Anyone here full Microsoft?


New member
May 23, 2014
here MS fan too :p love the effort that they are putting in to improve but it'd be a lot better if they can speed things up
I'll admit two things here before I begin. 1) I'm a Microsoft ******. 2) I have enough common sense as a ****** to know that the services I use aren't going to meet everyone's needs or preferences.

That being said, is anyone else here but me fully engrained in the Microsoft ecosystem and absolutely loving it?

If you're not, what or why are the reasons? I ask out of curiosity and hopefully I can get a better understanding on the community as a whole.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
Nah, I use everybody.
My phone is WP as well as Laptop being Windows 8.1, but I have an iPod touch 4g, I google everything(idk why, I use Bing rewards but usually for some random search to get points, it just feels natural using google.) and I'm getting a PS3 for father's day(Not a father but I'm turning 15 on June 15th!)


New member
Apr 16, 2014
Full MS in the sense I use a device in most of their screen ranges, but I'll admit to have a couple of non-MS products.
* Surface Pro 2 (256GB)
* Lumia Icon x2 (Wife and I)
* Xbox One
* Windows 8.1 PC
* Windows Laptop (so old it'll be gone soon)
* Installed version of MS Office, Visual Studio, BIDS, and others (MSDN Subscription for the win).

* Surface Pro 2 from home even though company doesn't support BYOD
* Windows 7 PC
* Visual Studio and other products for MS-stack BI Development

My non-compliant devices consist of a Kindle Fire HD and a Kindle Fire HDX for the wife and kiddo.

There just aren't good MS products to compete with Kindle's yet for casual consumption. When it comes down to reading books, watching Netflix/Amazon, browsing the web and kid friend educational games the Dell Venue Pro 8 does not keep up. You can do more actual work and run real PC apps on the Dell VP 8, but if you don't need those features then the Kindles stomp it into the dirt in video quality, audio quality and price.

Minus that, I am a full MS user in the home and at work. MS Products have kept me gainfully employed for the last 24 years. Hell, I remember when Excel came on black and green monitors...


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Full on and proud to say it! Windows phones, Windows PC's/Surfaces, only use Outlook, only use Bing, only use One Drive and do have an xBox. Admit to also having a Wii and a Kindle reader, but only because the reader is easier to see at the pool and there are more kid friendly games for the Wii. ;-)
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Cornelius Hardy

New member
Oct 25, 2013
I wouldn't say I am a ******, because I have tried other devices that were not made by Microsoft. I am a fan though because it's products are the only products I've ever liked. I've loved Windows from the begining. Not because of peer pressure, or because of what everyone else follows, but because it just works. The Hd2 is my all time favorite Windows Phone. I'm now using a Lumia 925 which is great at everything. I never understand how people complaing about apps because you never use all of the apps you download. The Windows Store has plenty of apps, and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. I've even filled my phone to the max and never knew it until the phone said low on space. If I were using anything else like Android, I would have known by the lag early on. My 925 consistenly takes better photo's over my wife's Note 2. It also doesn't need to be restarted everyday. lol As far as tablets and pc's, I still have Vista on my Dell XPS 420. I love it. My pc still runs fast, and doesn't give me issues. I can't speak for every manf. Some pc's might have windows but might be crap, and that will give microsoft a bad rep. I only buy from Dell after lots of experience. Having a tablet that has windows but is also made by microsoft is a win/win. I've owned Surface 2 since Feb and I'm blown away everytime I use it. I do things on it that can't be done on other devices. For example, I use Office 365 for business, and I can't edit my websites from the other devices(except a computer), but I can do it from both the surface and my 925 although the Surface is much better for screen size. I rarely use my desktop anymore except for movies(larger screen), and Photoshop which is one app that the Surface does not have yet. Other than that I am confident if I leave the house with just the 925 and surface, I'll be fine. I think I also like the underdogs. Windowsphone and windows 8 are underdogs when it comes to the phone and tablet world due to people not having their own likes instead of following what's popular. The same thing for Nintendo Wii/WiiU. I've owned ps3 and xbox, but I love the wii and wii u. It's an underdog company due to the other two systems having more third party support and because people don't like change. I don't think graphics are a innovation or next big thing. I think being able to play video games from the bathroom or off tv when someone needs to use it is. Just my opinion. Third party support for the windows eco system will probably never pick up as fast as Apple or Android. We won't get all of the apps, we won't get dedicated spaces in stores for surface and windowsphone cases(unless a store picks up my products), and we will continue to see commercials that say available on android and ios. That's just how it is.

