AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

I can't explain the -1 decrease in volume, thought on a soft reset I tend to hit the vol dn before the power so that accounts for a minor decrease there.

Its not a -1 decrease in volume. It always goes to 19/30 after you restart. I have mine set at 25/30 and after a restart it was at 19/30. Also, we never said we were soft resetting the phone. A simple power down and power up is causing this problem. So there's no question of hitting the vol down button in the process.
ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Since I did the update yesterday, I've been having problems with many of my apps being unable to connect to a network. Also, it seems to drop connectivity to the cellular network where I had no problems before. I text a lot, and for the first time, I'm getting the "Can't send message. Try Again" error when sending texts.

I would also like to note that when I'm in my apt, I have full WiFi connectivity, yet the apps still say they cannot connect to a network at times. MyFitness Pal is he first one I noticed doing this.
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Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

I am definitely having issues with calls. I used to have solid LTE 100% if the time. Now when a call comes in it often drops to 3G, and even "E" once... I assume this is Edge.

Haven't noticed data issues though.
I am not denying there is a bug or that it may annoy some people (haven't checked myself since I haven't had the need for a restart)... But just how often do you need to restart your phone or power it down and then back up?
I am not denying there is a bug or that it may annoy some people (haven't checked myself since I haven't had the need for a restart)... But just how often do you need to restart your phone or power it down and then back up?
So we shouldn't report problems because they are minor??
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

you'll need to check Nokia's latest extras+info update. It should be version. I got mine after I installed the update after the firmware update.
After the update, getting 22.64Mbps Down and 12.42MBPS Up. That's while sitting in the RenCe/GM Bldg in Detroit, MI directly across the river from Windsor Ontario, Canada. I have to say, I am always amazed at the "bugs" people report after an update. Never had a single one myself. And I am a person who downloads and tries alot of software.

The GPS is a known glitch, especially with AT&T. I show as being in Hoboken today, though I am in Detroit as previously mentioned. I can't explain the -1 decrease in volume, thought on a soft reset I tend to hit the vol dn before the power so that accounts for a minor decrease there. After loading stuff, I always reset. Kind of like rebooting windows after a program install.

Maybe MS should have taken the same approach as apple and come out with a one single model of phone. Imagine if they had done that with PCs??? It would have been a very boring PC world.

Just before the update, my GPS moved me from prior Potomac river to somewhere close to Long island Expressway. Most times, am on LTE/4G not wi-fi. So can't say if this error was due to the firmware update.
After the update, I've noticed to 2 bugs. I always leave my volume at 20/30 and when I turn off and turn my phone back on, it always changes my volume to 19/30. Also, after a restart, it always changes my GPS location to Long Island City, NY. Anyone else notice this?

It started appearing just before the update too. Not sure if Long Islanding is due to the firmware update.
I'm on the east coast with At&T and my 920. Did the 1308 update and I do not have the storage check app. Has anyone had this issue?

It started appearing just before the update too. Not sure if Long Islanding is due to the firmware update.
my GPS is now locating me correctly. It was reporting that I was somewhere close to NY last night. And I noticed that when it was incorrectly locating me, the circular marker in Here Maps (that shows your location on the map) was grayed out. However, this morning when it started locating me correctly the marker was green. Seems to me that last night the GPS wasn't able to get a lock onto the satellites or something. Are you guys still seeing GPS issues?
After successful firmware update experienced a crash & restart when trying to Share a picture just took with camera.
Seems like my GPS/Battery issue is fixed. It used to be quite reliable problem: 1) Use any app that used GPS, 2) Exit app (and all apps that use GPS), 3) Battery drained in few hours. It appeared that once turned on, GPS would not turn off and battery would drain quickly until I did a power cycle (off/on) to turn off GPS.

To test this after the upgrade last evening, I used Nokia Drive for the commute to work, then exited the app. No power cycle done today, and my battery is still >90% 5 hours later! Thanks <ATT | Nokia | whoever>!
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Havent noticed that on mine after the update and here where I live we just got LTE turned on yesterday afternoon
Has anyone here had any issues with data connectivity after the update? I'm in Atlanta, and for whatever reason, I'm not getting any data connection in areas where I used to have no problem at all connecting.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

YES! My signal issues are horrible today. I'm lucky if I even have a signal and battery life is getting killed from it.

Also text messages keep reporting that they're failing but people are reporting getting multiples.
Re: ATT 920 Users- anyone else having connectivity issues after the 1308 update?

Oh yeah. I am in Boston and am constantly getting NO signal at all. I was hoping that it was just a Boston outage or something but now I am worried it may have something to do with the update.

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