AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Does anyone know if a full flash of 1308 fixes the LTE problem? Wasn't sure if this has been determined to be a problem that stems from the OTA update process or the firmware release itself. I'd love to stay at 1308 if it's possible. But will have to flash back to the previous version if the problem is fundamental to the firmware version. I need my phone to be usable.
Reflashing with "Fix for bricked 920's after reset" in the stickies restored LTE. Got my 920 back to life. It appears to be a faulty OTA update is causing the problems. Good luck!
Did you flash back to a previous version, or did you just do a clean install of the 1308 firmware?

Reflashing with "Fix for bricked 920's after reset" in the stickies restored LTE. Got my 920 back to life. It appears to be a faulty OTA update is causing the problems. Good luck!
As has been asked by Jeff, I too would like to know if you flashed to the 1308 FW or an earlier version for the fix. Please let us know when you get the chance!

Reflashing with "Fix for bricked 920's after reset" in the stickies restored LTE. Got my 920 back to life. It appears to be a faulty OTA update is causing the problems. Good luck!
Reflashing with "Fix for bricked 920's after reset" in the stickies restored LTE. Got my 920 back to life. It appears to be a faulty OTA update is causing the problems. Good luck!

I flashed mine (multiple times) and im still having the same issue. maybe this can be fixed with a network+ update, but its really annoying not being able to receive calls or txt when the phone is dormant.
I think it is a faulty update that may be the issue. Try using Nokia updater for retail. It will erase the phone and reflash it. This solved all my issues.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express

this is what I used to flash my phone when the firmware came out and im still having issues.
Does anyone know if a full flash of 1308 fixes the LTE problem? Wasn't sure if this has been determined to be a problem that stems from the OTA update process or the firmware release itself. I'd love to stay at 1308 if it's possible. But will have to flash back to the previous version if the problem is fundamental to the firmware version. I need my phone to be usable.
Mine was a full flash and I swear on occasion I have connectivity issues. Hard to confirm though, since often it's not a 100% failure (though sometimes it is). So no, I don't subscribe to the idea that this is an OTA error but rather something with the radio settings and/or Access Point.
Mine was a full flash and I swear on occasion I have connectivity issues. Hard to confirm though, since often it's not a 100% failure (though sometimes it is). So no, I don't subscribe to the idea that this is an OTA error but rather something with the radio settings and/or Access Point.

This may sound unfair, and I apologize, but I am somewhat glad that someone so high up in WP Central is having similar issues. It confirms that I am not crazy and maybe we will get updates and a resolution sooner.
I haven't noticed any of these issues with my white NL 920 on ATT since the update and right after the update we got LTE in my area and battery life is great even with light theme.
I flashed mine (multiple times) and im still having the same issue. maybe this can be fixed with a network+ update, but its really annoying not being able to receive calls or txt when the phone is dormant.

I only had issues with data when on LTE. Voice and text were in working order.
I have so many problems after the update, first it forced master reset itself which went for 5 hours ( stuck on gear thing) after that, most of the things are gone specially in market, I cant find here drive + or download it. I cant even download it via push notification. calls are droping & no texts. NOKIA Plz do somethinggggggggggg
AT&T contacted me about the issue, Nokia said they don't know of any problems with the update. Honestly I'm not all that surprised. I suggest anyone with problems should contact AT&T and or Nokia.
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Ended up just going to my att device center and doing an exchange. They couldn't find the issue in their system, and since Nokia still hasn't really admitted to the problem yet, there's no point in waiting. If the only solution is to revert back to the old firmware and resetting your phone, might as well exchange the old one for another one. Old one had a scratch anyway ;)
There is a feedback for Nokia in settings of phone where you can write some details about a current problem as well as your own e-mail address too, even to ask them to contact you ... is it a good idea to let Nokia know more about this problem ? - it might help them to fix it, sooner ...

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