I'll admit two things here before I begin. 1) I'm a Microsoft ******. 2) I have enough common sense as a ****** to know that the services I use aren't going to meet everyone's needs or preferences.

That being said, is anyone else here but me fully engrained in the Microsoft ecosystem and absolutely loving it?

If you're not, what or why are the reasons? I ask out of curiosity and hopefully I can get a better understanding on the community as a whole.


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Not me. Don't get me wrong. I love my windows phone. However when it comes to my computers, I'm all Linux, all the time.

Don't get me wrong, windows 8.1 is a great OS in its own rights, I just prefer Linux.

Apple....meh, its an over priced Unix OS.

My wife on the other hand, windows on her PC, and an android. Just because it just works for her.


New member
Aug 15, 2012
I am 100% in but I also own other devices... so I guess I am in between.

Phones: iPhone 5s as my daily driver, Lumia 920 I use for my Pandora WiFi streaming.

Computers: 2011 iMac 21 inch, (I don't use it often) but I play one game on it (Out of the Park Baseball, and I sync my phones (Lumia 920 with iPhoto and iPhone 5s) I also stream a lot of content from my iMAC to my apple TV (Like TV shows from CBS etc.)

Surface Pro 1: I use this sucker on an average of 3-4 hours per day minimum. I use it for school and for work. The power cover is the only thing keeping me from buying a Surface Pro 3.

Tablet: I have the "the new Ipad" aka Ipad 3. I rarely use it but my wife uses it all the time.

Media Room:
Apple TV: We use this every day for Hulu and Netflix
Xbox 360: I used to use it for Netflix and Hulu but I don't have time to play games on it anymore. I subscribed to Xbox gold for the longest time but there is no point anymore. Just a waste of money for me right now with having an Apple TV, and not playing games on my Xbox.

Sent from my Surface with Windows 8 Pro using Tapatalk

Sent from my Surface with Windows 8 Pro using Tapatalk

On June 9th your Xbox will no longer require a gold account to use Netflix or hulu. Maybe you should give it another shot. I know that I like the interface on my Xbox much better than my apple tv.

David P2

New member
Mar 10, 2014
Win8.1/Linux Mint 17RC dual boot (on self built PC)
Lumia 620 running WP8.1DP
Xbox 360
Hotmail is only used for microsoft account (I have my own personal website+email address).
MS Office

However I would happily use a Mac - it's just you can't (legally) make a Mac like you can a PC, despite then effectively being one in the same, but iPhone - no way (no back button) and I wouldn't use an Android device again if I was paid to lol.. I just don't get on with them.

Chris Sandiford

New member
Jun 30, 2013
Lumia 925 and Win 8.1 laptop.

Love the phone and the WP 8.1 OS.

Win 8.1 is average though, I hardly ever use Metro even with a touch screen - it's just a glammed up Win 7 for me.
And I won't use IE11 as it's slow as crap and has blurry fonts, and Bing gives poor results here in the UK.
So Chrome here.
No X thing console (I'm a grown up), no Outlook mail, No hotmail mail (just use for Windows log in).


New member
Jan 16, 2012
I like the surface with Windows 8.1 and all my computers have windows 8 and the Xbox 360 but I cannot switch to Windows phone.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


New member
Oct 4, 2013
Wow how quickly things can change.
I had been trying to sell my LG G2 since it was my least favorite device of the 3 I had.

Sold the LG this morning and then got a text from a friend asking if I wanted to sell my iPhone as well.
Both are sold and gone. So I bought an iPad mini retina LTE :winktongue:

So Now I still have all the computers from my first post, but I am down to the Nokia 1520 and an iPad cellular model.
Best of both worlds. happy happy happy.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Yep, all Microsoft...

Windows Phone
- Lumia 520 (8.0)
- Lumia 800 (7.8)
- Lumia 900 (7.5)
- Lumia 920 (8.0)
- Lumia 1020 (8.1)
- HTC 8X (8.0)

- Surface (RT)
- Dell Desktop (8.1)
- Dell Inspiron 15 7000 series (8.1)
- 9 year old Dell Laptop (8.1)
- 8 year Dell Laptop (7)

- 360
- One

- Visual Studio 2013
- SQL Server
- Office 2013
- OneNote
- OneDrive
- Lync 2013
- Xbox Music Subscription/Pass


New member
May 30, 2013
I consider myself technology agnostic. That is to say, I love trying new gadgets and tech, regardless of brand. I can see the benefits (and drawbacks) of each platform and I tend to enjoy changing things up every once in a while.

