AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Thanks a bunch man, that did it.

Here's the link to where you can update the Extras+info app found here on WPCentral with QR code. Nokia updates Extras + Info, removes charging chime but adds things too | Windows Phone Central

Works perfectly!

Glad to help. For others, try restarting the phone and shut it down a couple of times. I had the same issue, apparently not as long as some of the others facing here. But it should show up.
Well one more bug to report, wi-fi turns itself off permanently when the phone is on standby, so you have to manually turn wi-fi back on. My battery app is now experiencing the same issue. Because of this the battery tile and lock screen prompt no longer updates. I suggest not updating to the new firmware if you don't have a storage issue.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I too am having issues. Northern Indiana.

Sometimes Ill pick up my phone and it will say No service for a good 15 seconds or so then suddenly jump back on. Then I will not get text messages for about 30 minutes, and then will suddenly got 5 or 6. They are time stamped correctly, which leads me to believe this is an issue with the firmware and ATT not handshaking correctly.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I actually had my phone tell me there was no signal when I was in a normally strong signal area once, but that was before the update ...... Could it be an att problem?
There is a setting to keep wifi on

Settings, WiFi, advanced, check keep WiFi connected when screen is off.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
There is a setting to keep wifi on

Settings, WiFi, advanced, check keep WiFi connected when screen is off.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

Please read my post more carefully. The new firmware turns that setting off on it's own, same with my battery app. I have to go through the setting and turn them back on everytime I wake the phone up. Very frustrating.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I actually had my phone tell me there was no signal when I was in a normally strong signal area once, but that was before the update ...... Could it be an att problem?

I have the same in the UK, on EE - so definitely not an AT&T thing.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Having LTE issues as well after the update. If I'm in a HSPA area, data speeds are fine. Once I hit LTE, data transmission is basically non-existent. Network location is always putting me in NY or the middle of the Pacific, as well. This sucks.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

yes i do. Even the mobile versions of some sites cudnt load. Wondering if 1308 has to do something with it :/
Well one more bug to report, wi-fi turns itself off permanently when the phone is on standby, so you have to manually turn wi-fi back on. My battery app is now experiencing the same issue. Because of this the battery tile and lock screen prompt no longer updates. I suggest not updating to the new firmware if you don't have a storage issue.

Didn't have that issue...sounds like that could be a problem with your specific phone.

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Greater Cincinnati area showing three to four bars LTE and am constantly getting kicked from the network. I sure hope this is specific to Cincinnati and not 1308!
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Hey guys,

Just one thing I noted after the update. The ##3282# dial code no longer seems to work. I normally used this dial code to toggle off LTE to save battery life. Right now I'm stuck on 4G only with no apparent way of re-enabling LTE.

I took my phone of the charger around noon today. I literally havent even used my phone except for a few texts. The phone has been very warm all day. Nothing is open in the background. It is now 5pm and my battery has dropped to 12%. What gives Nokia? Screw you! Cool fixes in the update though. Raped my battery though. Classic update. This is something you are going to have to constanly worry about it seems, especially with the 920.

I didnt notice this yesterday though and could be related to the 8 Nokia HERE updates that I got this morning...

stop blaming nokia. Blames issues with the OS. if your phone experiences phantom discharging, just back out of all apps, turn airplane mode on, and power the device down for a minute. Turn it back on, charge it to full and everything should be fine.
I disagree a very few are experiencing issues. The update is well worth the risk. Chances you will have issues is very small.

I am one who is very happy with the update. I have had better battery life and no issues none at all. The memory
cleaner cleared almost 2 gb of storage for me.

I lean the other way. With my data and reception issues my phone is becoming useless. If I can't get/place emails, texts, and calls consistently, what's the point of carrying my phone with me?

For me, this update was not worth installing, and I may have to switch phones for a while because of it.
If Nokia releases an update and that update kills the battery its Nokia, yes I'm sure the OS has something to do with certain issues but I do know my battery life was amazing before Nokia released this.

stop blaming nokia. Blames issues with the OS. if your phone experiences phantom discharging, just back out of all apps, turn airplane mode on, and power the device down for a minute. Turn it back on, charge it to full and everything should be fine.
Does this latest update fix the Store Tile bug, not showing apps update notifications?
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Went home last night and LTE was fine. Averaging 20+ Mbps download speeds. Back at work this morning and back to it flipping between LTE, 4G and NO signal. Even when I have bars I cant connect.

My building in Boston is known for having poor signal but since launch my Lumia 920 has averaged around 6 Mbps here at my desk. After the 1308 update is when this all started. I wonder if they tweaked the LTE power management to conserve battery and some us that are on the fringe of a tower are getting this issue now. I want to go back to the way it was as this makes my phone useless for 10 hours a day.
My screen used to go blank during calls. This update fixed the proximity sensor issue. Battery and connectivity seems to be normal.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Went home last night and LTE was fine. Averaging 20+ Mbps download speeds. Back at work this morning and back to it flipping between LTE, 4G and NO signal. Even when I have bars I cant connect.

My building in Boston is known for having poor signal but since launch my Lumia 920 has averaged around 6 Mbps here at my desk. After the 1308 update is when this all started. I wonder if they tweaked the LTE power management to conserve battery and some us that are on the fringe of a tower are getting this issue now. I want to go back to the way it was as this makes my phone useless for 10 hours a day.

This is exactly my experience and sentiment. I'm in Detroit, though. I feel pretty confident the battery issues I am having are related to the LTE issues. I work in a place with a very locked down network, so I rely on my phone during the day to check e-mail, etc. Having these problems is more than an inconvenience.

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