Are We Delusional?

It's a phone and a tech company, if your not happy find another alternative, first world problems.
Other than locating the nearest DD for me, I can't think of anything else the Dunkin' Donuts app could do. Yes, there is a DD app. As for mobile payments, Softcard now supports Verizon as well as AT&T. Funny you mentioned the Steelers, there was a Steeler app on webOS but no Dolphins app. Even then, webOS had the most unimportant apps available and nothing for fans of real NFL teams. :grin:
Visa Declined said:
It's not just iOS, members here hate everything that's not Microsoft.

Coming late to the party, but yes, I agree with that. I'll never understand why people have to organize into little technology cliques, extoling that which they use and vilifying everything they don't. I use Windows 8.1 on the desktop, a Surface RT tablet, and an iPhone 5s because - after years and years of experimenting and working with different devices - that's what works for me. I wish Windows Phone worked for me, but it just doesn't. I don't hate Windows Phone because of that, just like I don't hate OS X because I run Windows. People really need to open their minds.

TheZuneLune said:
I consider Apple to be for people who want to appear to be "in" and who cannot do anything for themselves from a technology stand point.

While I won't deny there might be some of that in the Apple user base, you're woefully mistaken on the whole. Of course, you have every right to have that opinion, even though it's wrong.

TheZuneLune said:
So, as 2014 comes to a close, I can't help but wonder, are we all just delusional to buy into what Joe Bellfiore is selling?

No. But I do believe you need to be realistic about the situation as a whole, examine all of its aspects, and make an informed decision thereof. Microsoft has openly stated that their focus is cloud and services. In practice, they have brought features to apps on other platforms long before Windows Phone gets them, and they continue to do so. Windows Phone is obviously not a special flower in the Microsoft world; it's just another device upon which Microsoft can get users using their services. Given their new focus they're probably not going to push it to overtake Android or iOS; they'll probably be happy with a sub-10% third place. Because... if the focus is cloud and services, Microsoft is probably way more interested in getting people using their services on whatever platform the user chooses than they are getting them on Windows Phone specifically.
I'm curious why many users here are so anti iOS. It seems to be the closest to WP as far as smoothness goes.

Not anymore. I've been using 5.0.1 for a bit now, Google has totally delivered on it's promise of the new runtime being as fast and smooth as anything else. I also own a 5s and Mini Retina. I used to be able to notice more stutter between those and android 4.4.4 but now I don't.
As for the app gap, it's not always about apps like Facebook or Candy Crush. For me, having mobile apps for my bank and local mass-transit system are more important than games or social networking.

Pretty much hit the nail right on the head here.
I use wp as a phone nd media player.For my favourite apps Moto g is doing me good.Soon plan to buy nexus 7.So I don't feel app gap.But if wp is only your device then you will miss apps.Thats for sure.
From Windows phone

Ehh, tablets arent as App friendly as you'd think, on Android. You'd prob be better off getting a 6" phone and using it as a tablet.
Not anymore. I've been using 5.0.1 for a bit now, Google has totally delivered on it's promise of the new runtime being as fast and smooth as anything else. I also own a 5s and Mini Retina. I used to be able to notice more stutter between those and android 4.4.4 but now I don't.

This is true. 5.0.1 is a really nice OS. First version of Android ive really liked.
Ehh, tablets arent as App friendly as you'd think, on Android. You'd prob be better off getting a 6" phone and using it as a tablet.
Although even phone UI apps on 7-8" tablets still look and work just as well. It's when you hit the larger 10" full sized tablets that those tablet designed apps really stand out nicely. I still would rather have a tablet for complex games and ebooks. 7" is the absolute smallest I'm willing to go for that. 8" seems to be the sweet spot for ease of holding, portability, and view size
Although even phone UI apps on 7-8" tablets still look and work just as well. It's when you hit the larger 10" full sized tablets that those tablet designed apps really stand out nicely. I still would rather have a tablet for complex games and ebooks. 7" is the absolute smallest I'm willing to go for that. 8" seems to be the sweet spot for ease of holding, portability, and view size

Oh, yeah you wouldn't have an issue with games or eBooks.

Ive just found a handful of Apps are awkward and even a few flat out missing on my Nexus 7. So much, that I don't even use it unless I have to.
What's more of a concern is the recent WP sales figures which is not encouraging and in fact worse than 2013 in terms of % of total number of smartphones sold. Developers will continue to see WP as an afterthought if at all. IOS and Android will always be where the apps get priority.
Hey I just realised that I never actually answered the question!

Are we delusional? Why, yes, yes we are. We are all delusional if we think multi billion dollar corporations really care what we think... :P

We are also delusional to think we know what they are doing when they say nothing, do nothing and show nothing but yet we care. :P

Yeah, we're a delusional bunch us humans. Putting too much energy and effort into meaningless things. :P
I was willing to put up with the lack of apps, but now I can't even go on the regular American Airlines website from my phone, and no one can tell me why. I have to have access to the website from my phone, so I guess I am getting an IPHONE. I hate it that there is no explanation.

In some ways perhaps, but more like extremely hopeful overall.

Do I believe that the next os is going to solve all the issues with Microsoft or Windows phone... No... and only those who believes and states categorically that it will is outright delusional 😁

People either accept the limitations or get something that works for their own needs.... It's as simple as that.

I truly hope that all of the issues people have are fixed soon, but know that it's always going to be a work in progress and there will always be those who say " version xxx will fix it" even though it may take longer.. nothing is perfect in this world for everyone.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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