AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

LTE Speed Test Results. It says Wi-Fi, but it was on LTE. My speed at work has dropped dramatically. Again, connection has been dropping and is not stable since the update. It does appear that something was changed to the (radio?) with this last update. Never had a problem with the connection before with my 920 or my Titan II.

I think more people are having this issue then even they realize. I can show full connection to LTE but even then at times data does not work. The signal on the phone is not always accurate now.

Near My House (Three bars showing and LTE)

Test Date: 3/29/2013 7:38:47 AM
Connection Type: Wi-Fi
Server: WA
Download: 29.42 Mbps
Upload: 4.93 Mbps
Ping: 98 ms

At Work (This is wilth full bars and LTE showing)

Test Date: 3/29/2013 8:18:11 AM
Connection Type: Wi-Fi
Server: WA
Download: 2.45 Mbps
Upload: 1.97 Mbps
Ping: 98 ms
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Let me get this out of the way first: I have used iPhone's all the way up to the 4s, multiple high-end Android phones up to the latest ICS OS, and even Windows Phones going back the CE days (when it was still a "phone" OS). I was thrilled to see the changes coming with Windows Phone 8, and readily jumped from my Droid MAXX to a Lumia 920.

I've had my 920 since launch day, and while I applaud Nokia and MS for the updates (especially Nokia), this connectivity issue with 1308 may be the last straw for me. I can't even rely on my phone for messaging and phone calls. Until this update, I had absolutely no connectivity issues...never a failed message, or signal issue. Now, I have nothing but problems. This serious issue aside, I was willing to overlook and work around the the debacle that is XBox music, and hope that it would get better...which it is, but VERY slowly. Very disappointed in the phone right now.

Sorry for the rant, but It's all very frustrating at the moment. I rely on my device for communications and it is now just letting me down constantly
Please read my post more carefully. The new firmware turns that setting off on it's own, same with my battery app. I have to go through the setting and turn them back on everytime I wake the phone up. Very frustrating.

Mine does not turn it off. My WiFi stays connected and the setting does not change on its own. Sounding like you have a bad flash or an app interfering.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
I also have not had a single issue with signal and I live in south Alabama. We have LTE here and if anything my signal is a bit better.

Question for you guys, did you get the update over the air or did you use software to flash?
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
I also have not had a single issue with signal and I live in south Alabama. We have LTE here and if anything my signal is a bit better.

Question for you guys, did you get the update over the air or did you use software to flash?
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

OTA for me.
I also suffered from data connection not being as good as before the firmware update. After the firmware update, even with full bars of LTE in downtown Seattle, I would get spotty loading of webpage / download of application performance. My phone also would show no connection before switching down to 4G, which it did not do before when switching between LTE and 4G.

however, I seem to have stumbled onto a way to fix it, or at least for my connection problems after the firmware update. I can now visit WebPages and download apps at what seems like pre-firmware speed even in the exact location I had problems at just the day before.

1. Turn on airplane mode
2. Take out the SIM card
3. Power down and turn the phone back on
4. Dismiss the SIM card error message and put the SIM card back in.
5. Turn off airplane mode. SIM card error message should show up again and there should be a no SIM icon on the upper left corner.
6. Turn on airplane mode again.
7. Power down and turn the phone on again.
8. A message about GSM mode should show up when the phone is done starting up. Dismiss the message then turn off airplane mode.

Now granted, this might just be temporary, but at least for me this did the trick. Seems to be dependant on that GSM mode message coming up though: previous attempts at airplane mode on and off restarting the phone didn't resolve my issue. Also, it might not take as many steps as mentioned above but that was how I stumbled onto my possible fix...
I also suffered from data connection not being as good as before the firmware update. After the firmware update, even with full bars of LTE in downtown Seattle, I would get spotty loading of webpage / download of application performance. My phone also would show no connection before switching down to 4G, which it did not do before when switching between LTE and 4G.

however, I seem to have stumbled onto a way to fix it, or at least for my connection problems after the firmware update. I can now visit WebPages and download apps at what seems like pre-firmware speed even in the exact location I had problems at just the day before.

