you'll need to check Nokia's latest extras+info update. It should be version. I got mine after I installed the update after the firmware update.
Has anyone here had any issues with data connectivity after the update? I'm in Atlanta, and for whatever reason, I'm not getting any data connection in areas where I used to have no problem at all connecting.
my GPS is now locating me correctly. It was reporting that I was somewhere close to NY last night. And I noticed that when it was incorrectly locating me, the circular marker in Here Maps (that shows your location on the map) was grayed out. However, this morning when it started locating me correctly the marker was green. Seems to me that last night the GPS wasn't able to get a lock onto the satellites or something. Are you guys still seeing GPS issues?
The GPS locates me fine when I'm in a map app, but after I exit maps, it'll default back to NY after a few hours. Problem with this is that I have my weather live tile and lock screen set to the current GPS location. So it'll think I'm in NY unless I go into HERE Maps and then go into my weather app.
Yes, i was yesterday for most of the day after the update in california. Seems to be ok now today after trying a little.
Problem is no, i have a battery drain issue. NOt sure if its lockwidget or not, but not liking this drain.
OK so I updated OTA and even tried to manually update all the Nokia Apps by scanning QR codes online someone posted and I am running the 1308 firmware. HOWEVER, I do NOT have the Storage Check app. This is very frustrating. Does anyone have a link or address i can go to on my phone do a manual update/install? or would a soft reset fix it?
It is NOT an app. It is an option (most likely the last option) under Settings.
@NokiaCareUS just replied to my tweet and said that the volume defaulting to 19/30 upon restart is not a bug. It is by design. They say that if your phone's volume was anything below 19 before restarting, the phone should have that same volume level after restarting, but the phone will not start up with a volume higher than 19.
Too bad I don't remember the behavior from before the firmware update.
You are right. I just restarted my phone, turned on GPS, clicked on Search and then on Scout. It didn't bring up a list of nearby restaurants in the eat+drink section. Instead, it said "No location information. Maps can't find your location right now. Try again later."The GPS locates me fine when I'm in a map app, but after I exit maps, it'll default back to NY after a few hours. Problem with this is that I have my weather live tile and lock screen set to the current GPS location. So it'll think I'm in NY unless I go into HERE Maps and then go into my weather app.