AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

ya. my firmware is: 1232.5957.1308.0001 and STILL NO FREAKING STORAGE CHECK UGH. is it just us to in here with this problem?
Mine didn't show up either at first, then I found there are bunch of updates in Store, so I updated those items, then it showed up!
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Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

ya. my firmware is: 1232.5957.1308.0001 and STILL NO FREAKING STORAGE CHECK UGH. is it just us to in here with this problem?

Are you scrolling all the way to the bottom of the list in settings? Storage checker is its own thing
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

After update, I have 4 bars LTE and no data. Rebooted and soft reset. No solution. I am at home so using WiFi. Switched SIM to my Nexus 4 and all is fine. Hate to do factory reset but if can't get data at work, then I'll bite the bullet. Anyone else with similar issues? I am in downtown Miami, FL. I hope it is an issue with LTE on my tower.
Updated earlier, happy that my display and proximity have greatly improved. Storage Checker is nice but what happened to the display color options that people were talking about?
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

This whole carrier thing is stupid :( I have a free and unlocked phone. Why can't I just get the latest updates?
There may 2 main reasons:
1. Number of carrier users > Number of unlocked phone users.
2. IF carrier users get updates earlier,a percentage of unlocked phone users may be tempted to go for carrier phone option next time instead of unlocked.
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

got the update, downloaded it, still i see no updates. Dont have storage tool or anything. Any suggestions why?
Updated today and I've been running the update through the ringer. Photos look a bit better, but not as crisp as I'd like. Even when viewed through HD Photo Viewer.

Storage update freed 5GB on my phone. Fantastic.

I haven't experience the black screen proximity sensor bug yet. If this stays fixed, I will be forever grateful.

Connection jumped from 4G, E, and LTE all day until this evening. Now I've had a constant LTE connection for about five hours now. Speeds don't seem slower anymore. Time will tell on that one.

Phone boots up much faster. I think this solidifies it for me. I don't care who else makes a Windows Phone. I'm only buying Nokia from here on out. Class act.
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

ya. my firmware is: 1232.5957.1308.0001 and STILL NO FREAKING STORAGE CHECK UGH. is it just us to in here with this problem?
Storage checker never showed up for me either after download. Did yours yet??
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Are you scrolling all the way to the bottom of the list in settings? Storage checker is its own thing

yes sir. nothing. i even tried to search for an update but no new updates available. it's a little odd.
Phone boots up much faster. I think this solidifies it for me. I don't care who else makes a Windows Phone. I'm only buying Nokia from here on out. Class act.

Totally agree. I might even go so far at this point to say that I don't care who else makes a phone at all, but we'll see how WP does in the coming year :)
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Storage checker never showed up for me either after download. Did yours yet??

nope. i even tried to search for a new update but nothing. no idea what's going on. do you have a valid ATT sim card?
Got problem on the storage check, kept running, won't stop. Any one else has the same problem. Any idea?????
I never had battery issues but I was at 50% at the end of the update and it drained within an hour. Anyone else getting this?
If Storage Checker isn't appearing in your settings menu try going into Phone Storage first. After I updated I didn't have the checker option either, so I went into the old phone storage menu and looked at my storage sizes there; when I backed out again the checker option appeared.

No guarantees, but that's how it was for me.
Updated earlier, happy that my display and proximity have greatly improved. Storage Checker is nice but what happened to the display color options that people were talking about?

I believe that feature will be included in a Nokia app update at some point. I think that's what I read.

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