Same issues here.. AT&T in Minneapolis, MN. - At work and home, I never had less than 3 bars on LTE. Now, I have 1-2 or NO SERVICE AT ALL. Cannot download, stream, or do anything unless I have WIFI, and even then I have problems. Only good thing is that I won't hit my data cap this month
I spent an hour with customer support for Nokia. They didn't acknowledge that it is a global issue, or a problem they are aware of. He wants me to reformat my device, I refused. I said that nothing was wrong until I installed 1308. He said that I needed to send my phone in. I said no, and kindly suggested that he inform their engineers, as this is a HUGE problem. He said he would "absolutely do that." Maybe I should tweet nokia.
Voice search has not worked once, since the update.
Pandora hasn't worked once, since the update
I get the seaching ....... for no less than 30 seconds every time I use the web or Bing.