AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Something definitely is not right for me. I am on Edge right now and have never been on Edge before at this location. Most things that require data are running slower for me.

Also, I now show full bars and LTE but I can't access anything that uses data. No messaging, no internet, nothing.

Network signal is no longer stable.

I wonder if by clearing out my temporary files something got cleaned that was not supposed to. Those of you who are or are not having connectivity issues, did you clear your temporary files?
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I am having insane battery issues now and my reception has been very spotty when normally id have full bars lte. Also kik,Pandora,Xbox music, And Nokia music all are having issues
Something definitely is not right for me. I am on Edge right now and have never been on Edge before at this location. Most things that require data are running slower for me.

Also, I now show full bars and LTE but I can't access anything that uses data. No messaging, no internet, nothing.

Network signal is no longer stable.

I wonder if by clearing out my temporary files something got cleaned that was not supposed to. Those of you who are or are not having connectivity issues, did you clear your temporary files?

I cleaned up the temp files after the upgrade yesterday and my data (LTE) has been working properly (Florida).
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Im still in the office, Ill check once I get home, this is gonna suck if I cant use my cell phone plan at work. the iPhone i previously had didnt not get reception here on 3G so I always used EDGE, the fact that lumia doesnt have the ability to change is gonna hurt even more. prior to firmware update, I had no loss of data full LTE and I loved it :/

I'm noticing this too, at work used to be fine for me, I updated at work yesterday and its crap at work but now that I am home it seems completely weird. I only live about a mile from my office
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

My signal was fine at work too. Probably explains why my battery took a nosedive when I arrived back to my place.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Yes, I noticed this too - the signal strength randomly changes and goes from one "band" to another even at same location! Can't even listen to Nokia Music streams anymore without hiccups. Tried to reset it multiple times (by holding "volume down" and "power" keys) - nothing changed. Good thing that I still have my previous phone working... Hopefully Nokia will fix it soon in next update... I am in NYC area, using AT&T.
I also have signal strength issues (and the signal seems to switch from LTE to lower speeds more often) at the same locations after this OTA update... Haven't noticed issues with call quality yet, but this makes playing streaming music (like with Nokia Music) "laggy", or with constant hiccups. This is using AT&T in NYC area. Tried to reset phone - didn't help at all...
And yes, the "cleanup" thingie installed properly and worked properly, though it only cleaned about 400MB and I still have about 4GB of something in "Other" portion which can't be cleaned up...
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Just did a chat with nokia support. They're basically saying it's an issue with just a few phones. I think they fail to realize that the update was just released yesterday, and the majority of their customers haven't updated yet.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I had an issue earlier today with a group message
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Something definitely is not right for me. I am on Edge right now and have never been on Edge before at this location. Most things that require data are running slower for me.

Also, I now show full bars and LTE but I can't access anything that uses data. No messaging, no internet, nothing.

Network signal is no longer stable.

I wonder if by clearing out my temporary files something got cleaned that was not supposed to. Those of you who are or are not having connectivity issues, did you clear your temporary files?

THANK GOD you are having this issue! I had the same issue since the new firmware and kept thinking I screwed up something. Now that you have identical issue, I am sure it's in the firmware because I'm not on AT&T, I'm not even in the USA and I have exactly same issue with new firmware. Probably a front page article is really due!
Not having any data speed issues right now. My battery however is all over the place, sometimes it will jump 10%-15% or more after ten minutes of use. I also discovered a bug. My one and only running background app BATTERY keeps automatically blocking itself, this never happened before 1308.
I took my phone of the charger around noon today. I literally havent even used my phone except for a few texts. The phone has been very warm all day. Nothing is open in the background. It is now 5pm and my battery has dropped to 12%. What gives Nokia? Screw you! Cool fixes in the update though. Raped my battery though. Classic update. This is something you are going to have to constanly worry about it seems, especially with the 920.

I didnt notice this yesterday though and could be related to the 8 Nokia HERE updates that I got this morning...
Having intermittent issues with data. LTE switches to edge and back. Loss of data at some places that I used to get data. Only happened after update. I know others are having my same issues. Hope they release an update to update this buggy update. BTW, this update seem to fix my sleep of death issue.
I'm having similar problems. LTE used to be great. Now it drops all the time.
I took my phone of the charger around noon today. I literally havent even used my phone except for a few texts. The phone has been very warm all day. Nothing is open in the background. It is now 5pm and my battery has dropped to 12%. What gives Nokia? Screw you! Cool fixes in the update though. Raped my battery though. Classic update. This is something you are going to have to constanly worry about it seems, especially with the 920.

I didnt notice this yesterday though and could be related to the 8 Nokia HERE updates that I got this morning...

Whenever my phone starts to get warm for no reason, I always shut it off and then turn it back on after a minute or two. Always solves the issue for me
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Dallas TX here. Having the same issue. No problems before the firmware upgrade. Now intermittent connectivity issues.

Miami, FL. Same issue. Switching back to Nexus 4 until issue is resolved. No data is useless with this phone.
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