AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

been having the same issues after updating yesterday, keeps going between no service, 4G and LTE, even on LTE the store and other apps cant connect to data. and my battery is draining way fast because of it. im in Boston, trying to tweet with nokia about it...

I am in Boston too. Nokia Care US just tweeted back to me stating I should get a new SIM card. Not sure if that will help but I will go to the ATT store tomorrow.
The GPS locates me fine when I'm in a map app, but after I exit maps, it'll default back to NY after a few hours. Problem with this is that I have my weather live tile and lock screen set to the current GPS location. So it'll think I'm in NY unless I go into HERE Maps and then go into my weather app.
@NokiaCareUS suggested that I uninstall and re-install the Maps app. I did that and I am happy to report that my GPS seems to be working fine. I can restart the device, turn GPS on, go to Scout and it displays nearby restaurants. No need to open Here Maps first. Folks having GPS issues, try uninstalling and re-installing Here Maps, and make sure all your maps are up-to-date.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I am also having this problem. Data on my phone is almost unusable after updating. I reported it via Nokia Care live chat. Their only advice was a hard reset. It may, but I don't feel confident that will work. I had amazing reception and speed before the problem. Wasn't sure if it was perhaps an APN issue caused from the update. I installed Access Point, but none of the options solved the problem. It will work great for a minute, then just die. Works after a soft reset, then dies a few mins later. Then might come back a few minutes after that. I have reception and it says LTE even when the data is dead. I'm in Detroit, but it seems this is not a network problem based on the other locations people are reporting. This is very frustrating.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

No issue here. Its been great since the update.
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Then please explain to me what you would call something that doesn't do what it used to (should) do after a software update because clearly you have more knowledge than any of us. And I'm still calling it a bug because if I want my volume at 30 when I turn off the phone, I expect it at 30 when I turn it back on.

We are all friends here no need to take offence at a difference in opinion. The fact however is that this is not what one would classify as a bug. Like it or not it is a feature of this firmware. Just so we are all on the same page maybe we can call it a bad addition to the upgrade. I guess what I am trying to say is this, to be classified as a bug it has to be an unintentional consequence. This is a feature of the OS good or bad.
@NokiaCareUS suggested that I uninstall and re-install the Maps app. I did that and I am happy to report that my GPS seems to be working fine. I can restart the device, turn GPS on, go to Scout and it displays nearby restaurants. No need to open Here Maps first. Folks having GPS issues, try uninstalling and re-installing Here Maps, and make sure all your maps are up-to-date.

Do not think this is working for me, I will remove all here apps and do a reset and see if that works.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

This is what Nokia Care US suggested:
"Make sure all backgroun task are off: also try turning on airplane mode, then turn off, then take out SIM card, than put SIM card back in, reboot, then turn off AP mode" tried it didnt work for me, but go ahead and give it a try i guess.
Has anyone else noticed better battery life after the update? I haven't ever had bad battery life before my battery would usually be around 60% by this time in the day but today I am still at 87% that's way better than before the update. It's just the first day so maybe its too early to tell just thought I would bring it up.

My battery life has greatly improved. Normally, I would be at 75-78% at this point in the day (fresh off the charger at 5:00AM). I am currently at 91%.

No dropped calls or issues with the proximity sensor, which is good because I never had any before.

Phone signal meter used to say 4G (no LTE in my area-boo!) and drop the "4G" constantly. Data was painfully slow. Now, even in area with crappy signal my data is faster and more consistent.

Pandora, Nokia Music, Xbox Music and other steaming like MetroTube work without any problems.

Storage Check now appears in Settings. For the impatient, give it a bit as the circle keeps turning for awhile. I also cleared out 1.9 gigs in Other Storage so that was nice.

Photos appear a bit sharper. Will have to test it out a bit more, but I have noticed a slight improvement in normal-lighting conditions.

Startup is a bit faster and as others noted, the AT&T and Nokia screens are reversed.

So far, I'm really happy with how everything is running.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

In Queens, NYC and haven't had intermittent issues at work. Actually, speeds are faster now. The weird thing is, today while driving, Pandora skipped a lot and that never happened before the update.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Did a hard reset - no improvement. Had to try 3 times to connect to my MS Account. Apps keep failing to download. This is messed up.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

This is what Nokia Care US suggested:
"Make sure all backgroun task are off: also try turning on airplane mode, then turn off, then take out SIM card, than put SIM card back in, reboot, then turn off AP mode" tried it didnt work for me, but go ahead and give it a try i guess.

told me the same thing, tried it, don't think it worked :-/
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Did a hard reset - no improvement. Had to try 3 times to connect to my MS Account. Apps keep failing to download. This is messed up.

Does a hard reset remove the firm upgrade? probably not since you are still having problems, I hope to find a solution, this is annoying.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Something definitely is not right. I am on Edge right now and have never been on Edge before at this location. Most things that require data are running slower for me. Also, even though I show 4G and full bars at the moment I can't access anything that uses data. No messaging, no internet, nothing.

I wonder if by clearing out my temporary files something got cleaned that was not supposed to. Those of you who are or are not having connectivity issues, did you clear your temporary files?
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Something definitely is not right. I am on Edge right now and have never been on Edge before at this location. Most things that require data are running slower for me. Also, even though I show 4G and full bars at the moment I can't access anything that uses data. No messaging, no internet, nothing.

I wonder if by clearing out my temporary files something got cleaned that was not supposed to. Those of you who are or are not having connectivity issues, did you clear your temporary files?

Yes I did clear my temporary files.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Ok so I just left work and am at the train station. Now I had full bars and LTE and my phone is running great.

Before the firmware upgrade I also had great LTE at my office buy now nothing. Could the firmware have change then power of the LTE antenna and when I am at my office I am just not close enough to a tower now? I know nothing changed with the towers because colleagues of mine on att in the same office state they are having no issues with their non Lumia devices.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Ok so I just left work and am at the train station. Now I had full bars and LTE and my phone is running great.

Before the firmware upgrade I also had great LTE at my office buy now nothing. Could the firmware have change then power of the LTE antenna and when I am at my office I am just not close enough to a tower now? I know nothing changed with the towers because colleagues of mine on att in the same office state they are having no issues with their non Lumia devices.

I actually noticed this, too. Perhaps a power optimization gone wrong? Less than full LTE results in almost no data connection. Full bars things seem okay.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Well, my phone now shows full bars and LTE but data is not working at all. Can't do anything that requires data even though phone shows it is connected.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I'm having post firmware upgrade issues here in Los Angeles.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I actually noticed this, too. Perhaps a power optimization gone wrong? Less than full LTE results in almost no data connection. Full bars things seem okay.

Im still in the office, Ill check once I get home, this is gonna suck if I cant use my cell phone plan at work. the iPhone i previously had didnt not get reception here on 3G so I always used EDGE, the fact that lumia doesnt have the ability to change is gonna hurt even more. prior to firmware update, I had no loss of data full LTE and I loved it :/

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