Anyone here full Microsoft?


New member
Sep 8, 2013
I'm never going to be able to go full Microsoft because I'm a Nintendo fan myself :p

That aside, at the moment, I'm not able to be so. I have an iPad mini/iPhone 5 combo right now, which I'm going to replace with an Asus T100/Lumia 630 within the next few weeks, just in time for going back to school. I have a Win8 laptop as well.
I'm going to live with my 3DS for gaming, for obvious reasons, and I'm going to pick up a Wii U as well.

Now, despite the fact that I recognize that Google has superior online services - aside from GMail and their office replacements, of course - I've stuck with Microsoft all the way. I guess I really am a Microsoft fan.
You might look at fujitsu's slate series. If they're too expensive for your budget look for one used from a reputable eBay dealer. Fujitsu are used widely on corporate lease so even their $2000 models are quite cheap used and have had only good experiences buying them that way. Since they are corporate lease and the individuals using them are liable for damages they ten to be well kept.
Plus they are full wacom so no compatibility issues. Great devices overall, they are great at avoiding the bull**** features that sound great but don't live up to their promise and putting in really useful features and great design.


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Apr 3, 2012
Me and my family of 4 - everyone full Microsoft. We are more Microsoft than Satya Nadella is.


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Jul 14, 2011
Full MS user here as well. I have a Google account though, but only because of YouTube.

Bram Vanroy

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Mar 19, 2014
Windows 8.1 PC, Windows 8.1 laptop, Windows Phone. Using Office Suite and OneDrive a lot. If I had the money, I'd buy the Surface Pro 3 as well. But I can't say I only use MS services. I also use GMail, Google Drive and DropBox. And if I had to make a choice for a console, I'd go with a PS4.

Loving the products, but they are not uncounterable.


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Oct 24, 2013
Almost full MS

Windows 8.1 Laptop, Windows Phone, Xbox 360
I have xbox music pass as I like the integration between these devices, also occasionally use xbox movies
documents are on onedrive and I have an Office 365 subscription
email is through outlook

My odd one out is an Andrdod tablet, I like to keep up to date with how Android progresses

Allan Eckmann

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May 16, 2014
I have always loved MS :)
I started up with a spectrum comp. that only ran mashinecode and basic. Kept on building on it till I got a "Joyce" CPM comp. with 2 disc drives (heavy hehe)
Then I moved on to PC with windows 3.10 and then 3.11
Since it has moved through all versions of MS - XP, 2000, Millenium very shortly since it was crap, Vista, Win7, Win7 ult., Win8 and now Win8.1 :)
Have a Lumia 920 with WP8 and Black update.
A XboX 360
Love the way they syncronice, laptop and phone..

A do have a very cheap android tablet wich is crap too.

I've got an old PS and Nintendo WII

When using laptop or phone I always use One Drive and for Browser and search engine I use Google (Chrome) - Do NOT like Bing, sorry :)

I am waiting with anticipation for 8.1 / Cyan update for WP :)


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Mar 5, 2013
me ;-) I use 2x 1020s , windows 8 laptop , xbox one , Hotmail , onedrive

I don't have an android or ios device anymore and all my services are Microsoft based , they aren't perfect but work well for my needs although I would like too see nokia music appear on xbox one as well and also the other services keep improving and working together ;-)


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Jul 29, 2013
Microsoft just doesn't play nicely with others. I try to use a little of everything. A little MS, a little Apple, a little Linux. MS fights me a lot. At one point, I had my Lumia 820 as the DD, a Macbook Pro as the main laptop, Elementary OS on the desktop, Android tablet, and Amazon Kindle. I wish Microsoft would get its crap together and realize not everybody uses a Windows PC...


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Mar 15, 2013
All my ecosystem is Microsoft. Never thought switch. Glad I could join my phone as well for like tree years now.


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Dec 16, 2012
I'm a tech geek but my approach is not of fanboyism but getting the best tools for the job. As a result I own a Windows Phone, a Surface, an iPad and a Windows PC. I bought a Zune back in 2006 and also bought an iPod touch in 2007 when that came out. They were both good products; Zune was a superior music player and the iPod touch was basically a mini computer at a cost much less than the iPhone. It was an exciting time to watch the app/game paradigm unfold.

I prefer Windows Phone over other mobile OS - iPhone for example feels really clunky, including the home button, whereas Windows Phones are quick and fluid for doing what I want to do very fast. iPad is a great tablet for simple web browsing, TV watching and game playing. Surfaces are good for providing PC functionality in a very thin form factor, something iPads fail at, as well as watching video downloads.

I have limited experience with Android but after trying the Moto G, I didn't really enjoy it. I can understand the appeal to have more freedom, but I don't need that much and I find Windows Phone has a nice balance between being a robust OS like Apple but allowing 3rd party file managers, web downloading and emulators.

I use both Outlook and Google Mail as well as use both Google Drive and Dropbox for work. Both offer things that the other do not, e.g. Dropbox can be good for a small business as multiple users can get away with logging in with the same credentials; Drive is great for personal storage and its attachment saving connectivity with Google Mail.

Ultimately no single product is going to do everything I want so I'm not going to restrict myself.
Jan 30, 2014
Almost entirely Microsoft. Two laptops with 8.1 in them both with Office. Two Microsoft mice. Have recently shifted from Gdrive and dropbox to OneDrive. Slowly migrating from Gmail to outlook. Trying to migrate from Android to WP, if Microsoft decides to fix the OS. Always been happy with windows (except Vista). Tried Linux out of curiosity and never liked it. I am not a fan of anything. I mind functionality and productivity. Microsoft on PC works excellently for me, except in Modern UI. But that's irrelevant. I love the OS.

