So, if I read things right, there is STILL no patch or fix to resolve the 1308 firmware update issues myself and tons of others have been reporting since last week? Just to provide a quick update on my challenges. I tried to get the issue with my phone resolved by going to a device support center last weekend, no luck with that. Next I waited till this past Monday to get Nokia on the phone and with that came another problem, they advised me to do a reset of the phone, this didn't do anything but cause the device to 'hang' in the reset mode indefinitely, it is still in reset mode a full 24 hours later. When nokia and the AT&T rep on the phone with me got tired of waiting on the reset to complete, we spent around 20 mins waiting. They initiated an order for a replacement device. It went out yesterday and I have it now. I still got a notification to update my phone but have chosen to not do so given the problems I had all weekend with my prior Lumia 920. This is my 3rd Lumia 920.