Gaming Console

I don't own an XBox. I haven't been a heavy console gamer since I sold my PS2 back in the day. I have a Wii, but my son uses it most of the time. I play a few PC games (on Windows), though.


Currently, my personal desktop and work desktop run Windows 7. My work laptop runs Windows 8.1. I've tried various linux distros off and on (Ubuntu tends to be my favorite), but I always come back to Windows. I used a MacBook Pro at a previous job for over a year, but as much as I loved the hardware and OS, I had to switch back to a Windows laptop because it was more compatible with the apps and systems I needed to use for work. I wouldn't mind owning a Mac, I can just never bring myself to justify the cost when I know a Windows desktop/laptop is perfectly capable of doing everything I need. I'd probably end up using BootCamp or Parallels to run Windows on a Mac, anyway!


Currently, I'm using a BlackBerry Z30, and I consider it to be the best smartphone I have ever owned. Before the Z30 I had an iPhone 5. Before that, a Lumia 521. And before that, a Galaxy Nexus.

I was thoroughly impressed by the Lumia 521 and still consider it to be the best smartphone for the price. It was just a bit too "entry level" for me and didn't keep me hooked. But I'm glad I tried it because it gave me some valuable insight and experience with Windows Phone.

Android and iOS no longer interest me. BlackBerry is focusing on things like the enterprise and the Internet of Things, and while it still intends to produce handsets for the foreseeable future, it's all but conceded defeat in the consumer smartphone market. It makes great devices, but its ecosystem is lousy and it has to depend on the ability to run Android apps.

My next smartphone will most likely be Windows Phone for many reasons, including integration with Microsoft services, amazing hardware (Nokia - DAT CAMERA), and overall stability and steady growth of the platform. Also, I'm done with Apple and Google - I could write a series of posts on that topic alone.


I use as my primary personal email service. I have my Gmail and other accounts forwarding to my Outlook account. The interface, for me, is easy to use, looks great, and is very well designed.

Office Online is my preferred cloud-based productivity suite.

Calendar and contacts are fantastic.

OneDrive is my preferred cloud storage service.

OneNote is my preferred tool for jotting things down and being able to access them from any device.


Though I don't use or prefer tech solely based on brand, and I enjoy using and tinkering with all kinds of different tech, I find I've naturally gravitated towards Microsoft more than anything else.

Microsoft's products and services seem to fit my personal preferences and style more often than not.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Yup, I have a 925 with 8.1 dev preview, an 8X (RIP), gateway pc from 2006 running Windows 7, Xbox 360 (will get an Xbox one next year or something) and even an Xbox music pass. Also my dad recently got a 928 and my brother recently got a 521.


New member
Mar 15, 2013
All my ecosystem is Microsoft. Never thought switch. Glad I could join my phone as well for like tree years now.

I haven't specified:

- Lumia 925 with 8.1 pre
- Surface 2 8.1 with type cover 2 for work mostly
- Toshiba Encore 8 just for read news at the breakfast and fast emails
- Desktop at home with 8.1 Pro
- Office 365


New member
Nov 14, 2012
i'm full miscrosoft, I had iPad before and to be honest some of the apps work better much smoother on iPad than on Suface RT...that's a shame since one of the app is Skydrive...but i'm pretty happy with the rest especially Windows Phone.


New member
May 6, 2014
Here im partialy Microsoft, I have an Xbox One, Nokia Lumia 520, use, Onedrive but my parents aren't convinced about Windows PCs...they wanna go with overpriced Macs for I dont know what reason

Larry Purss

New member
May 30, 2014
Yes,\I have decided to stay with Microsoft
Windows phone 625 and an ASUS Windows 8.1 Tablet and a 13 inch windows 7 dell XPS laptop.
I spend time reading academic PDF's and love the interactive use of all three devices.
I have never regreted this decision and plan on staying with this operating system

Aaron Yawn

New member
May 2, 2013
I currently am a MS guy. Had my wife on board to until recently, she switched to Android S5 because of the lack of apps (games she likes!). I am sporting my second WP (had 920) now on an ICON. I have a Surface 2 and 2 desktops/2 laptops running 8.1

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