1. Turn on airplane mode
2. Take out the SIM card
3. Power down and turn the phone back on
4. Dismiss the SIM card error message and put the SIM card back in.
5. Turn off airplane mode. SIM card error message should show up again and there should be a no SIM icon on the upper left corner.
6. Turn on airplane mode again.
7. Power down and turn the phone on again.
8. A message about GSM mode should show up when the phone is done starting up. Dismiss the message then turn off airplane mode.

Now granted, this might just be temporary, but at least for me this did the trick. Seems to be dependant on that GSM mode message coming up though: previous attempts at airplane mode on and off restarting the phone didn't resolve my issue. Also, it might not take as many steps as mentioned above but that was how I stumbled onto my possible fix...

Thanks for the post but this didnt work for me and I did get the GSM message. I tried it a couple of times but the data connection is still not working.

I wish this stayed as its own post so we could attempt to isolate this issue. Nokia Care emailed me the same stuff they email everyone. Resetting the phone to factory setting doesnt work because the firmware isnt re-flashed. This has to be directly related to the firmware for so many people to experience this right after the update.
I got mine OTA. Kinda wish I had flashed manually and just re-installed everything. Going to try the "sim-card-GSM" thing...hopefully that will work. This is very frustrating.
I also have not had a single issue with signal and I live in south Alabama. We have LTE here and if anything my signal is a bit better.

Question for you guys, did you get the update over the air or did you use software to flash?
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

OTA for me.

Do you know how to manually flash a phone? Would love to go back to the original firmware so I could at least use my phone.
I disagree a very few are experiencing issues. The update is well worth the risk. Chances you will have issues is very small.

I am one who is very happy with the update. I have had better battery life and no issues none at all. The memory
cleaner cleared almost 2 gb of storage for me.

where do you get your data that it us "very few" of us who are having issues? This isn't the only thread out there talking about this. The timing indicates a high probability that the issues experienced are caused by the firmware upgrade. It took me a while to notice because I was on WiFi most of the time and only used my phone for music in the car. It was when I got errors texting that I realized the issue(s).
Finally getting somewhere with Nokia Care (@NokiaCareUS) on twitter. They requested detailed info via email which I happily sent them. I would suggest that anyone having LTE connectivity issues since the 1308 update, try and contact them via twitter. The more people who hit them regarding this issue, the quicker they'll realize how widespread this issue might be.
Received the update OTA. At this time my data connection shows I have service, but I do not. I have always had great service at my current location.
Would be sweet if wpcentral could reach out to Nokia and ATT to see if they have any official response. Nokia is usually really good about fixing things quickly. I hope it is the case with this issue too as not having any connectivity on a phone renders it absolutely useless.
Would be sweet if wpcentral could reach out to Nokia and ATT to see if they have any official response. Nokia is usually really good about fixing things quickly. I hope it is the case with this issue too as not having any connectivity on a phone renders it absolutely useless.

Correct. Right now only wi-fi works.
Good to see more people hitting @NokiaCareUS about the LTE issue. My guess is, if you have 'Access Points' in your settings menu since the 1308 update, you're having data issues with LTE. Nokia seems really puzzled as how and why that menu showed up in my settings. I don't think this is gonna be a quick fix.
Good to see more people hitting @NokiaCareUS about the LTE issue. My guess is, if you have 'Access Points' in your settings menu since the 1308 update, you're having data issues with LTE. Nokia seems really puzzled as how and why that menu showed up in my settings. I don't think this is gonna be a quick fix.

I dont seem to have Access Points in my setting menu but definitely have the issue. Is it in the primary setting menu or in a sub menu?

I decided to be "that" guy and email Stephen Elop. He (or someone that works for him) replied quickly and said he will have someone look into the issue.

I hate being a pain but having no connectivity (outside of wifi) is driving me insane.

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