Forgot to say I still have an old HTC Tytn I with Windows Mobile 6.5 on it. Each time I use it I can't but be amazed at how ahead MSFT was with that small OS. Tons of apps mostly good, registry fully editable. Defrag and scandisk also on a small phone. God if it was fun that OS.
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Nov 28, 2012
I am a fan of nearly everything - honestly I love it all or at least most of it. You really are constantly matter what. I have an iMac I use for work - mainly recording, mixing, and mastering music. I can't even imagine going back to Windows for that - it was a nightmare.

However, we also have 4 Windows laptops, 4 Surfaces, and 3 Windows phones in our house.

Brand loyalty is great but I can't see myself really ever thinking that one company can offer everything that I need. Then again, as I said, I love it all and find what we have access to really remarkable. We literally have to find things to complain about.


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Sep 14, 2012
my wife knows we don't allow apple products in the house :)
I also have switched over to all ms programs; bing, outlook, skydrive, calanders

I would say the only product I don't use that's MS is hyper-v I stick to VMware.


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Jan 27, 2012
Tl;dr mostly, yes, MS is awesome.
The thing that makes this possible is that MS is in so many of the key spaces that people use. They have OS, search, productivity, gaming, phone, tablet, large-scale enterprise, etc. I was thinking of making a chart comparing all these areas to the big three but MS would dominate most of the graphic I think.
I'm very close to being 100% pure MS. Yes, I'm a ****** at this point, mainly due to the fact that I love doing ?development? in ms access/excel using VBA.
I do have a gmail account and the bad thing is that it?s the alias for my Microsoft ?live? account and the one tied to my original Zune pass. I also have an address and I want to migrate everything to it, but that might get messy with app purchase history and whatnot.
I do have a ps3 instead of an Xbox because I mainly wanted the best bluray player I could find. I?ve never played a single game on the dang thing. I just use it for streaming Netflix, hulu, etc and blurays. What I really want is for Xbox to become a full-fledged cable box and tivo replacement. At that point I would stand in line for the new hardware.
I occasionally will do a google search instead of Bing if I feel like I?m not getting a good result. Usually the goog result isn?t any better.
VBA is what really drew me in to Office, and in turn, MS back in the mid 90?s. Later I added some SQL server work and that just made it better. While everyone else in the world bought an ipod, I got a Zune 80GB and loved it (so did my kids). My first smartphone was a crappy Samsung Epic(x?) with a qwerty keyboard and windows mobile 6. I did NOT like it and was on the verge of going to the dark side when rumbles of WP 7 started. When they said it would (finally) work with the Zune pass I was stoked.

Great deal

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Nov 13, 2012
Im not a ****** of any technology or system. the ONLY thing I care about is productivity, delivering the BEST customer experience and value.

With systems and business process's in place I then turn to technology to see which aligns and works best (and enhances) the business objectives. I tried all Apple solution = Mega fail
Android = No go
MS = Works but has its own issues

The company is all in with MS at the moment (aside from proprietary industry specific software) and there are considerable gaps and places where MS HAS to improve (they are committed and doing so BUT why taking sooo loooong) in the ares of a disjointed schizophrenic operating system and mobile platform that is separate in many ways also disjointed.

I think the team working on Windows 9 and windows phone 9 have a great opportunity to right all that's only concern is that given the companies history of screwing things up, i don't hold my breath. For now though MS is the best of the bunch.

Jorge Holguin

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Apr 18, 2014
Xbox 360
Surface pro & RT
Lumia 920 & 925
Two desktop running Windows 7
And yes I own a Zune [the best music players there is]
Does this make me a Windows fan-boy? Hahaha��������


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Feb 1, 2012
I am for the most part. I have the Samsung Focus Flash/Lumia 1020, Win 8.1 PC, and Xbox 360/One. The only complaints that I have is with my 1020 and Xbone. The 1020 because it randomly shuts down and I have to send it in when its convenient for me. The Xbone because my PC is still better with visual quality. Other then that, I love all the devices. Even with the defect and lack of visual quality ( subjective ).


Jan 3, 2013
The iPad is used as a supplemental learning tool by the kids now. The Surface is better and I'm sick of the rainbow-bright-threw-up-all-over-my-UI iOS7, so I'm 100% MS ecosystem outside of work. This has just as much to do as me being a share holder with MS as it does being a fan.
Windows 7 laptop
Surface tablet
Most MS services (bing, IE, OneDrive, OneNote, etc...)
Nokia Icon
Xbox 360

The only part that I'm not all MS is at work. Our enterprise has IE8 as the standard browser (for legacy web apps) so I use Chrome because IE8 is bad. Installing IE10 or 11 (I've already tried) is prohibited.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm not MS ****** by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am within their ecosystem as far as PC, tablet and smartphone goes.

The only thing out of it is my gaming console because I find the PlayStation a superior console to the Xbox. That will remain the same, though I have no intention of replacing my PS3 with a PS4 anytime soon due to the PS4's lack of ability to stream things from the PC (an advantage the Xbox One has, actually).

I don't see my PC or tablets changing to anything other than Windows. My smartphones though...well, time will tell. As long as my Nokias work or if Sony releases a WP device, I'll keep with WP. Mainly because Google fudged up Android with 4.4 by removing microSD capabilities which basically locks the storage of Xperia devices back to 16GB. And 16GB in a phone is inadmissible to me. 32GB is already little for me. If Sony doesn't release a WP and Google brings back microSD functionality to Android, then I'm very likely to eventually jump to Android for lack of a WP OEM I can trust.
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New member
Dec 25, 2011
Two Win8.1 laptops, Win8.1 tablet, HTC 8X, outlook account, XBOX music account, Office 365. I don't even have a google account anymore and don't miss it at all.

I would consider myself a ******.

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