Started using Groove, then my Android phone at the time crapped out on me, so I decided to go with a Lumia 950. W10M was such a nice organized OS, but the app support was so lacking.
Having the Groove Music Pass on W10M was perfect, but the lack of other apps, mainly app=based tech, eventually drew me away from W10M back to Android. I used Groove for only two months on Android before dropping it. The app was always locking up, causing force closes, shoddy connection, a weird virtualizer-like sound effect that drove me nuts, and the biggest one: no local playback. Having to use 2 different music apps is absolutely backwards.
It is kinda sad to see Groove Music streaming go, it kinda brings back sad memories of the death of Zune. But given the other products that Microsoft has introduced and killed (Windows RT, Windows 10 Mobile, SYNC, Kinect, unlimited OneDrive storage, Microsoft Band), my sorrow for Groove Music is more of a pity. Given that Cortana and Alexa can talk to each other now, it makes me wonder about the future of the Harmon?Kardon Evoke speaker, and when/if Microsoft will cannibalize Cortana for Alexa. They certainly don't know how to endow their consumer base with trust in their products.
Groove angered me so much, last month I made the switch to the "dark side" and got a subscription to Apple Music. It's just as fluid in design as Groove AND has iCloud Music Library, so my giant discography can be wherever without having to pay for extra cloud storage. In fact, I liked Apple Music so much, I returned my Android phone and bought an iPhone, something me a decade ago would scoff at. But all the Apple hype actually isn't without warrant. Things ACTUALLY work and are supported. Turns out there is a light on the "dark side" after all.