Don't even try tronic, it is a fraudulent website. They will take your money and you will never get it back especially if you use your credit card. I fell for their trick when i purchased from them but fortunately I used paypal and paypal got my money back from me after 2 weeks. Try to call the phone number they provided, it is an individual phone number and the person will not pick it up.
The website is a phony website set up by scammers. They decieves you by displaying cheaper price on their website. Once you fall for it and buy product, your money is gone for ever. I purchased the Nokia lumia 1520 from them unknowingly to me they are frauds. I did not receive any email or tracking #s from them for three days. Four days later, I received an email from one of their so called employee encouraging me to join them to dupe people and making millions by setting up account with paypal. Immediately I forwarded the email to paypal and they started their investigation. one week later my money was refunded back to me by paypal. Paypal then thanked me for what I did by exposing them immediately. Please tell whosoever you know don't fall for their trick. They are scammers.