AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Just did a speed test. Before the update I was getting 10.00Mbps right now I'm getting between 0.62. and 2.62 Mbps. On top of that my battery went from 92% before the speed test to 87% that's 5% in about 30 seconds. I've never been happy with my 920, and now it's worse than ever 24 hours after 1308. WTG Nokia!! I have a $500 POS lol.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I have not had a problem, but I have only been running it for a day.
I love my new battery life. It's even better than before and that was great..... NOT.

When I first got the 920 the battery life was astounding. Then after a month or two the battery life came back to earth (last a whole day but no more). After portico the battery life stayed about the same and it was tolerable. After yesterdays update I get about 7 hours of life. Wtf....
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

having tons of issues all day today. missed calls, intermittent data issues, total mess. albuquerque, nm.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

No problems here in DC
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Seeing the problem exists with good reception, too. My battery has gone from 100% to about 10% in five hours.
It looks like it's better to pass on this firmware update, unless one has many issues and thinks "how much worse can it get".
I only have issues with the screen flickering in dim light, and this firmware does not seem to fix it. Will likely disregard it when it hits Rogers.
It looks like it's better to pass on this firmware update, unless one has many issues and thinks "how much worse can it get".
I only have issues with the screen flickering in dim light, and this firmware does not seem to fix it. Will likely disregard it when it hits Rogers.

I disagree a very few are experiencing issues. The update is well worth the risk. Chances you will have issues is very small.

I am one who is very happy with the update. I have had better battery life and no issues none at all. The memory
cleaner cleared almost 2 gb of storage for me.
I just received my new 920 today and it prompted me to update after getting all the initial settings and sign-ins done. Same for my wife's 920. However, neither of us have the Storage Check option in our settings page? How do I know if I got the right update? TIA
I just received my new 920 today and it prompted me to update after getting all the initial settings and sign-ins done. Same for my wife's 920. However, neither of us have the Storage Check option in our settings page? How do I know if I got the right update? TIA

Check for updates again. They go in order there have been 2 updates to the L920. Maybe you just loaded the Portico update.
My phone has good battery life (my first phone sucked though), and I have plenty of disk space. I will stick with "if ain't broken don't fix it" unless I learn about some notable feature.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I had an issue earlier today, my phone had no service(which has never happened here).
I held my phone by the windows for a while thinking it would find a cell tower, but it never would.
I went into settings thinking maybe airplane mode got turned on somehow, but it wasn't.
Under Cellular, it said "no networks found".

I rebooted and service was restored... I hope this is just a fluke (like local tower issues) and not related to the update yesterday.
My signal has seemed quite weak since the update, often times only having a single bar at home which isn't normal.
Thanks. After my phone got down to like 5% i put turned it off then put it on my wireless charger. Battery is back to normal I think.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Still very problematic here in Chicago. I was the second poster.

I have since run speed test with wireless off and found my data is about 1/8th what it used to be.

Also had a while where calls wouldn't come through at all even though showing full LTE. I would use my home phone to call and it went to voice mail every time. Rebooted and its been ok since as far as I know... But I don't get a lot of calls.

Definitely some major reception issues. I hope they will fix and release another update.
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Im on ATT locked lumia 920 and I cant seem to upgrade. I've been pressing the check for upgrade for like an hour and no go? Any thoughts on this..
I just received my new 920 today and it prompted me to update after getting all the initial settings and sign-ins done. Same for my wife's 920. However, neither of us have the Storage Check option in our settings page? How do I know if I got the right update? TIA

I updated mine as well and do NOT have storage check on mine either. I have no idea why it was not installed. And yes, i did the portico update a long time ago when it first released, and my current firmware reads that it is the 1308 version. So I have no idea .
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

use the links/QR codes for the extras+info update. It should be here on Wpcentral or wmpoweruser.

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